And God Created....
Genesis 1:
Genesis 2:
Genesis 3:
Genesis 4:
Genesis 5:
Genesis 6:
Genesis 7:
Genesis 8:
Genesis 10:
Genesis 11:
Genesis 12:
Genesis 13:
Genesis 14:
Genesis 15:
Genesis 16:
Genesis 17:
Genesis 18:
there is more to genesis 18, left off at verse 19
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes | Day | Good? |
Gen 1:1 | God - | 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | אֱלֹהִ֑ים eאֵ֥ת | ὁ θεὸς | Created the Heavens and the Earth | Day 1 | verse 4 - God saw the light was good |
Gen 1:2 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | θεὸς | The spirit of God hovered over the waters | ||
Gen 1:3 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | and God said let there be light | ||
Gen 1:4 | God - | 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | אֱלֹהִ֑ים eאֵ֥ת | ὁ θεὸς | and God saw the light was good | ||
God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | and God separated the light from the darkness | |||
Gen 1:5 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | And God called the light day and darkness night | ||
Gen 1:6 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | and God said let there be a firmament between the waters | Day 2 | Hebrew doesn't say that it was Good, but Greek does in verse 8. |
Gen 1:7 | God - | 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | אֱלֹהִ֑ים eאֵ֥ת | ὁ θεὸς | and God made the firmament and divided the waters | ||
God | - | - | ὁ θεὸς | and God parted | |||
Gen 1:8 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | and God called the firmament Heaven | ||
God | - | - | ὁ θεὸς | and God beheld that it was good | |||
Gen 1:9 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | and God said let the waters be gathered together and let dry land appear | Day 3 | Good (v10) and Good (v12). |
Gen 1:10 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | and God called the dry land earth and the waters seas | ||
God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | and God saw that it was good | |||
Gen 1:11 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | and God said the the earth yield seed (grass and fruit trees) the dry land earth and the waters seas | ||
Gen 1:12 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | and God saw that it was good (in the greek, this portion is actually in verse 13, in Hebrew it is in verse 12) | ||
Gen 1:14 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | God said let there be lights in the heavens | Day 4 | Good (v18). |
Gen 1:16 | God - | 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | אֱלֹהִ֑ים eאֵ֥ת | ὁ θεὸς | and God made the two great lights | ||
Gen 1:17 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | God set them in the firmament - though in the Greek it still has both parts, it is not together like it is everywhere else | ||
Gen 1:18 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | and God saw that it was good | ||
Gen 1:20 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | God said let the waters and skies fill with creatures | Day 5 | Good (v18). |
Gen 1:21 | God - | 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | אֱלֹהִ֑ים eאֵ֥ת | ὁ θεὸς | and God created the sea creatures and the birds | ||
God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | God saw that it was good | |||
Gen 1:22 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | and God blessed them to be fruitful and multiply - though in the Greek it still has both parts, it is not together like it is everywhere else | ||
Gen 1:24 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | God said let the waters and skies fill with creatures | Day 6 | Good (v25) and very good (v31). |
Gen 1:25 | God - | 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | אֱלֹהִ֑ים eאֵ֥ת | ὁ θεὸς | and God created the land creatures | ||
God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | God saw that it was good | |||
Gen 1:26 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | God said let us make man in our image to have dominion over the earth | ||
Gen 1:27 | God - | 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | אֱלֹהִ֑ים eאֵ֥ת | ὁ θεὸς | and God created man | ||
God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | θεὸς | in the image of God he created them (male/female) | |||
Gen 1:28 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | God blessed them | ||
God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | - | God said to them to be fruitful and multiply | |||
Gen 1:29 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | God said i have given you seed bearing plants and fruit trees for food | ||
Gen 1:31 | God - | 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | אֱלֹהִ֑ים eאֵ֥ת | ὁ θεὸς | God saw that all he made was very good | ||
Gen 2:2 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | God ended his work and rested on the 7th day | Day 7 | no reference to good |
Gen 2:3 | God - | 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | אֱלֹהִ֑ים eאֵ֥ת | ὁ θεὸς | rested from all the creation God made | ||
God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | God consecrated the 7th day |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 2:4 | LORD God | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים | θεὸς | This is the account of the heavens and earth in the day God created them. This is one of few times in the greek where it merely says God, and not The God. |
Gen 2:5 | LORD God | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | there were no plants or trees because it hasn't rained yet, and no man worked the ground. |
Gen 2:7 | LORD God - | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים eאֵ֥ת | ὁ θεὸς | The Lord God formed man of the dust of the earth and breathed the breath of life into him |
Gen 2:8 | LORD God | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | The Lord God planted a garden (a paradise in greek) and put man there |
Gen 2:9 | LORD God | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | The Lord God caused all the trees to grow in the garden that were pleasant to the eye and good for food and in the middle were the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil |
Gen 2:15 | LORD God - | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים eאֵ֥ת | ὁ θεὸς | The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden to take care of it. The greek doesn't have these two words collected with a third action verb like it does in most places. this happens a few times. |
Gen 2:16 | LORD God | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | The Lord God commanded man that he can eat of all trees in the garden. |
Gen 2:18 | LORD God | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | The Lord God said it wasn't good for man to be alone, and intended to make him a helper. The greek doesn't have these two words collected with a third action verb like it does in most places. |
Gen 2:19 | LORD God | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | The Lord God formed from the ground all beasts and birds and brought the to Adam to name |
Gen 2:21 | LORD God | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | The Lord God causes a deep sleep (trance; or in greek a change of state) to come over Adam and God took one of his ribs. The greek doesn't have these two words collected with a third action verb like it does in most places. |
Gen 2:22 | LORD God - | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים eאֵ֥ת | ὁ θεὸς | The Lord God formed the rib into a woman and presented her to Adam. The greek doesn't have these two words collected with a third action verb like it does in most places. |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 3:1 | LORD God | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | The serpent was more crafty than the other beasts the Lord God has made. |
God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | The serpent said Has God said that you can't eat from the trees in the garden. Here, the serpent calls God Elohim, and the greek has the two parts separated instead of three words together. | |
Gen 3:3 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | Eve said God said not to eat from the tree in the middle of the garden and do not touch it or you will die. Like the serpent, Eve called God Elohim. |
Gen 3:5 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | the serpent said God knows that if you eat from this tree your eyes will be wide open. |
God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | θεὸς | and you shall be as gods. Notice in greek, there is only one portion of the word... he is not saying "The God" | |
Gen 3:8 | LORD God | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | They heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day . both references to God in this verse is now using that new Greek word: kyriou |
LORD God | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | They hid themselves from the Lord God among the trees of the garden | |
Gen 3:9 | LORD God | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | The Lord God called out to Adam, "Where are you". |
Gen 3:13 | LORD God | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | And the Lord God asked the woman, what did you go. In the greek, we return to using kyriou, but the words are separated and not together in the transliterated version. |
Gen 3:14 | LORD God | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | And the Lord God said to the serpent, you now are cursed above all land animals. You shall crawl on your belly, and eat dust all your days. In the greek, we return to using kyriou, but the words are separated and not together in the transliterated version. |
Gen 3:16 | LORD God | yehôvâh 'ĕlôhı̂ym | יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהִ֑ים | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | And the Lord God said to the serpent, you now are cursed above all land animals. You shall crawl on your belly, and eat dust all your days. In the greek, we return to using kyriou, but the words are separated and not together in the transliterated version. |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 4:1 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | θεὸς | Eve said, after giving birth, that she had received a man from the LORD |
Gen 4:3 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | θεὸς | Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the LORD |
Gen 4:4 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | ὁ θεὸς | Abel also brought the firstborn of his flock, and the fat. The LORD looked favorably on Abel's offering. |
Gen 4:4 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | ὁ θεὸς | Abel also brought the firstborn of his flock, and the fat. The LORD looked favorably on Abel's offering. These are together in the greek. |
Gen 4:6 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | The LORD asked Cain why he was downcast. These are separated in the greek. |
Gen 4:9 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | The LORD asked Cain where Abel was. in the greek, these three words are separated. Interesting that in Gen 3, after Adam and eve sinned and they Hid, the Lord came and asked where they were. And here in Gen 4, after Cain sinned and killed Abel, the Lord came and asked where Abel was. Also, when Adam said Eve gave me the fruit and God said to Eve. what have you done (H6213) but here after Cain answered that he is not Abel's keeper, God said the same thing... what have you done (H6213). This is the same word used when God made the firmament, and the trees, and the lights in the heavens, and the beast on the earth, and then man. |
Gen 4:13 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου | Cain said to the Lord that this is too hard of a punishment |
Gen 4:15 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | The Lord said that anyone who kills Cain will be receive vengeance 7 fold. In the greek, these 3 words are separated.. |
LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | The Lord put a mark on Cain so everyone would know not to kill him. | |
Gen 4:16 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | θεὸς | Cain went out from the presence (face in greek) of the Lord to Nod, east of Eden |
Gen 4:25 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | θεὸς | God appointed me another offspring instead of Abel because Cain killed Abel. In greek, it says God seed another.. sperma.. Back to the hebrew, offspring also means seed. in both cases it is the same word that was used when god created the trees and green plants with seed in them. |
Gen 4:26 | LORD the name | yehôvâh bə·šêm | יְהוָ֤ה בְּשֵׁ֥ם | ὀνόματι κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | And Seth had enosh and people began to all on the name of the Lord. (in the greek, the three words are separate) |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 5:1 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | This is the book of the account of Adam in the day that God created man |
God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | θεὸς | in the likeness and image of God | |
Gen 5:22 | God - | 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֶת־ | ὁ θεὸς | After Methusaleh was born to Enoch, Enoch walked with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters (this is a little different, the hebrew word is 854 not 833 but still has the aleph-tav. 854 means WITH god, 833 means THE God. The hebrew says Enoch walked (h1980) with God, the greek (g2100) says he was well pleasing to God. In the NT, this greek word is only used in the book of Hebrews. First where the author is speaking about Enoch pleasing God (Heb 11:5,6) but also speaking of sacrifices of doing good being pleasing (Heb 13:16). In the OT, it is only used three times also... three in the NT, 3 times in the OT. in the NT, twice referring to this situation with Enoch. In the OT, twice in this section discussing Enoch. The third is in Gen 6:9 when it speaks about Noah being well pleasing in his generation |
Gen 5:24 | God - | 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֶת־ | ὁ θεὸς | After Methusaleh was born to Enoch, Enoch walked with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters (this is a little different, the hebrew word is 854 not 833 but still has the aleph-tav. 854 means WITH god, 833 means THE God. The hebrew says Enoch walked (h1980) with God, the greek (g2100) says he was well pleasing to God. In the NT, this greek word is only used in the book of Hebrews. First where the author is speaking about Enoch pleasing God (Heb 11:5,6) but also speaking of sacrifices of doing good being pleasing (Heb 13:16). In the OT, it is only used three times also... three in the NT, 3 times in the OT. in the NT, twice referring to this situation with Enoch. In the OT, twice in this section discussing Enoch. The third is in Gen 6:9 when it speaks about Noah being well pleasing in his generation |
God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | θεὸς | then God took him (h3947) . in the greek it says God transposed him. (g3346). This greek word is used only 6 times (KJV) in the NT, and 8 verses (9 times) in the OT. | |
Gen 5:29 | God | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | Lamech named his son Noah, saying he will give us comfort (rest) from our hard work since the ground was cursed by God. in the greek these three words are separate. |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 6:2 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | the sons of God looked to the daughters of men and took wives |
Gen 6:3 | God | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | God said his spirit wouldn't continue to judge (or govern, quarrel, plead a cause) with man and that man's life would be 120 years. |
Gen 6:4 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | the nephilim were there then when the sons of God bore children with the daughters of men |
Gen 6:5 | the LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | God saw that man was evil and his thoughts were wicked all the time. |
Gen 6:6 | the LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | ὁ θεὸς | the Lord regretted making man. |
Gen 6:7 | the LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | ὁ θεὸς | the Lord said he would wipe man , birds, and animals from the earth because he was sorry he made them. |
Gen 6:8 | the LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | But Noah found grace (favor) from the Lord |
Gen 6:9 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | Noah walked with God (the greek says he "was well-pleasing") |
Gen 6:11 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | The earth was corrupt and filled with violence before God |
Gen 6:12 | God - | 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | אֱלֹהִ֑ים eאֵ֥ת | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | God saw the earth was corrupt and all flesh |
Gen 6:13 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | God told Noah the earth was to be destroyed for the corruption is so great |
Gen 6:22 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | Noah did all that God commanded him |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 7:1 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | ὁ θεὸς | the sons of God looked to the daughters of men and took wives |
Gen 7:5 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | and Noah did all the Lord commanded |
Gen 7:9 | God - | 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | אֱלֹהִ֑ים eאֵ֥ת | ὁ θεὸς | as God commanded Noah |
Gen 7:16 | - God | ’êṯ 'ĕlôhı̂ym | eאֵ֥ת אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | All flesh entered the Ark as God commanded (greek-gave charge) |
LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | and the LORD shut them in (greek - locked the door from the outside) |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 8:1 | God - | 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ | אֱלֹהִ֑ים eאֵ֥ת | ὁ θεὸς | God rembered Noah and all those on the ark |
God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | ὁ θεὸς | God caused a wind to blow on the earth and the waters subsided | |
Gen 8:15 | God | 'ĕlôhı̂ym | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | as God spoke unto Noah |
Gen 8:20 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | ὁ θεὸς | Noah built an alter to the Lord and offered burnt offerings of every kind of clean animal |
Gen 8:21 | LORD - | yehôvâh ’êṯ | יְהוָ֤ה eאֵ֥ת | θεὸς | and the LORD smelled the pleasing aroma |
LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | and the LORD said to himself he would never curse the earth again |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 10:9 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου ὁ θεὸς | Nimrod was said to be a mighty hunter before the Lord (stated twice in this verse) |
LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 11:5 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου | The Lord came down to see the city and tower they were building |
Gen 11:6 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου | The Lord said if in one language they can do this, then nothing will be impossible for them |
Gen 11:8 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου | The Lord scattered them across the earth and they stopped building the city. |
Gen 11:9 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου | the Lord confused their language |
LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου | the Lord scattered them across the earth |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 12:1 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου | The Lord told Abram to leave his family and go to a place he would show him. |
Gen 12:4 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου | Abram left as The Lord told him. |
Gen 12:7 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου | Abram passed through the land, at Shechem at the oak tree (terebinth). The LORD appeared to him and said he gave this land to Abram and his descendants. |
LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου | Abram built an alter to the Lord who appeared to him | |
Gen 12:8 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου | Abram built an alter in Bethel to the Lord and called upon the name of the Lord |
LORD the name | yehôvâh bə·šêm | יְהוָ֤ה בְּשֵׁ֥ם | ὀνόματι κυρίου | Abram called upon the name of the Lord | |
Gen 12:17 | LORD - | yehôvâh ’êṯ | יְהוָ֤ה eאֵ֥ת | ἐσώτερος ὁ θεὸς | The Lord plagued Pharoah and his household on account of Sarai. The greek actually included a word "the veil" #2082, need to look into this |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 13:4 | LORD the name | yehôvâh bə·šêm | יְהוָ֤ה בְּשֵׁ֥ם | ὀνόματι κυρίου | Abram left Egypt and returned to the alter he built between Bethel and Ai and there he called upon the name of the Lord |
Gen 13:10 | LORD - | yehôvâh ’êṯ | יְהוָ֤ה eאֵ֥ת | ὁ θεὸς | before the Lord Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah |
LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | θεὸς | the land was well watered like the garden of God (greek) (the Lord in Hebrew) | |
Gen 13:13 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | ὁ θεὸς | the people of Sodom and Gomorrah were exceedingly sinned against the Lord greatly |
Gen 13:14 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | θεὸς | the Lord said to Abram, (repeat of promise for the land) |
Gen 13:14 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | θεὸς | the Lord said to Abram, (repeat of promise for the land) |
Gen 13:18 | LORD | yehôvâh | יְהוָ֤ה | κυρίου | Abram went back to the alter in Mamre where he built an alter to the Lord |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 14:18 | God Most High | 'êl ‛elyôn | אֵל עֶלְיוֹן | θεός τοῦ ὑψίστου. | Melchizedek, priest of God Most High |
Gen 14:19 | God Most High possesor of heaven and earth | 'êl ‛elyôn | אֵל עֶלְיוֹן | θεός τοῦ ὑψίστου. | Blessed be Abram of God Most High |
Gen 14:20 | God Most High | 'êl ‛elyôn | אֵל עֶלְיוֹן | θεός τοῦ ὑψίστου. | and Blessed be Most High |
Gen 14:22 | Yahweh God Most High possesor of heaven and earth | 'êl ‛elyôn | אֵל עֶלְיוֹן | θεός tēn θεός ὑψίστου. | Abram lifted up his hand to God Most High, creator of heaven and earth, that he would not take anything |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 15:1 | The Word of Lord | Yah·weh ḏə·ḇar- | דְבַר־ יְהוָה֙ | ῥήματα κυρίου | The word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision... |
I am your Sheild , your reward | mā·ḡên śə·ḵā·rə·ḵā | מָגֵ֣ן שְׂכָרְךָ֖ | ὑπερασπίζω μισθός | I am your shield, your great reward | |
Gen 15:2 | Lord God | ’ă·ḏō·nāy Yah·weh | אֲדֹנָ֤י יֱהוִה֙ | δέσποτα κυρίου | Abram said "Lord God, what can you give me since i have no heir. (note the strongs for this one is different from the Strongs of the Yahweh of the last verse - strongs said this one is the one used when combining with the word Lord). The Greek says Master O' Lord |
Gen 15:4 | The Word of Lord | Yah·weh ḏə·ḇar- | דְבַר־ יְהוָה֙ | φωνὴ κυρίου | The word of the Lord came .. in the greek it says the voice of the lord for this one. Oddly the transliterated word in the greek for voice here is phone. |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 16:2 | Lord | Yah·weh | יְהוָה֙ | κυρίου | Sarai told Abram the Lord kept her from having children, closed up her womb |
Gen 16:5 | Lord Judge | Yah·weh yiš·pōṭ | יְהוָה֙ יִשְׁפֹּ֥ט | κρίναι τὴν θεὸς | After giving Hagar to Abram, Hagar despised Sarai. Sarai said May God Judge between me and you. |
Gen 16:7 | The Angel of the Lord | Yah·weh mal·’aḵ | מַלְאַ֧ךְ יְהוָה֙ | ἄγγελος κυρίου | The Angel of the Lord found Hagar in the wilderness |
Gen 16:9 | to her i will multiply?? The Angel of the Lord | Yah·weh mal·’aḵ lāh | לָהּ֙ מַלְאַ֧ךְ יְהוָה֙ | ἄγγελος κυρίου | The Angel of the Lord said to return and submit to Sarai |
Gen 16:9 | to her i will multiply?? The Angel of the Lord | Yah·weh mal·’aḵ lāh | לָהּ֙ מַלְאַ֧ךְ יְהוָה֙ | ὁ ἄγγελος κυρίου | The Angel of the Lord said to return and submit to Sarai |
Gen 16:10 | to her The Angel of the Lord | Yah·weh mal·’aḵ lāh | לָהּ֙ מַלְאַ֧ךְ יְהוָה֙ | ὁ ἄγγελος κυρίου | The Angel of the Lord said I will multiply your seed, your descendants will be too many to be counted |
Gen 16:11 | to her The Angel of the Lord | Yah·weh mal·’aḵ lāh | לָהּ֙ מַלְאַ֧ךְ יְהוָה֙ | ὁ ἄγγελος κυρίου | The Angel of the Lord said you shall give birth and name him Ishmael |
Lord of has heard your affliction | šā·ma‘ Yah·weh ’el- ‘ā·nə·yêḵ | יְהוָה֙ שָׁמַ֥ע אֶל־ עָנְיֵֽךְ׃ | ὁ ἐπήκουσεν κυρίου ταπεινώσει | because the Lord has heard your affliction (humiliation in greek translation) | |
Gen 16:13 | Lord | Yah·weh | יְהוָה֙ | κυρίου | she called the name of the Lord that spoke to her |
you God See | ro·’î; ’êl š’at·tāh | אַתָּ֖ה אֵ֣ל רֳאִ֑י | θεὸς τὸ ἐπιδών με· | She called him "God who sees me" |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 17:1 | Lord | Yah·weh | יְהוָה֙ | κυρίου | The LORD appeared to Abram when Abram was 99 |
I am God Almighty | ’ă·nî- ’êl šad·day, | אֲנִי־ אֵ֣ל שַׁדַּ֔י | ἐγώ θεὸς | From God's own mouth, He told Abram that he is "Almighty God" - El Shaddai, The Almighty of God - most powerful |
Book Chapter Verse |
English | transliterated | Hebrew | Greek | Notes |
Gen 18:1 | Lord | Yah·weh | יְהוָה֙ | θεὸς | The LORD appeared to Abram with two angel to Abram at his tent by the oaks in Mamre (when Abram was likely still 99) |
Gen 18:3 | Lord | ’ă·ḏō·nāy | אֲדֹנָ֗י | κυρίου | Abram said "my Lord" please stay and let me serve you (essentially). This is the same word (both in the greek and hebrew) used by Sarai in verse 12 when speaking of Abram. |
Gen 18:13 | Lord | Yah·weh | יְהוָה֙ | κυρίου | The LORD said why did Sarah Laugh |
Gen 18:14 | Lord | Yah·weh | יְהוָה֙ | κυρίου | The LORD said is anything to difficult for the Lord |
Gen 18:17 | Lord | Yah·weh | יְהוָה֙ | κυρίου | The LORD said shall i hide from Abraham what i am about to do |
Gen 18:19 | Lord | Yah·weh | יְהוָה֙ | κυρίου | his household shall keep the way of the LORD (keep the way is the same two words used in Genesis 3 for guarding the way to the tree of life, also the same words when Jacob saw the ladder to heaven, and he said if God will keep me in his way, and give me bread and clothes, he will be my god |
Lord | Yah·weh | יְהוָה֙ | κυρίου | so The LORD may bring on him what has been promised |
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