
Showing posts from June 18, 2017

It's All About Love

My quiet time has been lacking lately, as i have allowed work to penetrate my time alone with God.  I pray that I don't do that again as it leaves me disconnected with HIM who loves me and leads me each moment of each day, if i am able to drop the veil that keeps me from HIM.   Letting the daily grind of life overwhelm me takes my mind and spirit captive, and often makes me forget the loving God who is there moment by moment showing me and guiding me.  Lord, never let it be so, never let me be separated spiritually from you for even a second. The busyness of daily life can easily distract us from the voice of God, the nudges and prompts that HE gives to guide us, teach us, show us, protect us.  Sadly, and to our discredit, We can shut HIS voice off by leaning our ears to the busyness of life.  This morning i decided to sit quiet for a while and just take in what i see and hear, to pay attention to what God brings to my attention and ponder what God m...