
(Jan 19, 2020) Isaiah 58 -Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) True Fasting 1 “Cry out loudly, don’t hold back! Raise your voice like a trumpet. Tell My people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sins. 2 They seek Me day after day and delight to know My ways, like a nation that does what is right and does not abandon the justice of their God. They ask Me for righteous judgments; they delight in the nearness of God.” 3 “Why have we fasted , but You have not seen? We have denied ourselves, but You haven’t noticed!” “Look, you do as you please on the day of your fast , and oppress all your workers. 4 You fast with contention and strife to strike viciously with your fist. You cannot fast as you do today, hoping to make your voice heard on high. 5 Will the fast I choose b...