The perfect storm - Bob Jones - 2010 (transcript)
Here is the youtube video in 2020, Bonnie Jones (Bob's wife) reposted this video of Bob and his description of the message God gave him regarding the perfect storm, 7 storms that converse: from Bonnie: in 2010 Bob Jones recorded a message he called the perfect storm in the early 1990s the Lord revealed to him that there was a great storm a huge storm that was coming to the United States and he said there were seven storms that were forming and coming to a culmination that would form this perfect storm and the seven features of that storm our governmental spiritual financial social emotional infirmity and geophysical so in this message Bob gives an awesome insight and understanding to how these storms began and instructions on what to do in the midst of the perfect storm which I believe America in the whole world is currently experiencing so you will be blessed in the hearing of this message and I'll return after Bob's message for recap so be blessed in the hearing ...