the perfect storm (full) John Paul Jackson - transcript
Even if our church doesn't tell us, or we don't seek and find it ourselves, God still talks to us and through prophets. Not all prophets who get things wrong are false prophets, some are just immature and haven't yet learned how to fully understand God and his ways.
These three prophets spoke much about the time were living in, and all 3 died before Donald Trump became president. Kim Clement specifically saw visions of Donald Trump being president, and his visions began before 2010, although he didn't know at the time who it was.
- bob jones born Feb 4, 1930 - February 14, 2014 (14 Adar 1, 5774, Purim), Age 84
- john paul jackson passed February 18, 2015 (29 Shevat, 5775), Age 64
- kim clement passed November 23, 2016 (22 Cheshvan, 5777) Age 60, this was just after the election of Donald Trump.
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hi I'm John Paul Jackson and I'd like to talk to you today about something that's very dear to my heart. the Lord began to speak to me the message that I'm about to bring to you several years ago. but in June of this past year 2008 he began to push me to speak about it in several conferences here in the United States and abroad.
because some of the facets of the perfect storm happened so quickly after I wrote about it,I feel compelled to tell you that there's a means of verification. one of the places I spoke on this topic was in a conference held by John Kilpatrick in July of 2008. the Lord then asked me to write it down and to send it to those of my mail list and I did this the first of August. though some of what I have already written has come to pass most of these things will take place 10 years from now. in other words it will take some time for it to totally play out. further, the most of what we see today is seemingly economic based much of what I have written is not.
this perfect storm has several components which I will later cover.I'm delivering this message with a heavy heart. as I said those of you who have followed this ministry have heard me say more than once that during the past eight years, as we approach the year 2010, things will become increasingly difficult. I have been praying and hoping that what I'm about to speak may be averted however I'm now concerned that without people speaking up, the church will not play its redemptive part and bringing the necessary change to this nation and the world.
I pray that you'll understand my heart as I speak. I believe you'll be given wisdom by the Lord as to how to process and potentially thrive in the coming perfect storm that is brewing in this nation and beyond. before I go any further I just want to take a moment to say something to you before you hear what I'm about to say. this is very important because some of you may hear what I'm about to say you may think that the wrath of God has come. and what I'm talking about is not the wrath of God what I'm talking about as a loving God who is chastening his children because they're headed the wrong direction. so when you listen to what what's going to be said about the coming events about things are going to be happening in the world please understand this these things happen when righteousness fails to rule.
God wants this nation to be everything is called - he loves this nation, he loves America, he loves you. but he can't keep letting us keep on the path that were on because we're not following the dictates of why we were created in the very first place. what this nation was founded on that needs to be come back into alignment with God's purposes and God's plans. the church has to become a living light again. the church has to become something that is a change agent in this earth especially a change agent in this nation. and this message is designed to help bring that about as people seriously listen to what is going to be happening and what the plans of the evil one are if we don't do something to stop it
3:20Five Elements to the Coming Perfect Storm
there are five elements to the coming perfect storm as in the movie the perfect storm. I see the storm that is coming to the United States as a combination of more than one element and when the elements unite the storm becomes exponentially more dangerous. however unlike the movie, this storm is not just a storm emerging weather patterns. this storm is worse. it involves five different elements:
- religion
- politics
- economics
- war
- and geophysical events
at times these five elements will be so intertwined that it will be difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish which elements are driving a particular manifestation of the storm. massive problems in these five areas will come often and in combination and sometimes repeatedly. each element has potentially several elements that will have national and international ripple effects. some ripples will be worse than others depending on where you live and how you make your living. different areas of the United States will experience different severaties. some will experience more economic elements and others more geophysical elements. some will experience all the elements. remember it's the combination and the rapidity that will make the storm problematic. also this does not mean all five elements of the storm will hit at the most devastating levels. for example on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst, one element may strike at a 6 while another strikes at an 8. it's the particular combination of elements, the proximity of each element, as well as the intensity of each element that will make this storm so difficult and seem to last so long. this storm will not be short-lived, it will come in waves one after another. I'll be back to talk about why this storm is coming. why don't you get some coffee and a pen and paper and I'll be right back we'll see you in just a moment
5:15Now that you're back by the pen and paper there's going to be a lot that you're going to have to understand a lot lot to cover in this I know so I'm going to try to take take more time with it. but the the question has to be asked why is the storm coming. well the storm is coming because the church the body of Christ really is no longer the backbone of this nation. from our inception, the Christian faith has been the plumb line of decisions made at all levels of life in this country. the Christian founding of this nation is what makes it different from every other nation on the face of the earth maybe other than Israel. other nations may have become Christian in their focus, but none were initially formed with Christianity as the core of its DNA. the church is to make known God's to manifold wisdom to the world and the powers of the air. that's what Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:2. "but this demonstration of the heaven does not accomplish by speaking to those powers, it is through righteous living that we will make that known. how we live opens or closes doors for Satan to legally afflict us and potentially rule over us via leaders who do not know the ways of God. the basic principle is simply this: now get this: sin separates us from God. since Adam and Eve through today, the actions of humankind have given room for the enemy to strike and attack humanity. so how does this happen? it really is pretty simple. if you could picture you as this hand of this nation as this hand and God's hand covering it sin whenever we sin causes God's hand to lift. to the degree God's hand lifts the enemy has a chance to come in. and right now God's hand is lifting off of this country. some people call this judgment and I would agree if that's the definition of what judgment is I would agree that that is that this is judgment. judgment simply being then the removal of God's hand allows the enemy to attack his people. the only legal way the enemy has access to us is by the hand of God lifting. this results in there being a space between him and us. and as that space increases we distance ourselves from him and his ways anytime there's an increased distance between God and humanity it leaves room for attack to come and for principalities and powers of the air rulers of darkness to take up residence afflicting the people or a nation. the longer that dark powers reside over an area, the more the people begin to call right wrong and wrong right. in other words it affects the culture. so here in the United States leaders arise for the people or the culture in other words as the people believe and think so do the leaders believe and think as the lines between right and wrong, as well as the holy and the profane, become blurred, leaders make choices those choices reflect their upbringing. those choices have dramatic impact on you and me. one consequence of the choices is this that in this nation the way to God through Jesus and the cross is no longer seen as an absolute. in fact absolutes have become touted as intolerance first by the world and now even within the church. yes I understand there are many exceptions to this with them within the church culture but it's changing and the lines are gradually slowly being blurred. it's through compromise that the absolutes of heaven and eternity are clearly evaporating in this nation.
9:01God can fashion a disaster. a lot of people don't understand that. but we're living in the times I believe of Ezekiel and Jeremiah who wrote that God can bring a disaster upon our nation if we continually choose to walk according to our own plans. God spoke this to Jeremiah:
10:18Jeremiah 18:7-12
7 If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, 8 and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned. 9 And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted, 10 and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it.
11 “Now therefore say to the people of Judah and those living in Jerusalem, ‘This is what the Lord says: Look! I am preparing a disaster for you and devising a plan against you. So turn from your evil ways, each one of you, and reform your ways and your actions.’ 12 But they will reply, ‘It’s no use. We will continue with our own plans; we will all follow the stubbornness of our evil hearts.’”
I believe we're living in such a time. what are some of the early evidences that this storm is coming.
you're going to look in five areas.
the first one
- Geophysical
- the cold that we've recently experienced in California and the snow the record snows that are their. record ice storms and in the the northeast part of the United States. 2008 has been decried the declared the coldest in 20 years here in the United States.
- war:
- Iran has three times the number of long-range missiles that we thought.
- the Israel and Iranian tension and the continued escalation build-up of that
- the tension that is escalating between India and Pakistan is also another issue.
- in the political system
- the the Greece youth violence issue that's going on in the riots that are taking place in Greece
- they're growing cry for a one-world government in the world as well as in the United States as the financial crisis and global implications of anything are pushing national governments toward global solutions. even a country such as China and here in the u.s. that are traditionally fierce guardians of national sovereignty there's a growing whisper of this
- the corruption charges like those with the governor of Illinois will not be the last political corruption charges that will be brought or discovered
- in the area of religion
- there's a decline of the influence of Christianity in this country but also in many other countries around the world
- there's a lack of absolute and the Christian worldview here.
- there are growing efforts by the state of Islam to insist that Christians make an announcement that the Islam community and a Christian served the same God. absolutely not true but there is a push for that to happen between Islam and the Catholic Church
- in the issue of economics we're going to
- find out that as the water table of economic stability decreases there's going to be many rocks that are going to be exposed. what do I mean by that simply this: that when water levels go down rocks on the bottom begin to show.
- the issue of the Madoff scheme (stock and securities fraud) that has been estimated to total as much as 50 billion dollars is not the last financial Domino that's going to fall. there's going to be many more uncovered
- states are going to be facing financial crisis. a recent study by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities it revealed that 41 states are facing severe budget shortfalls for 2009. some states are worse off than others. with California at 31 point 7 billion dollars and Florida at five point 1 billion dollars leading the deficit pack. in all the 41 states currently are facing 71 point nine billion dollars in budget shortfalls. the key word here is currently because that could increase as other facets or other other things are made known.
Wow so what are some of the things that are coming. most you already know what I just I've just talked about what are some of the things that are coming. well we're going to come back right after this and we're going to talk about the coming things that you should expect in the next ten years. 13:41
The Consequences of our Actions
so what are things that are coming are perhaps better said what are the consequences of our choices that are coming here are some of the things that I've seen so far
in the geophysical arena I keep hearing a sentence in my and some dreams that I've had as well as as in my prayer times I keep hearing this one sentence
the woes of 2012
the woes of 2012
I don't know what that means but I do know this the timeframe that we've entered into is not a short timeframe. it's going to last quite sometime and we're going to become closer to God for it.
some of the other things that are going to be happening in geophysical issues our jet streams are seemingly going to go wild to weather forecasters and cause major weather shifts around the world.
There will be drought in some areas and water from some of your faucets will be more expensive than oil. some cities in fact will evacuate thousands because there's not enough water to meet their needs. as Amos 4:7 says I or God I make it rain on one city and I withheld rain from another city.
earthquakes will begin to strike not only coastal areas but even the Midwest will experience a devastating one in fact the Midwest may experience one before any coastal city does.
a volcano will erupt and begin to become active and eventually erupt in the United States again.
there will be thunderstorms with softball sized hail and 24 inches of rain within a 24 hour period of time
there's going to be places where three feet of snow will fall in a six hour period of time
there will be times when tornadoes strike this nation with winds of more than 350 miles an hour and there will also be a tornadoes in unusual places in other words places that typically don't have tornadoes will experience them.
there will be a hurricane that ends up striking this nation with winds of over 180 miles an hour and storm surges that flood miles inland. there will be hurricane at least at one hurricane with a storm diameter of around 500 miles.
there will be an unexpected blight that's going to hit a type of hybrid seed and weaken the yield almost like a strike of God against the mind of men who thinks they can control seed output.
in addition to drought and devastation from storms, there's going to these storms are actually going to dramatically cut into various harvest and national food shortage will happen as a food storage program begins to be depleted.
16:30there will be an epidemic that will take many lives and it will not just be here in the United States but it will also be here and elsewhere. it might actually begin elsewhere and come in here.
there'll be signs in the Sun Moon and stars just as the Prophet Joel spoke of. there the bubble around our solar system. and I'm not exactly sure what this means I'm just reporting what I have seen. they bubble around our solar system is weakening and harmful rays will end up coming in and form new major skin sores or skin diseases that have been undetected before.
another thing that's going to happen is the Earth's magnetic fields are going to begin to shift and as they shift, large cracks are going to form in that shield this is going to somehow allow solar winds to affect weather patterns here in the in the United States and other places in the world. this will also cause major problems with satellites and communication systems between airplanes and and satellites and ground systems etc. your cable TV for example indoor. There is going to come a time when airplanes will even be grounded because of communication difficulties.
concerning the aspect of war a dirty bomb will explode in a port city here in the United States. Israel will experience new and more devastating attacks with fiscal nuclear material being released. Israel will then retaliate with missile strikes and Israel eventually will bomb Iran and anti-semitism will escalate as fuel costs begin to soar once again.
Russia is going to try to enhance this escalation of tensions by creating an oil crisis. they're going to end up taking or try to take control of Ukraine and they will continue to arm Iran with weapons to further ignite an oil crisis because conflict is the goal and with conflict in the Middle East all prices will escalate and Russia needs the oil price to escalate in order to meet their financial obligations and to rebuild the infrastructure that they are currently trying to rebuild. there's a a new Mother Russia type of mentality that is going on to recreate the former Soviet Union. it may not be called the Soviet Union again. I don't know but I do know this the Russia is raising its head again and an old monster is coming out of hibernation.
when President Mubarak in Egypt is no longer the leader of Egypt, a new terrorist leadership will take his place and terrorism will begin to take even more a greater higher profile than it has before.
Pakistan will end up becoming much more terroristic oriented and become a harbinger of terrorists even more than it is today.
on the economic side of things, a bubble of hope is going to come to this nation but it will be short-lived and in that span there's going to be just enough time for godly people to make the necessary adjustments however it will not be a time to take on additional debt. commercial paper and credit card problems are another Domino that is yet to fall and I've seen that fall as joblessness increases and buildings lay empty. I saw malls that were more than half empty in stores that were closed strip malls and an other type of malls. and with this there's no nobody's leasing the buildings and so are very few are leasing the buildings and so there's no lease payment that the owner needs in order to cover the debt service on the building. so there will be commercial paper that will be the problematic the economic issue especially with lending institutions.
some have asked me, had a financial planner the other day ask me, whether it be stagflation or deflation or inflation or hyperinflation and I had to look at him and tell them it's going to be all of these. they're all waves on a quickly changing economic sea. and what has worked in the past will only work for a brief period of time in this changing economic era. there's going to be so many things. it's going to be more difficult than ever to forecast investments. but I know this God will guide those investors that he can trust. those that he can't trust then he will not bless them as he would love to.
the dollar is going to begin to lose value and is going to become near on par with the peso and the Canadian dollar. a new North American currency is going to be established. the euro has set the stage for what many may call the Amero dollar. and it's all in the plans right now there will be many more reports of new financial corruption that are going to be uncovered even in the months and years that lie ahead. again this is a long range problem not a short term issue. people will start to grow their own food. in some cities and in one or two cities I actually saw them trying to pull up the streets in order to try to grow food.
on the political front we need to pray for the president President Obama we need to pray for his protection. there is a plan by Islam to try to take his life and that would be the worst thing that could happen. you say why would Islam want to take the president's life because it wants to start riots here as a means of destabilization and to divert attention from its own activities.
22:14what we are going to face and I pray I pray against this I all these things I don't want to happen. but we are going to see the worst riots in history some may call those race riots but they actually may be more economic in nature as economic difficulties cause mobs to roam the streets and a Robin Hood mentality begins to escalate in other words taking from the rich in order to give to the poor
there will be many more reports of new political corruption that is going to be uncoupled at uncovered at very high levels
terrorist activity will hit America again as a flaw and the border detection system is discovered by our enemies
rural land will become very valuable as people leave the city to seek the security of an urban lifestyle
Social Security and other retirement accounts will become of little value I'm afraid. I just want to say this about the Social Security system and here again is it's the consequence of our choices you see there's very little that is wrong with with the Social Security system that wouldn't be fixed if there was 30 million more people giving in to that Social Security system you see there's 30 million babies that would be would be wage-earning age at this time that are not giving input or financial inflow into the Social Security system so in essence because they are aborted children what we're now facing is a 30 million people shortfall in a Social Security system so the reality is this we got what we wanted but we will not like what we get
the United States, as time continues to go on and the economic crisis continues to escalate, the United States will bring home most of its troops in order to save finances. because of the severity of the economy the United States will end up cutting much of our foreign aid programs to International and developing countries the result will be that international dictators and Islam will multiply.
in the religion field, Islam will try to force its way into our school systems, it will start by demanding that they have time to pray so they take prayer away from Christianity but they allow the Islam factions the ability to do that. Islam again is going to begin to systematically work to control a government in some large city in America. I didn't see which one of this, but it could be Detroit as it begin to mount a multiplication project. I'm not sure what the multiplication project means but that's what I saw. Islam will continue to use threats to intimidate congressional decisions. Islam will launch an initiative to have a president in the White House by 2024.
medical advances in organ transplants will make it possible for homosexual men to become in vitro fertilized and give cesarean birth.
many churches will file bankruptcy as payments on large buildings cannot be made. large ministries will disband from financial difficulty. House churches will begin to grow a number as a need for intimacy increases.
25:38hidden sexual perversion in church leadership will be exposed and I'm not talking about in the Catholic Church. I'm talking about elsewhere and the numbers will be shocking to many of those remaining in the church.
God has fashioned this time to be the most effective in getting our attention. when he wrote "now therefore speak to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem saying thus says the Lord 'behold I'm fashioning a disaster and devising a plan against you. return now every one from his evil way and make your way and your doings good'. Jeremiah 18:11
it's time for us to think seriously about what's going on. is this warning just for the United States? no but it certainly includes the United States. I focused on the United States, but it's going to be worldwide. so what can what can we do? is there anything that we can do to lessen what's going to be happening? I believe there are four things that the church must do in this coming era in order for God's hand to be seen in our lives and to prove that he is truly God working on our behalf come right back, we'll talk about those four things in just a moment
26:54Four Things the Church Can do
what are four things the church must do in this coming era of the United States and globally as well.
- first the church must return to knowing God and His ways rather than just knowing about God. we know a lot about him but there's not many of us that can truly say we know him. we replaced power with programs and revelation with administration, and worse, we've replaced the Father's heart with organizational skills.
- secondly the church must learn how to contend for the faith again. we're really weak and we fall away so easily when crisis is not at hand. we have not been tested and we've lost our resolve. we understand little of the adversaries plans. we do not know how to debate our faith without becoming angry and thus we have so few clear and strong godly voices in the political arena. that has to change. we have lost our witness that convicts others and strongly testifies that God is still God and he is very very real. we've lost the witness that demonstrates that God is a personal God in a very impersonal world, the witness that says what I do proves God exists, so watch me.
- third the church must return to the love of God's Word and the belief that it is infallible and inerrant. this would include the conviction, understanding, and knowledge that God is absolute and there is only one way to know him: that is through Jesus the Messiah. We need a new revelation that God's power is unlimited, his knowledge is unending, his presence is with us always, and he never never changes. we've made God far too small and our lives prove it.
- fourth, we need to declare sacred and solemn assemblies of repentance and corporate fastings in many parts of this nation and beyond, a time set aside for rending our hearts before God. here's what the Lord says about that:
Joel 2:12-17 - New King James Version
A Call to Repentance
12 “Now, therefore,” says the
“Now, therefore,” says the Lord,
“Turn to Me with all your heart,
With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.”
13 So rend your heart, and not your garments;
Return to the Lord your God,
For He is gracious and merciful,
Slow to anger, and of great kindness;
And He relents from doing harm.
14 Who knows if He will turn and relent,
And leave a blessing behind Him—
A grain offering and a drink offering
For the Lord your God?
15 Blow the trumpet in Zion,
Consecrate a fast,
Call a sacred assembly;
16 Gather the people,
Sanctify the congregation,
Assemble the elders,
Gather the children and nursing babes;
Let the bridegroom go out from his chamber,
And the bride from her dressing room.
17 Let the priests, who minister to the Lord,
Weep between the porch and the altar;
Let them say, “Spare Your people, O Lord,
And do not give Your heritage to reproach,
That the nations should rule over them.
Why should they say among the peoples,
‘Where is their God?’ ”
o God may the Lord allow this to happen and give us the grace to do it. I just want to reiterate one more time, because it's very very important, I am NOT talking about the wrath of God. I am talking about the love of God that is causing correction to be made to a nation, correction to be made to a people, so when you're listening to what I just said and you're listening to what I'm about to say, please understand that God wants us to be, want us to walk into everything he's called us to walk into. he wants to redeem that which the enemy has tried to steal from us. he wants to make the church strong and vibrant again and as you listen to this, we need to be thinking in terms of how can the church and you, we as a people, become strong and vibrant again and redeem what the enemy has tried to steal from us. we need to do this for the glory of God and HIS great namesake.
30:57Crisis: the fruit of following the wrong god
crisis: well we're definitely in a crisis but what is crisis. crisis is the fruit of following the wrong God. God allows calamities to happen in order to draw us to himself. what does that mean? it means that God allows us to reap the fruit of that which we serve. walking in God's ways brings blessings and fruitfulness of life, while walking in the ways of the god of this world will bring the fruit of the god of this world: decay, destruction, deterioration and death. we make our choice and then our choice will make us. Throughout scripture, when crisis hit the people of God, they turn their hearts to him and he heard and took action on their behalf. he said this: when you call upon me and you go and pray to me and I will listen to you and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all of your heart.
Jeremiah 29:12-13 - New King James Version
12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.may the people of the United States seek the Lord with all their heart and find him. well there's a beginning of the winds of sorrow and you don't have to look very far for to find those beginning swells of this coming perfect storm. it seems this theme has caught the attention too many pundits and prophets almost every day, there are multiple signs of the perfect storms approach. and notice I did say approach, meaning it isn't here yet they're these things that we're seeing are merely the early winds of the storm the scent of the rain you might say is in the air. nearly everywhere we turn we we become more and more aware that without God's intervention the world will not be the same in 10 years as it is today and if you're thinking that you are correct.
Ways to weather the storm
32:51So what are some of the ways that you can weather the storm. you can go through it with the flash, you can go through it in ways that that will catch everybody else by surprise so those that are struggling and yet you aren't. what can you do? well here's five things you can do, and keep in mind, as you weather the storm with grace and prayerfully the glory of God resting on you.
- number one: don't overreact to media hype and spin. they learned a long time ago that sensationalism sells and they will play it for all it's worth.
in the midst of the media flurry, this is going to be a great time to listen to God and see what he might reveal even to you. so look for one. God is not caught by surprise. In his omniscience he's been preparing you for this very hour. And that's right I said he has been preparing you.
Nothing catches God by surprise. he knew this day was coming. he knew you would be alive here and has prepared you to be a champion in the midst of it. you will not fail remember what God told Jeremiah as well
thus says the Lord do not learn the way of the Gentiles in other words those who don't know me do not be dismayed at the signs in heaven for the Gentiles are dismayed at them - Jeremiah 10:2
people that don't know God are going to be very panicky, are going to be very dismayed. but that's this is not the time to panic. when there is panic, we tend to make decisions we later regret. don't assume the worst and don't be afraid. should you plan? yes, you should. is this serious? yes it is. but it is not time to panic.
number two: simplify and streamline your life what things do you do today that are pure convenience. could you cut back on any of those luxuries? keep your current car. take it a roommate. how about reducing the latte count at the local coffee shop. selectively start looking to cutback in areas that don't really reflect your life's mission or calling. they aren't making a positive difference in the lives of others. check your life out. do things that count. this is going to be an opportune time to follow the discipline of the disciples and their footsteps:
it says this "so continuing daily with one Accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart. Acts 2:46 (some say sincere hearts, some say generous hearts)
we need more of that simplicity of heart in our lives
- number three: connect with friends and family. God is your source: not your bank account, not your 401k, not your gold, not your stock portfolios. your friendships and other relationships are what feeds your emotional health and they stabilize you. you need them. research shows that friendships play a dramatic role in getting people through difficult times. so reconnect today.
(there are some very different versions of this verse out there)
remember a man who has friends must himself be friendly but there's a friend who sticks closer than a brother. proverbs 18:24
friendship connect
- number four: rethink your focus. you have a choice. you can live your life by principles or by pressure. those who fail in life usually keep their eyes fixed on the current problems and lose sight of the life principles. as things change in this coming year, it is vital to remind yourself about the principles you live your life by. never lose sight of them. during challenging times, they'll keep you focused. the difficulties we're facing now may be god's wake-up call to remind you and us of our original vision, your original purpose, and why God made you the way he made you. take this time to rethink and reevaluate.
remember whether there is no vision the people perish proverbs 29:18 (there are several different renditions of this verse, and this is only part of the verse)
if you have no vision, your only other option is to go backwards or decay. get a vision, the vision that God has for you
- number five: be an influence wherever you are. are you an influence in your culture? for many, this will be a time of innovation and invention. for others it will be a time of study and preparation for the promotion that will come when this season eventually passes and it will.
Don't chase the trends, but study them to see where the culture's going. you should always be looking for original and innovative ways to engage the needs of others. these are going to abound at this time so ask God for solution to those needs and you'll succeed when your secular peers are failing.
- number six: take more time to listen. in the coming months, and perhaps years, there will be an entirely new set of needs that the people and this nation will have. the Lord wants to give innovative ideas and inventions to those who are close to him. so set aside time to listen to him. prayer is great but if all we do is make our needs known to God, it will be very difficult to listen. there's a lot we don't know about this coming timeframe. God just might have something he would like to say to you. you and I are living in a turbulent time. the perfect storm continues to swirl and won't dissipate for a number of years
What are Tough Times all about?
38:20obviously tough times are just that. and they can go far beyond that description as well. they're often disappointing frustrating and filled with tension and anxiety. however if you focus on what you have lost or what you might lose or if you focus on how difficult your life has become or what might happen you're going to miss the most important aspect of why God allows times like these to begin with. what's one of the most noticeable things that sets you apart from your neighbors and co-workers who don't have a personal relationship with Jesus. isn't it often how you handle these tough times. there are four things that must be etched into your spirit in order for you to succeed in a turbulent time like this:
- number one or first: tough times are not about what happens to you. they're about what you do with what happens to you. God in knowing all things was not ignorant about this era of your life. in fact, he spent your whole life preparing you for this very moment and others that you're yet to face. will you keep believing that he'll use everything everything you go through for his kingdom purposes. Or will you sour our along with so many others who based their relationship with God on their prosperity. tough times prove our faith.
Being a person of influence
- how you handle these times will have great influence on two sets of individuals:
- those who watch how you handle your own adversity
- and those who will be changed by the counsel you give them. now I don't mean the answers you may or may not have for them. everyone has answers, usually of the negative kind. but here I mean counsel that gives them hope.
- hope that gives them the ability to discover a God who knows their potential, a God who's taking them on a journey of discovering new adventures and possibilities that they may have never thought about
- hope that aids them in making different choices than they may have previously made
- hope that allows their creativity to spring forward when others around them are in despair
- third: it's the people who focus on others and guard their words (for example people, who order their conversation to reflect the provision and kindness of God even in the midst of the storm) who will see the salvation of the Lord. there isn't a single generation that hasn't gone through tough times. yes, some are tougher than others but as the Lord once said to me "little battles produce little victories and little victories result in little champions on the other hand great battles produce great victories and those victories will result in great champions." which one do you want to be a little champion or a great one?
- Fourth: first thought most Christians have when tough times come is to diminish or even stop their giving. Wow. wrong move. it was the widow of Zarephath's faithful giving, in the middle of a severe drought by the way, that threw open the door for her to weather the drought that was at hand. Paul exhorted the church in Philippi to give so that fruit would be added to their account. they needed it. here's the church in Corinth to take as an example: the Macedonian Church the poorest church in Asia which gave to the Lord's work even in the midst of their deep poverty and affliction. you can read about that in 2 Corinthians 8:1-4. when Paul returned to the Macedonian Church at just a few years later, he actually found them prospering. it's in the gift that you willingly give that allows God's justice to be active on your behalf. In tough times, especially in tough times, you really really want God act on your behalf. this is why Paul told the church in Philippi that more than the financial gift that he needed he desired that heavens fruit would abound in their lives that fruit is what God gives to feed and bless and meet the needs of all who give to him. giving in difficult times, even in times like Jacob's trouble has always attracted the attention of God
when we come back I'm going to answer the question are we living in such a time
Thriving in the Times of Jacob's Troubles
43:37I believe we may well be living in a time much like Jeremiah the Prophet described as Jacob's trouble. Jeremiah wrote in Jeremiah 30:5-9
Jeremiah 30:5-9 - New King James Version
5 “For thus says the Lord:‘We have heard a voice of trembling,
Of fear, and not of peace.
6 Ask now, and see,
Whether a man is ever in labor with child?
So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins
Like a woman in labor,
And all faces turned pale?
7 Alas! For that day is great,
So that none is like it;
And it is the time of Jacob’s trouble,
But he shall be saved out of it.
8 ‘For it shall come to pass in that day,’
Says the Lord of hosts,
‘That I will break his yoke from your neck,
And will burst your bonds;
Foreigners shall no more enslave them.
9 But they shall serve the Lord their God,
And David their king,
Whom I will raise up for them.
however, even more incredibly, David had an incredible prophetic word in Psalms 24 about those who lived in the Jacob generation:
Psalm 24 - New King James Version
The King of Glory and His Kingdom
A Psalm of David.
24 The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness,The world and those who dwell therein.
2 For He has founded it upon the seas,
And established it upon the waters.
3 Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?
Or who may stand in His holy place?
4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,
Nor sworn deceitfully.
5 He shall receive blessing from the Lord,
And righteousness from the God of his salvation.
6 This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him,
Who seek Your face. Selah
7 Lift up your heads, O you gates!
And be lifted up, you everlasting doors!
And the King of glory shall come in.
8 Who is this King of glory?
The Lord strong and mighty,
The Lord mighty in battle.
9 Lift up your heads, O you gates!
Lift up, you everlasting doors!
And the King of glory shall come in.
10 Who is this King of glory?
The Lord of hosts,
He is the King of glory. Selah
what do we who live in the Jacob generation do? that's a very important question to ask because there's some great promises to us.
- first this will be a generation of those who truly seek the face of the Lord. not just knowing about him, but becoming so close that you literally can see his face.
- second, if you meet the qualification, something wonderful will happen. What are those qualifications? very
simple but not easy to live in this culture.
- you must have clean hands and not harmed others and if you have you must have repented or you must repent so that you can be clean.
- you must have a pure heart with no hidden motives or agendas other than God's agendas for you.
- you must not be driven by ego or be self promoting
- first there's going to be a much clearer definition or understanding of the term Christian. it will not include the current acceptance of lukewarm as it has included now. even the Lord said he'd spew those out of his mouth
- number two: those those who have this Jacob generation you're going to ascend to the hill of the Lord or be elevated promoted above those that are around you
- number three: you're going to live in the thick holy presence of God. that means you'll hear him and be guided by him
- number four: the gates of heaven will be open to you those spiritual questions that have been difficult for you to understand or know will become easy for you to understand
- number five: the everlasting or ancient doors will be open meaning ancient spiritual truths that have been hidden for a long long time are going to be revealed
- number six: the might strength and power of the Lord and His hosts will come into your circumstances and situations and they will fight on your behalf
- finally number seven: the glory of the Lord rest in your house and the psalmist writes Selah in other words think about it
in this time that we're facing. this time of a perfect storm, champions are going to be made. great men and women are going to succeed. they're going to find things are going to see the needs of others. God's going to give them insight and what to do to meet those needs and he is going to promote them.
promotion comes neither from the east nor the West nor the south, Psalm 75 says, but it comes from the Lord. the Lord who made heaven and earth. He puts up one and pulls down another, according to his good will and pleasure.
you see you were born for such a time, as Acts 17:26-28 says, that he determined the exact time that you would be born, the exact place that you should live. Doesn't that make sense to you? you see, God looked throughout all of future history and said when would be the best time for you to live. and he designed you to live at this very time. he designed you to whether you had become a champion. he designed you that where you would have great influence. he designed you the way you would see the needs of others and you'd be able to meet those needs. many of you he designed and you're going to have inventions. others of you he's designed and you're going to have great healing in your hands many of you he has designed, you're going to have insights and understanding into ancient things that have been hidden from the very beginning that may be perhaps only the Apostles understood. great things are in store for those that seek the face of the Lord. doors are going to be opened. ancient gates are going to be lifted up. you're going to see incredible moments in time and you're going to be able to realize, "I truly was born for such a time as this." fear is your enemy. remember what you fear you empower. what you focus on you make room for. fear God, focus on him and you'll make room for him in your life.
Who may ascend to the hill of the Lord? the answer is you.
- you may ascend to the hill of the Lord.
- you have clean hands.
- you have a pure heart.
- you who have not lifted up your soul to vanities.
- you who trust in him are going to see the ancient paths open for you.
0:00 gives him the authority that he carries in the spirit how many understand that 0:05 there's a whole lot more that goes behind the scenes of someone who walks 0:10 with the Lord so this morning could you give brother John Paul Jackson a very warm warm loving New York welcome 0:23 I was I was all set with a sermon then I 0:43 got a text from Matt this morning asking me to talk about a certain subject 0:53 before I do I need to I need to say something in honor of my father the 1:00 night before I left I came here yesterday in the night before my father passed away and and so I come with a 1:09 look a little heavy heart at the same time it wasn't totally unexpected I mean he's been growing more feeble over the 1:15 over time he stayed with lived with us he and my mother lived with us for the 1:21 last for about a year and a half or so and then and then my mother passed away in August and my father passed away so I 1:28 fly back home this afternoon - right after right after this morning's meeting and we will bury him tomorrow morning 1:36 but my father was an amazing man I just need to share this because it helps you 1:41 understand my composition because I have a DNA from this incredible man 1:46 that was my father he's 85 years old when he passed away my father was a was 1:53 born in the what they call the panhandle of Texas its North Texas and in Hereford 1:59 Texas and a lot of wind up there and it gets its high plains and so it gets very cold in the one excuse me in the winter 2:07 he was born to at the son of a sharecropper my great-grand my 2:12 grandfather Jackson was a sharecropper he he farmed land for other people and 2:17 he tended that land but they were very very poor so my father was raised in a 2:23 little tube to room house that was actually a converted chicken coop and 2:30 they would wallpaper the walls with cardboard in order to keep winter went from coming through the the 2:37 board the flat boards that were on the siding of the chicken coop my father was 2:44 a very brilliant man had a very high IQ he skipped two grades in school entered into college very early he where he met 2:51 my mother he achieved two master degrees and was one dissertation short of two 2:58 Doctorate degrees and a specialist degree but he wanted to be a missionary 3:05 and my mom wanted to be missionaries but when they realized they went through all the training and ready to go we were 3:10 ready to go to Nigeria and the denomination that we were a part of instituted a law or la la Binet policy 3:18 the policy said that missionaries that have children have to leave their children and children's homes and go to 3:25 the mission field and so my mother and father decided not to be missionaries to 3:30 Nigeria but Nigeria continued to whisper in their ears and they constantly had a 3:37 passion for missions from that my father became a teacher he graduated was going 3:43 to be a pastor but in the middle of the sermons he would have blank spots and so 3:48 he would just stop and he could not remember what to say I suspect it was 3:55 the Holy Spirit moving on him and he didn't understand it even then because 4:01 of his brilliance he I mean he had a sermons memorized but he became a tear 4:10 and then that he began to counsel people and he began to touch people and we were in church three four times a week and so 4:18 with us kids would be outside playing shooting baskets or something on the church parking lot and and dad would be 4:24 inside counseling people and and I told people for years my dad makes people cry 4:31 I didn't understand why everybody who left had tears in her eyes her faces 4:37 were red and had Kleenex in their hands and so I would ask my dad why why would 4:42 that why does that happen and he said be a son where the Lord touches people sometimes that just happens deep inside 4:50 my little boy's heart I said well God may have touched him but he used my dad to do it my dad was grew to be a very he 4:59 was a very man deeply loved and loved people love people coming to their house even as he got older and he had macular 5:07 degeneration in his eyes and he couldn't see he knees begin to give out he lost 5:12 begin to lose his balance and he would periodically more than once forget that he left something on the stove cooking 5:20 but he he loved people people loved him from the man whom oldest lon 5:27 who was ready to commit suicide until they met my dad to the nurse that took 5:33 care of him to the hospice people who helped him in his last couple of months 5:40 to the nurses who came by to check on his blood pressure every one of them 5:47 loved my dad he led people to the Lord just in the last view I mean his whole 5:53 life he led people to Lord and even the last few months when he couldn't walk he couldn't see he had trouble remembering the Bible 6:00 verses and the Greek in Hebrew that he had so carefully memorized over the years he still led people to the Lord 6:06 from his hospital bed 6:12 people got saved people got saved they 6:19 would come to the house and they wanted two weeks before he passed away a couple that was meals on wheels and he wanted 6:25 meals on wheels because it gave him more opportunity to talk to people about Jesus and the meals on wheels people was 6:34 a backslidden Lutheran pastor who gave rededicated his life to the Lord he and 6:39 his wife and her NASA and wanted to start a Bible study with my dad two 6:45 weeks before my dad passed away I look at a look at my dad and I realized what 6:52 a great man he was and every anything that God has called me to be is because 7:02 he and my mother planted something in me now what do I say that I think it's I 7:09 think it's very important that we honor our mother and father it doesn't mean you agree with them and 7:17 it doesn't mean they're perfect but there is an honor and what God has put 7:25 into me I would not be there without my dad the discipline he gave me I was a 7:31 wild child I was wild I mean I would he I got spankings 11 times in one day for 7:40 just one thing going across the street I would not stop running across the street 7:45 to play with my friend in 11 times I got spanking that day 11th but one thing and 7:50 it's not because he spanked me 11 times because I did it once because I did it the 11 times always was a rebellious 8:00 child always was a strong-willed child always was running against the grain of the family my brothers and sisters were 8:07 all compliant I as the oldest was never compliant but God worked through that 8:14 and God used my father to hone me and to prepare me I would not be able to do what I do 8:21 today nor say what I say today had it not been for the discipline of my father so I honor him before you and we will 8:29 bury him tomorrow morning and while I will miss him heaven is better off 8:46 thank you I met I met Julie Myers in 1985 she was 8:57 just barely out of diapers and so we've 9:07 known each other a long time we just recently reconnected again over a number 9:13 of years but when I came to Kansas City to be with Mike Mike Bickle for five or 9:20 so years a little more I am I had 9:26 something happen to me and I didn't I didn't exactly know what to do with this 9:31 to something I was in a corporate business world and I had my life on that doubt I was going to have big house and 9:40 I would I would drive my wife through rich neighborhoods you like million dollar homes and and say honey pick out 9:47 the house you want in ten years it's yours I had my life mapped out knew what 9:55 I was going to be knew what I was going to do but I had no clue what God wanted me to do I didn't even consider him 10:03 except and believing that whatever I wanted he wanted now probably none of 10:09 you are like that you never just kind of assemble if I want to God wants it he 10:14 said he's going to give me the desires of my heart and this is my desire but 10:19 that was that was me and but I had I had 10:25 an encounter and in this encounter I was laying in bed one morning I was I was I was in the top 100 of a fortune 500 10:31 company I had as a 30 year old I had a key to the executive club on the top floor of the building I was the youngest 10:37 person to ever have a key to that club I would go out there and all these really old guys you know 50 60 year olds 10:45 I call those children now but all those 10:51 really old guys are up there and they would look at me like what's his pup doing up here and I would just show 10:56 Mikey well I was laying in bed one 11:01 morning we had a side business a daycare center we had a hundred children I would come in and out of our daycare center every day I would used to go to the 11:08 daycare center with my wife and we would open up I would hug the kids and I would go to work and she would be left there 11:13 with all the children and the teachers this day I couldn't talk I woke up I I couldn't eat I couldn't get out of 11:19 whisper nothing would become I was just like realized it and I would have to be 11:25 on the phone all day at work and been not wanting to pass anything on to the children I stayed in bed that morning my 11:30 wife left to go to go to the daycare center it was November the 11th 1980 it 11:36 was dark somewhere in the dark after my wife left I'm laying in bed and I 11:42 realized there's a light in the room and I think I must have left the light on I start to get up to turn the light off and I realize that that light is not 11:48 coming from the light bulb in a ceiling 11:53 it's very soon in just a few minutes that light begins to expand it takes up the entire room everything disappears in 12:00 the room that gesture drawers disappear the mirror disappears the lamps disappeared and everything disappears 12:06 I'm left in the presence of Holy of a holy God I roll out of bed under the 12:11 floor because the bed is too high in the presence of this holiness at that 12:18 particular time I begin to review my life with me he plays my life back with me from a long time that my mother was 12:24 carrying me and the miracle that it was that I was even born because she carried me for 11 months to the day documented 12:31 it and that 11 month pregnancy was to be a sign that the angel announced to her 12:37 before she even conceived me that I would have an 11th hour ministry and I would tell things that are not as though 12:43 they were and they would come to pass and that even her pregnancy would be a sign of my eleventh hour ministry she 12:51 could have chose a lot different ways to have a sign but that was a particular sign God gave 12:57 and showed me that right why right after I was born six weeks after I was born I died because I ended up having a 13:04 ruptured by it I broke three of her ribs in the birth and my intestines ruptured 13:10 and so for six weeks that part of everything that I ate entered into my abdominal cavity and gangrene set in 13:16 they thought I was a colicky baby but it wasn't a colicky baby they begin to notice that gangrene was there because 13:23 they saw it through the skin they took me to the doctor the doctor opens me up 13:28 he realizes that I'm in trouble amer looks at me they immediately put me into an operating room they operate up 13:35 on me I die on the operating table and my mother cries out to God God you promised my son would have an 11th on 13:41 minutes he would preach the gospel he has not done that you are not a liar you are God you must bring him back and God 13:48 brought me back he sewed 13:55 he showed me prior to that birthday showed me my mother drinking bottles of castor oil which I never knew until I 14:00 asked her if that was true trying to induce the uterine uterus and contractions I saw her sitting at the 14:06 top of the stairway bouncing down on her rear end down the stairs trying to induce this baby to come 14:13 none of that work she told me it was a sign of my stubbornness from the very 14:18 beginning as I began to as I began to 14:27 continue to grow the Lord began to move upon me and I begin to know things before they happened when I was four years old I told mom and dad things that 14:34 would happen and it took place as I was six and seven years old I would tell them who was going to come to the door 14:39 that day somebody who had quit the business the delivery man that what that had left to go to another company all 14:44 those things came true I did not know that I had a gift I just thought everybody had everybody 14:50 could do this but in 14 12 10 14:55 children come into our house I visit my grandparents and and before the before the time that we were over it seemed 15:01 like every time it ended up John Paula's in the yard and the kids are gathered around him and we're all playing 15:07 something called let's let John Paul tell us about ourselves 15:15 and I thought okay everybody can do this they don't want to do it I guess I'll do it so here we go I'll do it so because 15:24 to review these things with me reviews how when I was 12 years old I came home with Munson encephalitis and how my body 15:31 temperature went up to 104 degrees for three weeks I was quarantined how then 15:36 at after three weeks it went up even worse than I begin to hallucinate and the doctor came and checked me out and I 15:43 had encephalitis and the mumps simultaneously and what ends up happening is your temperature escalates 15:49 and brought the lining of your brain swells and you end up going to sleep and dying for three days they packed me in a 15:55 tube of ice because my temperature reached clear to the end of the thermometer which is over 107 degrees 16:01 the doctor on the medical report put down 110 degrees plus and at all of us 16:06 40 years of being a doctor had never seen anything like this he began to prepare my mother and father for me to 16:11 die said it would be better if I died because I'll never know them again your son is brain dead his heart is still 16:18 beating he's still breathing but his brain did and they said he'll 16:24 never know you'll never know you again he'll never he'll never be able to speak again he's going to have heart trouble is going to have kidney trouble is going 16:30 to have liver trouble and he will die at an early age and he'll have diapers and you're gonna have to change him and your this this is your son and it's really 16:38 better if he dies on the third day that happened I died my mother my father my pastor my my doctor was in the room my 16:48 parents were crying my pastor was trying to comfort them I had died I left my body I was going up into the light I 16:55 looked behind me and the light was blinding I look back down at my body into bed it was like a picture window 17:01 and the further I got away the small of a window God as a looking at myself I 17:06 hear my mother crying out and she's saying the same thing again she's saying God you said my son you are not a liar 17:13 you must honor your word you must bring him back and I I was there for about 45 17:20 minutes I came back down about the time I got to the roof I entered myself again and I realized I was freezing 17:27 because of this ice that I was packed in and so I said hey I'm cold get me out of 17:33 here the doctor so shocked he's like stuttering and he begins to ask me 17:40 what's one plus one I you know 2 plus 2 5 plus 7 xx minus 13 what's what's your 17:45 phone number what's your name it's like trying to find out if I had any intelligence left what ended up 17:51 happening they gave me an intelligence test later my IQ went up by 20 points 17:58 and I needed that the Lord begins to 18:05 review all these things with me begins to review how and he says here's some things you don't know here's some and when I asked my mother about the pre the 18:12 pre pre delivery things and she said how did you know I've never told you - I said I saw you doing it she begins to 18:20 the doctor are being sorry the the Lord begins to review to me all the times he saved my life he said this is nothing he 18:28 said there's so many times I saved your life and he said and I save all of my children's life like this every day and 18:33 they don't know it he said he said watch this and he showed me a time he showed me multiple times when the car wouldn't 18:39 start the battery was dead and I was hitting the story well what in the world you know I'm like angry this businessman 18:45 who's got to go conquer the world and had the car started I would have been in an accident and killed in the accident 18:51 he showed me a time where I ran out of gas something I couldn't have run out of gas I had a half a tank like like two 18:58 miles ago and now that it's on empty and had had I not ran out of gas I'd been an 19:06 accident and I would been killed he showed me where I actually was able to drive further on gasoline than I had in 19:12 the car because had I stopped I would have been a hip high I would have been robbed on the highway and beaten and 19:19 killed he says I do this for my children all the time and they don't know it and 19:25 he was under we know you're not special 19:31 it was like it was like as my father had the chicken coop I had this my father 19:38 never fought the chicken coop never forgot the chicken coop he came from I never forgot this moment where God says 19:45 you're not special it's just a function 19:51 in the kingdom center it's no more valuable than than parking lot detail 19:58 it's no more valuable the children's ministry is no more valuable than worship it's something that allows the 20:04 kingdom to function so so you're not special the Lord began to move on me and 20:11 and and so this morning as he's reviewing all of that with me as I'm laying on the floor wailing and crying 20:18 and sobbing realizing how unholy I was and how holy he was he begins to say now 20:25 this is what I'm going to do with you in the future and it begins to show me and 20:30 tell me here's what I'm going to do and I'm going to cause you to speak words are going to be very very difficult I'm 20:35 going to cause you to release things in a very end of time and people aren't going to want to hear what you have to 20:42 say but when you have the opportunity to say it you must step forward and you must speak the things that I've called 20:47 you to say so but so I ended up leaving 20:53 the ministry and long story but I ended up believing the only living bit the Corporal world of going into ministry 20:59 and I have I have quit a thousand times and been thankful a million times I'm so 21:06 glad that God called me to do what he's called me to do but there is pain Solomon said with much knowledge comes 21:13 much sorrow when they came to Kansas City in 1985 and started working with 21:20 Mike Bickle at that particular time I was really green really really green I barely knew dog from Sikkim I fell off 21:30 the turnip truck just the night before you know those are walks a hat you sayings if you didn't know what that 21:36 means Loxahatchee saying that I was born 21:42 remember last night I was born and walks to hacci Texas so uh I was I didn't know 21:48 I left the corporate world just a couple of years earlier at the Godin we've got 21:56 up on me and there was a connection there between Mike and myself and something happened in very unusual ways 22:03 and I came into Kansas City with all this things about this is what's going to be happening in the United States of 22:09 America and at what had shown me some 22:15 things and then as time began to grow God began to say I need to broaden to what I've called you to do and and I 22:21 started into more personal prophetic ministry versus national prophetic ministry and as I started this national 22:29 prophet I started doing this personal prophetic ministry then that ended up with John Wimber coming to Kansas City 22:35 and asking Mike if he could take me and take me to California and teach me theology and biblio and history ology 22:42 and so on and and so Mike agreed and I went to California and stayed with John Wimber for a number of years and and 22:49 then the Lord decided the next thing I need to do is learn how to be more patient and more kind and more gentle and then he sent me through tribulation 22:55 called being a pastor because tribulation works patience so 23:05 ended up becoming a plenty my first church in Moline Illinois and have planted six churches 23:11 since then pastored to other churches and been on staff at three other churches with very large churches where 23:19 Larry Lee with Mike Bickle and with with John Wimber and now in the latter years 23:26 of my ministry I don't I think I'm going to live a lot more years but at sixty sixty two years of age you're not 23:32 particularly thinking what world can I conquer now you're looking at as like Matt saying and go conquer that world 23:40 you're thinking about how do I handle and how do I leave a legacy where are 23:45 the young men and women that are going to be champions in the next move and how are they going to how what are they 23:51 going to be doing and what are they going to be doing and how can I help them get to where God's called them to be but for some reason all of a sudden 23:58 in 1999 in 2007 the Lord said to me I want you to start talking about national 24:04 to international events again and I thought whoa whoa timeout I'm patient I'm a pastor and he says no 24:15 you've never been a good pastor 24:22 you are more patient but you still have a lot of work to do he says I want you 24:30 to become what I you to become and he 24:36 begin to renew the things that had talked to me about in the nation and begin to show me more things concerning 24:42 this nation and he said this is the time for which you were born you're about 24:49 this nation and the world is about the head into this era that I told your 24:56 mother about your eleventh hour ministry has begun and so I begin to tell me 25:04 about things that were going to be happening very very quickly said you need to prepare yourself you need to start talking about this you need to 25:10 start preparing the people there's there's a storm coming it's a terrible 25:15 storm it's and he called it a perfect storm it says I'm going to use this term assent but you're going to hear used a 25:21 lot in the in the coming years they're going to hear this term a lot they're going to be but there's it the perfect 25:27 storm it's a perfect storm of a blend of these economic conditions it's a perfect storm of a blend of these climatological 25:32 conditions it's a perfect storm of these of these political conditions you're going to hear this a lot but I'm telling 25:38 you do it now I argued for a year in 25:43 early in 2008 I said okay lord I will do this and we put out this message called 25:50 the coming perfect storm it's and here's what the Lord said he said there are five elements that the storm is comprised of those five elements are 25:57 religion politics economics war and geophysical events so these are the 26:05 things that the prophets of old spoke of these are the things I want you to speak of there are political changes coming to 26:13 our religious wars and ships going to be happening there are there are economic 26:19 downturns are going to be taking place there are things that are going to be happening climatologically and you need 26:24 to be able to speak and tell people this is what this is what's coming so my church has forgotten that I still AM a 26:31 God of of justice and I still bring judgment to my to redeem them and if I do not allow 26:39 judgment to come up or do not allow these crises to come then then my wrath 26:45 will have to come and I'm going to allow my judgments to come in order for an 26:52 order for redemption of my people so they will cry out to me and then the day 26:57 that they cry out to me I will be found again and so I know that we are headed 27:04 towards a great move of God it's what will it take to get us there that I'm concerned about I know that our best 27:10 days lie ahead of us it's what will it take to get us there that's what I am concerned about you see 27:16 when God begins to sin separates us from God and it went from the very beginning 27:22 if this is us and this is God's hand from the very beginning as the more we 27:27 sin God's hands lifts and the more God's hand lifts the more room the enemy has 27:32 to get in and that's what's taking that's what's taking place the enemy has a lot of room to get into our nation and 27:40 this world right now the spiritual water tables are at a low ebb and from the 27:47 spiritual water table you have spiritual leaders or you have political leaders that arise and the political leaders 27:54 arise only a certain amount let's just say ten percent above the water table will be a spiritual leader and if the 27:59 water table is low then it's ten percent above below if the water table is high is ten percent above the high and right 28:06 now we're at a low ebb we're in a drought and so we we find that that our 28:15 politicians who say they love God and so on misquote the Bible I mean sin we're 28:22 not talking like hard verses like obscure verses here we're talking talking like John 3:16 it can't even 28:29 quote it so we find out that that what is going on there's a decay that takes 28:36 place but the very beginning decay has been the result of a lack of closeness with God in him is all of our life the 28:44 further away from him we are the less life we have the further away from God we are the less brilliance we have we don't think 28:50 of things that we used to think of we don't notice the things we should have noticed we don't feel the things we should have felt we don't sense the 28:56 things we should have sense and we make decisions from that muted feeling thinking sensing seeing and we wonder 29:04 why we make wrong decisions then our political leaders make those same wrong 29:10 decisions the problem is that our decision may cost us 50 cents or $10 29:15 their decision costs us a trillion we have to be very very careful in this day 29:21 and age because we have forgotten that everything truly is dependent on God we don't have above-the-line thinking as I 29:27 talked about last night we have below earthly thinking and sometimes subterranean thinking and so what we're 29:36 looking at is we're looking at a whole era and this has nothing to do with a Republican or Democrat this has to do 29:42 with with the heart of a people in the nation who do not know their God any 29:47 longer and they the depletion of 29:53 absolutes so that so that anything is like everything the Virgin Brooke used to be non controvert able but now it is 29:59 now it is like what do you mean a virgin birth the issue of sin used to be none 30:07 controvert able but now to go what is I don't know but grace covers my sin I 30:12 have to worry about sin I was talking to to a group of young leaders not so long ago on these that are well known in the 30:19 nation it wasn't the profit of gathering that I had recently but as a couple as actually about 18 months ago and I was 30:26 talking to them and and one of them said to me I don't have to worry about sin I can I can I can I could literally have 30:32 an adulterous affair and I'll be back in the ministry in two months and this 30:37 attitude that begin to purr me is beginning to permeate and that's very concerning to me and that's why I said 30:45 last night righteousness has seen as legalism because that's what they told me there's no such thing as holiness 30:53 that's a pre covenant pre new covenant I idea and so I am concerned I'm 31:02 concerned and and the more that the more 31:07 that sin separates us from God the more the enemy comes in and the enemy is coming in and there are things that are 31:13 going on right now that are going to be very very devastating to us so the Lord began to tell me and about things in 31:21 2007 begin to show me things were going to be happening and things like Egypt he said watch what's going to be happening 31:27 in the Middle East and here's a sign for you Egypt President Mubarak is going to be removed from office and Egypt will turn 31:34 into a terrorist state when that begins to happen know that the rest of the Arab nations that do not espouse religious 31:43 extremism Islamic religious extremism understand that they will be deposed 31:50 under a false guys and a harsher regime will take each of their places including 31:57 Saudi Arabia and it will begin watch 32:03 Egypt I thought well that's kind of interesting Egypt I mean that's like a that's a 32:10 nobody's radar screen and then lo and behold you know that you know what's 32:17 going on in Egypt and now just just in the last week the military has turned to 32:23 control of Egypt over two extreme Islamic factions it is now Mubarek will 32:32 soon die if he doesn't die from execution he'll he would die of cancer because he has he has terminal cancer 32:39 stage 4 terminal cancer he's got weeks of and at the most months the you know a handful of months to live so one word 32:46 the other they're either going to execute him other going are always going to die from the cancer and it will 32:52 become a terrorist state when that begins to happen you're going to start seeing dominoes happen and so in you 32:58 have you start Libya boom Syria is happening right now Yemen has been 33:03 happening it won't be long until you see see the issue of Jordan and so on and here's what here's what happens they 33:10 come in they'll while the youth the zeal of the youth to think that they can garner democracy but 33:18 they don't have the infrastructure to sustain what they overthrow and therefore that which does have the have 33:24 the infrastructure allows the zeal of the youth to pay the price and then they bring their infrastructure over the zeal 33:31 of the youth and have a harsher regime in the end and the extremism and the 33:39 Islamic faith then begin to take over and that's exactly what is taking place 33:44 today he said begin to watch the European community he said because I'm going to trouble the waters in Europe and the 33:51 euro is going to start to fall and and it will weaken and it will crumble and 33:58 he said and then shortly after that your dollar will follow and whoa my goodness 34:03 Lord he said my people are going to cry out to me I said when it says it will 34:10 keep getting darker until they do it 34:15 will keep getting darker until they do 34:21 in March I was on day start TV and the Lord had me had me prophesy about a coming assassination attempt upon a 34:28 congressman little did I know that in august of that year that would happen with Gabby Gifford so now only reason 34:36 I'm saying these type of things and I can we can go down the list of things that I've said that have happened and it's not me I only repeat what I hear I 34:42 I tell what I see because the Lord has feel like Amos and Jeremiah the lion has 34:49 roared who can but speak and this is what I was born for yet at the same time 34:54 I feel like if I tell everything Lord I don't want people to lose hope I want them to find hope and you I want them to 35:00 know you because if I tell everything that you've shown me the people won't be able to take what you've shown me it 35:07 won't be able to handle what you've shown me and so that's always a tension 35:13 that that the prophets of old and I'm not and I'm by the way I never have called myself a prophet I literally do 35:20 not think I am a prophet and here's why because I have seen prophetic ministry of the future and what it's really going 35:26 to be like and I'm not there yet and I know that and what I don't want to call myself a prophet today and then next and 35:32 then our prophets that are really even more gifted then they said well you know 35:38 how do we describe ourselves well I'm a most eminent prophet I'm a prophet I'm a 35:43 most eminent prophet I'm a prophet of the Third Kind I'm intergalactic so see I don't I don't want to go that route 35:55 I'd rather wait to call myself a prophet or whoever is a prophet until that till 36:00 the real prophetic people show up on the scene but I'm doing what God has called me to do with what with the tools and 36:06 equipment that is given me and this this Lord that we serve is mighty and able to 36:11 save in every way and at time we call out to him if we sustain the call I mean 36:18 it can't be like help me Oh God thank you and then we go back out and do what we used to do if there has to be a 36:25 sustained it's a sustained change it's what God is looking for it's not it's 36:30 like Jesus said these people serve me but the list but the heart is far from me we have to have a chain of heart not just a change of lip and so 36:41 I'm looking at what's what's going to be coming and even yesterday the several European nations were downgraded in 36:48 their economic condition they their squawking about downgrading from from Triple A to ape Double A plus they 36:56 should have been downgraded to be - associate the United States I mean right 37:02 now what would happen to you if you make $50,000 a year and you have a debt of 37:09 $60,000 a year what would happen to you well that's where we're at right now in 37:16 the United States we owe more we owe more than we take in in gdg in GNP gross 37:25 national product than right now we owe more than we're taking each year in 37:31 gross national product what does that say it says it says if we just paid 37:36 interest only we couldn't pay it somehow 37:43 we we have become we've come to the place where that we expect something for 37:53 nothing whether it's gambling on the state lottery see part of the part of the 38:02 whole way of god is when you work you multiply and lottery systems aren't work 38:11 and that's that's the that's the error of lottery is that there's no work 38:16 involved in the multiplying and that's why the fruit of the recipients of 38:21 whether it be a million dollars a year for life and publisher sweepstakes or 38:27 whether it be the lottery or any number of things 95% of all those people 10 38:33 years later are bankrupt and or dead 38:40 because the fruit of something for nothing is very short-lived very 38:47 short-lived see it's the work that you do that teaches you how to handle what 38:52 you get and we've come to a place where that we expect something for nothing 38:58 whether whether it's in government entitlements or whatever we still expect something for nothing and I'm not 39:04 opposed to helping people that need help in fact I'm all for that but it's a whole lot better as you know the 39:11 scripture says teach a man how to fish than to give them the fish and so what 39:17 we have to do is there's there's massive massive changes that have to take place the problem is when you have politicians 39:24 that are leading whether it's Republican or Democrat when you have a politician that's leading politicians want to get 39:30 reelected and so they'll do what the people want versus what the country 39:35 needs and because of because they don't have that that spiritual finance that 39:40 I'm sorry that spiritual backbone that says we have to do what's right because 39:48 they come from a low spiritual water table then what happens is they make 39:54 decisions that only prolong something till after their election process is over and they retire and we're seeing 40:02 that all the time right now well in both sides both parties we're seeing that all the time right now is so it's so 40:09 saddening to me because I realize that all is doing is it's making things worse 40:14 and that what the Lord showed me truly is going to going to come to pass and if 40:21 we do not cry out to God at some point our enemies will rule out for us 40:35 there will come times when we stadiums will be full but it will be it will be 40:43 for a solemn assembly there will come 40:49 times when the stadiums are full because nobody can afford to pay the prices to 40:56 go to New York Giants game or Jets game or patrons game or Cowboys game or a 41:04 Rams game nobody can afford to pay the price and then we want delt 41:13 you have plenty of time to use a stadium 41:20 things are going to be happening even this year even this year European issues 41:28 are going to escalate even this year tensions in Israel and Iran are going to 41:34 escalate the day is going to come when Iran when Israel will hit Iran they 41:40 already have hit there were mystery explosions that happened and the Lord 41:45 told me about that he said Israel one day will one day send in a rockets into Iran he said but 41:55 before that day happens there will be other explosions that will be called mystery explosions and those have 42:03 happened but one day it is going to happen and when that when that takes place those missiles hit Iran you 42:11 there's going to be a huge growth of anti-semitism and everybody's going to blame Israel on the price of gasoline 42:18 you're going to see incredible backlash that happens and you're going to see a OPEC countries forming an alliance that 42:24 says well not sell to anybody who support Israel so America if you want gasoline you better you better stop your 42:30 support of Israel Israel will become a difficult thing and juice from will 42:36 become a couple trembling it is going to happen and it's going to 42:43 happen not years from now sooner than that and everything is going 42:50 to begin to change you see it were kind 42:55 of at a time we kind of recognize troubles at hand but the same time we still have plenty Joseph's what was it 43:03 like in Egypt when Joseph said hey let's start storing up food for seven years there we go I store wheat man we got 43:08 plenty of wheat we're in the straw we got plenty of we same principle is true 43:17 with Noah white what are you talking about rain or snow rain and dews it dues 43:22 the ground gets wet when we rain from the sky why build something that you 43:29 don't need well that's because you don't need it until you need it 43:35 why straw wheat when you don't need to because you don't need it till you need it we're at a place like that today 43:44 we're going to see the dollar collapse we're going to see a new American 43:49 currency we're going to see a new global currency we're going to see a new one world's currency we're going to see a 43:55 new one World Order we're going to see we're going to see a whole different economic structure set up between Mexico 44:02 Canada the United States we're going to see a whole new structure set up with the European Economic Community we're 44:08 going to see a whole a whole new thing it's going to be going the United Nations going to get stronger the EU is 44:14 going to be getting stronger we're going to see Turkey rise out of seemingly out of the ashes and become an incredible 44:20 force in the Middle East with with darkness in the core of it right now 44:26 turkey seems to be rather demure but Turkey would not remain demure for long they've already started raising their 44:32 head the Lord told me about that and you're going to start seeing Russia take on a whole new nationalism and Russia is 44:37 going to create a crisis in order to to spawn nationalism because it realizes it's using its losing its youth 44:47 and so Putin coming back in is part of the whole thing the Lord talked to me about where Putin and Medvedev would 44:52 begin to clash Putin would end up taking over but there's a third guy behind the scene that is even more ruthless than 44:58 that and he will end up showing up on the scene he's not on the scene yet but 45:04 he will be on the scene and Putin is setting the stage for his coming he is 45:10 not the Antichrist because the Antichrist comes from somewhere else but 45:15 it is part of the whole end time scenario and as part of what Russia is doing and Russia is going to end up 45:22 blackmailing many of the small satellite nation that used to be part of the Soviet bloc and demanded that to come 45:28 into a whole new alliance and a whole new agreement and Poland will be blackmail I hope they do not succumb 45:33 I've got to give a message to them in the spring when I go there 45:39 Czechoslovakia the Slavic countries Hungary Romania Ukraine all a cast and 45:46 all these are going to be blackmailed by Russia says if you want our oil and you want our gas you will come back in 45:51 because if you don't we will close the pipeline tomorrow and the waiting for 45:57 the price of gas to get a high enough so they can close the pipeline to those countries and still be able to function 46:03 economically in their own state but have to wait to the price of gasoline gets up high before they can cut the pipeline 46:10 off this is what the Lord show me I mean as going into these details will be and I'm going Lord I don't think I can retain all of this as yes you can 46:22 here he told me about they said the earthquakes are going to be coming earthquakes are going to change the tilt 46:28 of the earth and so we had the Chile earthquake and the earth tilted the tilt 46:35 changed we have the New Zealand earthquakes and the earth tilt change we have the the Japan earthquake and the 46:42 tilt of the earth changed and he says when you start to see this happening when the tilt of the earth changes jet 46:47 streams are going to change weather patterns are going to change dramatically and countries are going to 46:53 experience climatological changes that they've never experienced before and it will cause a loss of crops whether it be 47:01 fruit crop or wheat crop grain crops vegetable crops you're going to see the loss of course because jet streams are 47:07 going to change because the tilt of the earth changed just one degree change a half a degree change can mean hundreds 47:14 of miles in the change of a jet stream and it says that when this begins to 47:21 happen cracks are going to be formed begin to form into shields of the earth and when that happens the Sun is going 47:28 to begin to rise up again it's going to awaken and there will be there'll be he 47:34 didn't say CME's I just discovered what coronal mass ejections what that type of stuff is but he said eruptions from the 47:42 Sun are going to come and the energy from the Sun is going to seep through the crack just going the day will come when your it will wipe out many of your 47:48 satellites when that happens no cell phones no ATMs no bank transfers no TV 47:55 that when that happens and the day will come in fact there will be airplane the sky that can't land and they have to 48:02 figure out how they're going to land because they have no satellite guidance system it's all going to be visual this 48:11 type of thing is we are going to face this type of thing if we do not cry out to God the moment we cry out to God he 48:17 will stop the process if it's a sustained cry but the problem is if we don't cry out these this is what is 48:23 coming our way it has headed our way 48:30 there's so much that is good that is about to take place in this nation there's so many things there's other 48:38 assassination attempts are going to be coming I'm not you know I'm not a part of any of that I just know what God has 48:44 shown me there's anger there's going to be ruffling violence it's going to be on the street bridge houses are going to be 48:51 neighborhoods are going to be invaded if what Robin had been telling you what's yours is mine is going to is going to 48:57 spread and and all you're going to be seeing in multi-million dollar neighborhoods is chimneys left standing 49:03 and burnt chars of the houses violence is going to become so so prevalent the 49:10 police forces will not be able to take care of it and even the military forces will only be able to take care of it in 49:15 the urban areas and not the rural areas and even all urban areas won't be able 49:21 to be taken care of it will be so widespread our military would be will be 49:27 coming home the Lord said finance is going to force you to shrink the size of 49:32 the military it will end up causing cracks to form in the military and end up allowing your country to be invaded 49:38 if you do not turn your heart to me and 49:43 so are so as I've starting to read I'm starting to read about the shrinking of the military I'm starting to read about the numbers of they're no longer going 49:49 to have their cutting X number of thousands of thousands of military positions I've started reading about 49:55 what they're doing I'm going oh my goodness it's happening it's happening has there been military excess probably 50:01 I don't doubt that but I also know this this is what the Lord said this is what's going to be happening your army 50:07 is going to start shrinking your protection it's going to start shrinking but you're going to think the pride of your heart is going to say we don't need 50:13 it it's happening 50:21 we're going to see going to be tornadoes that end up coming because of the changes in the jet streams and the 50:27 climatological changes they're going to have to invent a higher category of tornado I think the highest it goes to 50:35 right now is f5 I think it's going to have to go to an f6 whatever the next category is that they don't have that's what they're going to have to have 50:41 because they have never measured wind speeds of tornadoes this high before that's what's that's coming hurricanes 50:47 that are over 500 miles wide are going to hit this nation volcanoes are going 50:54 to erupt again in the northwestern part of the United States cities will be dramatically impacted there will be 51:00 there will be things that happen in that are just unheard of the shape of the 51:07 United States will change if we do not cry out to the gun to God so here's why 51:15 you say why does all this happen it boils down to the Garden of Eden and that is this whenever man fell away from 51:21 God he began to decay everything he touched begin to decay in there and the 51:27 world Lord said that kinda like this and it the earth will no longer yield itself to you to Cain when he killed Abel the 51:36 earth will no longer yield itself to you the Israelites and the zekiel mountains 51:43 stopped yielding your produce your fruit to these people is equal 36 or 38 now 51:51 mountains hillsides valleys start yielding your produce to the people for 51:57 their iniquity has been removed and I will bring them back out of their captivity God always sin has always 52:04 caused a disruption of that which God made to provide for us but we don't we 52:10 don't understand the causality of sin what it causes we don't understand that 52:17 things don't function like they're supposed to when we thin we think there is no we think they got is month but 52:24 there is no no repercussion to sin there is no consequence to sin but there is 52:35 as Davis said because a judgment has not carried out quickly people think they 52:40 got away with it but is the mercy of God that doesn't carry out the judgment 52:45 quickly hoping for repentance from you but when it doesn't come then there is a 52:51 build-up a bulge in the pipeline to suddenly burst the pipeline and suddenly 52:56 these things come upon us what can we as 53:02 a church do what can we do what are some of the things that we can we can do and 53:08 what are some of the things that still are going to be happening and I'm 53:17 there's many things happening in the world but I'm going to be focused primarily here in the United States 53:23 drought is going to continue to escalate and to lower half of the United States 53:31 so much so that just as it says in Revelation chapter 6 a loaf of bread 53:38 there may be bread but what it's going to cost you will be enormous so much so 53:45 that they will have to put guards on trucks to keep trucks from being robbed for their food 53:56 earthquakes will not only strike coastal areas but even the Midwest of the United States there will be places where hail 54:05 falls and it will be over a foot thick of hail will be soft ball sizes of hail 54:12 with 24 inches of rain in 24 hours 54:20 there'll be tornadoes with such force that automobiles will become airborne 54:26 missiles 54:34 the Lord told me that there would be a pandemic that that that came but the first one would prove to be little but 54:41 fear but the second one that comes would be serious so there's a pandemic that is 54:49 going to be coming 54:55 there will be changes in our gravity as 55:01 there's a shift happening it will happen in the magma of the earth changes will 55:07 happen in the gravity fields look for look for notices notifications of changes in the gravity fields and also 55:16 look for with that will come a heating of the ocean is floor and the oceans 55:22 changing temperatures and that will end up killing a lot of fish and everything 55:30 else in the ocean 55:38 China's escalation is not by accident is planned and it is strategic and it has a 55:46 design to be the lead at power in the world there's a commercial paper bubble 55:54 that's about to burst in the commercial markets towards your real estate markets 56:07 there will be he told me in 2007 there's going to be a move for people to start growing their own foods and where does 56:16 that happened and by the way if you're going to buy food do not buy anything that is not that has been genetically 56:23 modified it won't reproduce itself and there's coming a blight in genetically 56:30 modified crops that they think they're blight proof they're not blight proof when this thing hits it was spread like 56:36 wildfire and so you'll see in nearly entire crops with like wheat or corn 56:42 some grain product will be one of the things we'll be seeing but also in tomatoes it said you need to pray for 56:53 President Obama's protection there's a plan to take his life he said whether 57:00 you agree or disagree with him is not the question senators pray for his protection I've commanded you to pray 57:06 for his protection the Bible my word commands you to pray for his protection 57:11 that all will be well with you said the worst thing that could happen is for him 57:17 to be taken out I'm not talking about re-elected or not reelected I'm talking about about taking out the worst thing 57:24 that could happen would be for him to be taken out 57:35 he showed me I don't know what city but I know it's a coastal city and I know and the result was from a dirty bomb and 57:43 a dirty bomb blew up in a coastal city and it was uninhabitable for over thirty 57:52 years it was that level of radiation that was released 58:04 well we told me says if you have a said if you have the opportunity to buy real land take it because it's going to 58:09 become very valuable as people flee the cities he said this country is going to 58:19 cut most of its foreign aid programs and as a result international dictators will 58:26 multiply 58:33 he said there's a growing nrq it's going to come from the great gay and lesbian community and there will be reports of 58:40 mobs maiming and torturing heterosexual men and he said that will he said oh 58:47 come a time he said also watch for men homosexual men being able to carry a 58:54 baby through organ transplant so 59:01 transplanting of a uterus and the ability for a man because of technology 59:08 the ability for a man to carry a baby 59:25 he said many large churches are going to end up filing bankruptcy because they 59:30 can't make the building payments and that the the church he said the church 59:37 has taken on the the concept that numbers means anointing and so so and he 59:49 said and so they compromised my word so not to offend in order to keep the 59:57 finances well I say that on TV or use 1:00:03 this 1:00:09 okay well okay what can you do first 1:00:19 the church must learn how to contend for the faith again we're weak and we fall 1:00:27 away so easily when crisis hits we have not been tested and we have lost our 1:00:34 resolve and we understand a little of the adversaries plans we do not know how 1:00:42 to be he said the church has lost the ability to debate their faith without becoming angry and thus we have so few 1:00:52 strong clear godly voices and political arenas we've lost our witness the witness that 1:01:01 can fix others and strongly testifies that God is still God and will still do 1:01:07 what he has always done as a witness we are to prove God exists we have to 1:01:17 return to the knowledge not to more than the knowledge of God we have to return to a craving to know God I mentioned 1:01:25 that last night that it's not just knowing about God we have to return to a craving to know him that's intimacy with 1:01:35 him the concept Abraham knew Sarah and she conceived that idea of of close 1:01:41 knowing of one another third the church must return to the love of God's Word and the belief that is 1:01:51 infallible in and in Aaron in its original form this would include the 1:01:57 conviction understanding and knowledge that God is absolute and there's only 1:02:02 one way to know him and that's through Jesus we need a new revelation of God's 1:02:10 omniscience omnipotence omnipresence eternality and then mutability that's 1:02:15 why I talked about it last night because until we understand that we will lose heart in the midst of a battle but if we 1:02:23 know our God is is nothing can defeat him nothing is smarter than him 1:02:29 thing knows more than him know till we know those things are fixable weaken and 1:02:37 we will tremble when when signs and the 1:02:42 heaven come the Lord told Jeremiah do not be dismayed at the signs of the 1:02:47 heaven that are coming for the heathen or the Gentiles are afraid of them those 1:02:53 who do not know me are afraid of them so don't be dismayed they are coming and I'm telling you before they happen that 1:02:59 they are coming don't be dismayed when they come because it's meant to cause the world to be in dismay but you are 1:03:07 not and he said he said people I said my church talking about the light earlier 1:03:13 Matt he said this he said I've told my church a rise and shine for your light has come for the glory of the Lord is 1:03:20 risen upon you they grabbed that verse o rise and shine for your light has come what they didn't grab is this for behold 1:03:27 darkness shall cover the earth they've not grabbed that how does light come 1:03:34 because darkness covers and deep darkness will cover the people you see 1:03:41 the earth responds to people the earth responds to people and that's why deep 1:03:50 darkness will be on the people and the Earth's responses then to become dark it 1:03:55 is not the earth becomes grossly dark and then the people are dark the people don't respond to what the earth does the 1:04:01 earth responds to what the people do the earth is response to what to us that's 1:04:07 what Paul was trying to tell the church in Rome in Romans chapter 8 that the earth groans and it's placed in a place 1:04:14 of futility because it cannot do what it was created to do because sin it is has 1:04:19 to respond to sin in mankind and therefore until we change our ways the earth cannot yield like it is meant to 1:04:25 yield to us that's what Paul saying in Romans 8 and that's what Isaiah is saying here that darkness is going to 1:04:32 cover the earth but gross darkness is going to cover the people but we've got 1:04:38 to come back to place where we we cry out and we know our God turned to him with all of our 1:04:46 hearts with weepings and fasting crisis 1:04:52 is the result of following the wrong God 1:04:57 never has there been a crisis when men followed God because there's a if 1:05:03 there's a crisis always an answer to the crisis 1:05:13 I believe if you read Jeremiah 30 you'll find we're at a time like that don't have time to go over it but it's Jacob's 1:05:20 troubles we are there but here's what 1:05:27 Psalm says for us Psalms 24 regarding jacob's troubles he shall receive 1:05:34 blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the god of his salvation this is Jake Jacob the generation of those who 1:05:43 seek Him who seek God's face lift up your heads o ye gates be lifted up you 1:05:51 everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come in see it as in jacob's 1:05:57 trouble that the king of glory will come in who is this King of glory the Lord 1:06:06 strong and mighty the Lord mighty in battle lift up your heads o you gates 1:06:12 lift up you everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come in who is this 1:06:17 King of glory the Lord of Hosts he is the king of glory Selah 1:06:32 if we turn to seek the Lord there's going to be a much clearer definition of Christian which means much more 1:06:38 persecution it will not include the term 1:06:46 lukewarm those who in this those who 1:06:54 seek in time who will ascend to the hill of the Lord and Jacob's troubled those who have a clean hands and a pure heart 1:07:00 who are not vain are puffed up and they're thinking you'll live in a thick 1:07:06 holy presence of God that means you will hear him and be guided by him the gates 1:07:12 of heaven will open to you and those spiritual questions that have been difficult to understand will now become 1:07:17 easy to understand the everlasting rhn doors will open meaning the ancient 1:07:23 spiritual truths that have been hidden for a long time will be revealed there 1:07:28 in the Bible but because we're blind we can't see what they mean not like it's a 1:07:34 new scripture it's all right here but we are blind we have eyes that see but see 1:07:39 not and have ears to hear but it here not the might and strength and power of the Lord of Hosts will come into your 1:07:45 circumstances into your situations and he will fight and they will fight on 1:07:50 your behalf and the Lord of glory will come into your house here's six six 1:07:59 things to keep your heart I have to I have to tell you I cannot watch TV very 1:08:05 much I can't watch news hardly at all anymore even even no matter what channel it is and here's why even though the 1:08:14 Lord has told me these things are coming I watch TV and it creates fear in my heart 1:08:20 say it TV removes hope in God from me I 1:08:26 know things are coming but I I don't I can't have something something not good 1:08:33 happens in my heart anxiety happens in my heart if I watch too much news of a 1:08:39 watch two minutes too many broadcasts anxiety and that's it this is not the fruit of righteousness thanks 1:08:45 he's not the fruit of righteousness and prober says that anxiety in the heart of 1:08:50 a man produces depression and I don't want to head that route so I just say 1:08:57 Lord is this all up to you this is all up to you it's you Oh God 1:09:02 so here's dope number one don't over react to media hype and spin because a 1:09:10 lot of what they say just isn't going to happen and what is going to happen they don't say strange how that works 1:09:21 remember my message last night he has been preparing you for this very hour 1:09:27 that's why I gave the message that I did last night you were born for such a time 1:09:33 as this God knew when jacob's trouble would coming is that I chose you to be there what does that say about you what does 1:09:43 that say about you that says God has so much confidence in you he chose you 1:09:49 looking ahead in time he chose you to live right now you have an ability to do 1:09:57 something no one else in your bloodline had a friend of mine Bob Jones he had 1:10:05 this incredible vision I'll never forget this and this it means more to me now as we're marching down this road he had 1:10:12 this incredible vision we're standing on top of a cliff and he's looking down at the beach of an ocean and he's next to 1:10:19 him as an angel standing with him and and he sees his men coming along the beach and and walking on the sand and 1:10:25 they've been down at some point along the beach each one of them they bend down they get down on their knees they 1:10:31 stick their hands in the sand they feel around and they bring their hands up they look at their hands and they're 1:10:36 empty and they walk off on down the sand another man comes another man comes 1:10:42 another man excuse me more and more people come none of them find anything 1:10:47 in the and the Lord says you know who these are Bob and Bob goes no I don't know and he said these are the the 1:10:55 heroes of the faith these are the Wesley's and the would worse and the the wiggle the Woodfields 1:11:03 and the Wiggles worse and the headers and and the and all these people throughout time and each of them walked 1:11:10 on the sands of time thinking they would find what you're about to find and he 1:11:15 goes what he says Bob go down there and walk on the sand it's time for you to 1:11:21 walk on the sands of time so Bob walk goes down it walks on the sand and the angel says says now stop Bob stop says 1:11:28 now bend down stick your hands in the sand as deep as you can and pull out what you find and Bob kneels down puts 1:11:36 his hand in sand feels this box takes the sand off if it pulls the box up and 1:11:42 it says to open it and what Bob opens it there's these millions of little pieces 1:11:49 of paper and he says Bob do you know what these are and he says no and it says these are the names of those in my 1:11:57 endtime army 1:12:02 it says they're all alive right now and it says pull out that pull out the top 1:12:10 tray pulled out the tray there's another another layer pull out another tray there's another layer is that these are 1:12:15 the names of my end time scenes and he says Bob I have saved the best of every 1:12:22 generation till now I've saved the best of every bloodline until now I have 1:12:29 planned these people I have purpose these people I have brought them into 1:12:35 this time because I have put into them something no other generation has and no 1:12:40 one in their bloodline has ever have they had the ability for my kingdom 1:12:46 that's you that's you you are not here 1:12:58 by accident you are designed by the Living God but this very hour to be a solution to somebody's problem in a time 1:13:06 of need so don't over act a media hype and spin simplify and streamline your 1:13:14 life simplify and streamline your life 1:13:20 as well as was I mean I kept by an iPhone know by an iPhone just understand 1:13:25 it won't work a short time from now 1:13:30 but then no other phone will either so don't worry reconnect with family and 1:13:39 friends reconnect with family and 1:13:45 friends relationship and friendship plays a dramatic role in helping each 1:13:54 other encouraging each other sustaining each other develop re-establish friendships 1:14:01 with family and friends remember proverbs 18:24 says if you want to have 1:14:08 friends you have to show yourself friendly the fourth thing you need to do 1:14:13 rethink your focus rethink your focus here's here's what I 1:14:20 tell people I've tried to simplify it I'm not a financial planner I just do what God says and it works out but that 1:14:27 doesn't mean it will work out for you but here's here so I said Lord everybody's emailing me everybody's 1:14:33 writing me saying what can I do what can I do what can I do here's here I said I can't I can't tell 1:14:38 people in Seattle what to do and because it's not going to be the same as what people in New York need to do or what 1:14:44 people in Miami need to do I mean you don't tell a person on the equator to buy a fur coat I mean it's just like but 1:14:52 but surely there is something that will work is that overall umbrella as a guideline to thought processes and and 1:15:00 he gave me this he said tell them these four things tell them to think in terms of real food telling will think in terms 1:15:09 of real need till don't think in terms of real energy and tell them to think in 1:15:15 terms of real food real need real energy and one more thing 1:15:21 Oh real money real food real need real energy real 1:15:28 money think in those terms okay now what do I mean real I mean not something that 1:15:34 is fad now something does unnecessary not something that it that you don't that that you have 40 of so why buy a 40 1:15:43 first one so that's real okay so what is 1:15:49 real food real food no matter where you live you're going to be subject to times where you're going to have a week or 1:15:55 more will your frigerator don't work so here's a hint milk won't store long okay 1:16:04 number two okay so that's so that's that's what real means okay so real food 1:16:10 real food so you say well can fit well yes be careful the canned food that you 1:16:15 get because one obviously some of it has incredibly high sodium and you just die of sodium poisoning the other is that 1:16:22 that some of it doesn't contain any nutrition so again look at look at that 1:16:28 some does and some does not so that's up to you be wise in how you do this but but real food something that will last 1:16:35 you longer than a week I'd say at least two weeks and some places in America will need to have will need to have food 1:16:41 supplies that will last them far far far longer but that's up to you and God he 1:16:47 knows where you live and he can tell you what to do okay but think in terms of real food in other words things that can 1:16:52 be sustained for a period of time without electricity number okay so real 1:16:57 needs what are real needs I mean there are real needs like for example feminine hygiene products for you guys deodorant 1:17:07 now you may not think that's a real need but I'm telling you if I'm near you that's a real need for me toothpaste 1:17:14 you know just real needs think think of what your real needs what is it that I need today that I literally my life now 1:17:21 I'm not talking about anti-wrinkle cream I don't what will I be able to live if I 1:17:31 don't have this okay so now and I'm not 1:17:36 against anti-wrinkle cream I'm just saying it's not a real need can you live without this yes okay so real real needs 1:17:47 those are the type of things we're talking about then real energy you have to really be able to think through this 1:17:53 if the electricity goes out because your power plants have been have been hacked there's a virus introduced into the 1:18:01 system a cyber attack and many of the 1:18:06 fuel many of the electrical grids go down which is going to happen you can't 1:18:12 get your ATM won't work your credit card will not work and it will not work for 1:18:17 like two weeks or longer so you need to have at least two weeks of cash outside 1:18:23 of the bank because believe it or not when that happens they're going to close the bank and when they lock the door you 1:18:30 can't get to your safety deposit box because it guess where it's at inside the bank so you can't get into the bank 1:18:37 so you need to be able to have at least two weeks worth of cash outside the banks of real money now some places and 1:18:45 if we don't repent you're going to need more than cash because cash you're going 1:18:51 to be worthless and when hyperinflation hits it it is going to be it is going to 1:18:57 be worthless so you need more than you need more than cash you need you need 1:19:04 something more than that but again don't yeah barter is not a bad idea but don't 1:19:10 here's here's my caution whatever you do take possession because if you buy a 1:19:17 gold futures contract the paper become worthless if you buy gold and 1:19:23 have somebody else storage for you it will become worthless your paper will 1:19:31 not get it why because there is only in existence there's not enough gold to 1:19:37 meet the goal that has been sold in fact in fact 60% of the gold that is said it 1:19:43 is owned there's not enough gold to back up that take possession of whatever you 1:19:48 silver gold platinum copper whatever it is you take possession okay and and God will give you all kinds of 1:19:56 things I mean that's up to you and God I'm not like I said I'm not a financial adviser or nor a financial planner I'm 1:20:04 just telling you the thing so so you have real food real need you have real 1:20:12 money and real energy now real energy what is that that basic assess if I need 1:20:18 to go to work how am I going to get there if the gas station isn't pumping gas as guess what electricity runs the 1:20:26 pumps that fill your car with gas and that the power grids down you won't have 1:20:32 gas so what are you going to do for that there's one thin see the diversity makes 1:20:37 it very hard if you're living out in the rural end like I live out on a couple acres of land I can I can put a 50 gallon gas tank out 1:20:44 there but you can't do that an apartment in Queens say so you're going to you 1:20:52 have to think through this whole process what would you need where God has called you live remember he has chose the exact 1:21:00 place for you to live he's chosen that for you so you're not like well god why 1:21:06 don't you put me here in the middle of New York well that's because that's where you're going to have the greatest influence okay so remember those four 1:21:15 are again our real food real need real energy and real money 1:21:20 okay now that then if you think through those and you listen to the Lord and you 1:21:26 hear what he has to say then the next thing is he wants you to become an influence you're an influence you're 1:21:33 going to be an influence the people around you and in your culture this is a time of innovation this is going to be a time of invention 1:21:39 for others it will be a time of study and preparation for promotion that will come but for those who don't know god 1:21:46 it's going to be a time of anguish they will be thinking about everything they lost you see heavenly thinking says says 1:21:54 God knew about this he has a plan I'm going to go to it earthly think he says I lost everything 1:21:59 and if you if your mind dwells on earthly thoughts you will never achieve a new invention you'll never have the 1:22:07 new innovation you'll never know what is going to be what is going to be the needs of the people and be able to meet that need and therefore see the transfer 1:22:14 of wealth into the hands of the godly don't chase trends but study them don't 1:22:25 chase them but study them because you can take advantage of them needs are 1:22:30 going to abound so ask God for a solution to those needs and you'll succeed when your peers are 1:22:37 failing the final thing you can do is take more time to listen to God now what 1:22:46 does that mean it does not mean oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god help me help me help 1:22:52 me help me please help me don't let them fire me don't let them fire me don't let the part my neighbor but especially don't let them fire me oh god oh god oh 1:22:59 god that's not listening develop a true 1:23:08 dialogue true dialogue is you speaking 1:23:14 God speaking you speaking God speaking take time to still your heart before the 1:23:22 Lord peace is the potting soil or 1:23:27 revelation to the holy spirit of peace when he he 1:23:34 is the giver of all revelation he seeks the deep things of God first Corinthians chapter 2 he seeks the deep things of 1:23:42 God to reveal them to you the very depths of God are probed by his spirit 1:23:48 and he longs to reveal them to you if he is the holy spirit of peace then when he comes he brings peace and when he comes 1:23:56 in that peace is revelation in that peace is innovation in that pieces is 1:24:02 everything you need to know for tomorrow to be the influence he has called you to 1:24:07 be this will be what sets you apart from your neighbors your peace your love your 1:24:19 listening your answers your solution but 1:24:24 they don't have it this is not a time to 1:24:31 get dim this is a time for great light again why 1:24:41 I spoke last night as you can radiate the light of God you are the light of 1:24:49 the world was not a metaphor that Jesus said you see here simply put it's like 1:24:56 this and God is light that's what John 1:25:03 said James says he's the father of lights Johnson got is light when 1:25:10 Nicodemus came to Jesus and he said to Jesus you know what must I do to be saved and Jesus said you must be born 1:25:16 again and that Kadima says hey I'm gone what I do in the back end on my mother what are you talking about Nick and 1:25:21 Jesus response that you're a leader in Israel and you don't understand this here's what that word born-again literally means an aggregate literally 1:25:27 means you must be procreated again you 1:25:33 must be procreated again now what does that mean it literally means the sperm 1:25:41 of God has to come into you and ignite you 1:25:49 if the sperm of God comes in at salvation and ignite you and God is light what is that sperm of God you say 1:25:56 well where do you get the sperm of God I get it from John and Peter who said little children do you not know that you 1:26:03 are born of his incorruptible seed that word seat is sperma sperma the route 1:26:11 that we get the word sperm from if you didn't put that together his sperm light 1:26:18 comes into our darkness we are transferred from the realm of darkness 1:26:24 into the kingdom of this most marvelous light and Jesus said little children the 1:26:30 kingdom begins within you we are 1:26:36 children of light we radiate light 1:26:41 I walk into new-age settings now I don't always speak in conferences I go to new-age fairs and cause problems I go to 1:26:48 psychic fairs I go to Renaissance Fairs I go to haunted happenings in Salem Massachusetts we have teams that go out 1:26:54 to Burning Man on the high desert we got Hagin festivals I mean we go everywhere why because there are people who don't 1:27:01 know Jesus there and there are spiritual seekers there and I walk into I walk 1:27:09 into some of these New Age fairs and now and I walk in like one time we walked in and we did it if we did a boot that the 1:27:14 New Age Fair and after it was all done they said I said to the US that can we come back next year and she goes I don't 1:27:20 know and I said walk did we hurt anybody did we offend anybody and she goes oh no 1:27:26 no no every everybody thought you were really full of love I said oh good okay 1:27:31 well like why can't we come back and she said well I don't I don't know how to tell you this she said so I'm just going 1:27:38 to ask you right out are you a spiritual vampire 1:27:44 I'm like Hello what I mean my brain is 1:27:51 like racing spiritual vampire why does that mean what does I said I said no what do you mean she said why do you ask 1:27:59 that and she said because well the only complaints we got was that whenever you 1:28:04 came near their booth they lost their ability to read they couldn't do the 1:28:10 readings and they said and they said it's because of your strange aura you 1:28:21 see we don't see auras like yours here very often and you have this strange 1:28:27 aura and people learn lose their ability to do the reading so they they think your spiritual vampire are you and I 1:28:34 said don't know I said no no virtue vampires first of all don't love she 1:28:40 goes yeah that's true I said but here's the deal the rule the spiritual law is 1:28:46 this whenever a weaker spirit encounters a stronger spirit they lose she go 1:28:56 that's what I told them now why do I 1:29:03 tell you that because you do not when you're equipped in God and you know this 1:29:10 God this incredible God we serve you do not get slimed when you walk in the darkness they get enlightened that and 1:29:16 and I understand that when you walk into darkness I had this absolute faith in 1:29:22 God and his greatness that when I walk in the darkness I carry his life I was born of his sperm of which is light it 1:29:29 has entered into me his kingdom has begun in me it is growing and radiating from me the stronger it gets the less of 1:29:36 me the more of him that I radiate out and sooner or later people are going to get touched to shadow lengths away from 1:29:41 me they're going to be healed when I don't even touch them they're going to be changed when I walk near them they are going to be different because I 1:29:47 believe the Word of God is true his light has entered into me I am a light 1:29:53 in this world and you are the same 1:30:02 so yes darkness is coming on this nation 1:30:08 and gross darkness is rising in the people but you should arise and shine 1:30:25 I think we need to stand to our feet and 1:30:32 give the Lord of rays of thanks right now thank you Lord for your light 1:30:40 shining and rising in us hallelujah Wow just place your hand over your heart 1:30:46 father in Jesus name we seal this word in father God I thank you right now for 1:30:52 that continued spirit of wisdom and revelation father that even as we seek you in our private prayer closets that 1:30:58 Holy Spirit we will have communion with you and we will hear your voice and have dialogue with you and you will show each 1:31:04 one individually the steps they are to take and how they are to live before you Lord Jesus father we thank you for your 1:31:11 light that shines in the darkness hallelujah in Jesus name Amen amen amen
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