God's Promises of Protection
all the promises given to israel are fulfilled in christ and extended to us as we are in christ God is no respecter of persons.. he doesn't provide for one but not others. you need merely to obey for his protection and abide for his love. Obeying does keep most things away.. however, the heart is what matters. someone might think they have followed all the law, but what is in their heart is what comes searching for them. it is the law of attraction. you bring around you that which you focus on, which you give attention to.. not in your actions only but in your heart. if your actions externally show obedience, but your heart does not show the love which results in the obedience.. then you are open to the enemy not as open as those whos hearts are far from the lord and their obedience too. when your heart is close to god and your reactions reflect that closeness, that love... that is the closes.t Lord Lord, didn't we cast out demons in your nam...