Table of Contents

Sections of the Bible
Luke 10:13-16 - Unrepentant Towns
Outer Darkness
Healings and Miracles
The Promises of God
Who we are in Christ
The Spoken Word
Only One Rule: Love
It's All About Love
Verses on Tongues
Parallel Gospels
Parallel Gospels - Intros
Parallel Gospels 1 - The Genealogy of Jesus
Parallel Gospels 2 - The Foretelling of the Birth of Jesus to Joseph
Parallel Gospels 2a - The Birth of Jesus
Parallel Gospels 3 - The Wisemen visit Jesus after HE is born
Parallel Gospels 3a - The boy Jesus
Parallel Gospels 4 - John the Baptist Prepares the Way
Parallel Gospels 4a - John the Baptist points out The Lamb of God
Parallel Gospels 5 - The Baptism of Jesus
Parallel Gospels 6 - The Temptation of Jesus
Parallel Gospels 7 - The beginning of Jesus' Ministry in Galilee
Parallel Gospels 8 - Jesus Calls Matthew and Andrew
Parallel Gospels 9 - Jesus Calls James and John
Parallel Gospels 9a - Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael
Parallel Gospels 9b - The First Sign: Turning Water into Wine
Parallel Gospels 9c - Jesus and Nicodemus
Parallel Gospels 9d - John the Baptist must decrease, Jesus must Increase
Parallel Gospels 9e - Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
Parallel Gospels 9f - A Galilean Welcome
Parallel Gospels 9g - The Second Sign: Healing an Official’s Son
Parallel Gospels 9h - The Third Sign: Healing the Sick (at the Pool of Bethesda)
Parallel Gospels 9i - The Bread of Life
Parallel Gospels 9j - The Unbelief of Jesus’ Brothers
Parallel Gospels 9k - Jesus at the Festival of Tabernacles
Parallel Gospels 9l - An Adulteress Forgiven
Parallel Gospels 9m - The Light of the World
Parallel Gospels 9n - Jesus Predicts His Departure
Parallel Gospels 9o - Truth and Freedom
Parallel Gospels 9p - The Sixth Sign: Healing a Man Born Blind
Parallel Gospels 9q - Jesus at the Festival of Dedication
Parallel Gospels 9r - Many beyond the Jordan Believe in Jesus
Parallel Gospels 10 - Jesus Teaching, Preaching and Healing
Parallel Gospels 11 - The Sermon on the Mount
Parallel Gospels 11a - The Narrow Way
Parallel Gospels 12 - The healing of a man with Leprosy
Parallel Gospels 13 - The healing of the Centurion's servant
Parallel Gospels 14 - Healing Peter's Mother-in-law
Parallel Gospels 14a - Preaching to all the cities of Galilee
Parallel Gospels 14b - A Widow’s Son Raised to Life
Parallel Gospels 15 - The cost of Following Jesus
Parallel Gospels 16 - Jesus calms the storm
Parallel Gospels 17 - Demons from the Gadarenes
Parallel Gospels 18 - Healing a Paralytic lying on a Mat
Parallel Gospels 19 - The Call of Matthew
Parallel Gospels 20 - Fasting and Old Wineskins
Parallel Gospels 21 - A Girl brought back to life and a Woman Healed of Bleeding
Parallel Gospels 22 - Two blind men healed
Parallel Gospels 23 - Driving out a Mute Demon and Beelzebub
Parallel Gospels 24 - Lord of the Harvest
Parallel Gospels 25 - Commissioning the Twelve
Parallel Gospels 26 - Jesus and John the baptist
Parallel Gospels 27 - An Unresponsive Generation
Parallel Gospels 28 - The Son Gives Knowledge and Rest
Parallel Gospels 29 - The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath
Parallel Gospels 30 - Healing a man with a Paralyzed Hand on the Sabbath
Parallel Gospels 31 - The Servant of the Lord
Parallel Gospels 32 - Demon Possessed Blind and Mute Man healed and Beelzebub and the unforgivable Sin
Parallel Gospels 32a - A Tree and Its Fruit
Parallel Gospels 32b - True Relationships
Parallel Gospels 33 - the Sign of Jonah
Parallel Gospels 34 - An Unclean Spirit’s Return
Parallel Gospels 35 - True Relationships
Parallel Gospels 36 - The Parable of the Sower
Parallel Gospels 36a - The Parable of the Growing Seed
Parallel Gospels 37 - Why Jesus Used Parables
Parallel Gospels 38 - The Parable of the Wheat an...
Parallel Gospels 39 - The Parables of the Mustard...
Parallel Gospels 40 - Using Parables Fulfills Pro...
Parallel Gospels 41 - The Parables of the Hidden T...
Parallel Gospels 42 - The Parable of the Net
Parallel Gospels 43 - The Storehouse of Truth - Ol...
Parallel Gospels 44 - Rejection at Nazareth
Parallel Gospels 45 - John the Baptist Beheaded
Parallel Gospels 46 - Feeding 5,000
Parallel Gospels 47 - Walking on the Water
Parallel Gospels 48 - Miraculous Healings
Parallel Gospels 49 - Ceremonial Washing of hands...
Parallel Gospels 50 - A Canaanite Woman's Faith
Parallel Gospels 51 - Healing Many People
Parallel Gospels 51a - Healing of a Deaf man with speech problems
Parallel Gospels 52 - Feeding 4,000
Parallel Gospels 53 - The yeast of the Pharisees
Parallel Gospels 53a - Healing a Blind man with Spittle
Parallel Gospels 53b - Fear God
Parallel Gospels 53c - Acknowledging Christ
Parallel Gospels 53d - The Parable of the Rich Fool
Parallel Gospels 53e - Ready for the Master's Return
Parallel Gospels 53f- Rewards and Punishment
Parallel Gospels 53g - Not Peace but Division
Parallel Gospels 53h - Interpreting the Time
Parallel Gospels 53i - Settling Accounts
Parallel Gospels 53p - Invite the poor to the Banquet
Parallel Gospels 53o - Teaching on Humility
Parallel Gospels 53n - Healing man with dropsy on the Sabbath
Parallel Gospels 53m - Jesus and Herod Antipas
Parallel Gospels 53l - Healing of Bent Over Woman
Parallel Gospels 53k - The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree
Parallel Gospels 53j - Repent or Perish
Parallel Gospels 54 - Who do you say that I AM
Parallel Gospels 55 - Jesus Rebukes Peter's words as if from Satan
Parallel Gospels 56 - Take up your cross
Parallel Gospels 57 - The Transfiguration
Parallel Gospels 58 - The Power of Faith over a Demon
Parallel Gospels 59 - Another Prediction of His De...
Parallel Gospels 59a - In His Name
Parallel Gospels 60 - Paying the Temple Tax
Parallel Gospels 61 - The Greatest in the Kingdom ...
Parallel Gospels 62 - The Parable of the Lost Shee...
Parallel Gospels 63 - Restoring a Brother, Binding...
Parallel Gospels 63l - The Parable of the 10 Minas
Parallel Gospels 63k - Jesus Visits Zacchaeus
Parallel Gospels 63j - The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Parallel Gospels 63i - The Parable of the Persistent Widow
Parallel Gospels 63h - The Coming of the Kingdom
Parallel Gospels 63g - 10 men healed of Leprosy
Parallel Gospels 63f - Faith and Duty
Parallel Gospels 63e - Offenses and Forgiveness
Parallel Gospels 63d - The Rich Man and Lazarus
Parallel Gospels 63c - The Parable of the Shrewd Manager
Parallel Gospels 63b - The Parable of the Lost Son
Parallel Gospels 64 - The Parable of the Unforgivi...
Parallel Gospels 65 - the Question of Divorce
Parallel Gospels 66 - Blessing the Children
Parallel Gospels 67 - The Rich and the Kingdom of ...
Parallel Gospels 68 - The Parable of the Vineyard ...
Parallel Gospels 69 - Yet Another Prediction of H...
Parallel Gospels 70 - Be a servant to be Great
Parallel Gospels 70a - Sending out the Seventy (70)
Parallel Gospels 70b - The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Parallel Gospels 70c - Martha and Mary
Parallel Gospels 71 - Two Blind Men Healed
Parallel Gospels 72 - The Triumphal Entry
Parallel Gospels 72b - Jesus Predicts His Crucifixion
Parallel Gospels 72d - A Summary of Jesus’ Mission
Parallel Gospels 73 - Cleansing the Temple Complex...
Parallel Gospels 74 - Children Praise Jesus
Parallel Gospels 75 - The fig tree cursed
Parallel Gospels 76 - Jesus' Authority Questioned
Parallel Gospels 77 - The Parable of the Two Sons
Parallel Gospels 78* - The Parable of the Vineyar...
Parallel Gospels 79 - The Parable of the Wedding ...
Parallel Gospels 80 - Paying Taxes
Parallel Gospels 81 - Marriage and the Resurrecti...
Parallel Gospels 82 - The most important commandm...
Parallel Gospels 83 - Who's son is the Messiah
Parallel Gospels 84 - Religious Hypocrites Denoun...
Parallel Gospels 84b - The Widow's Gift
Parallel Gospels 85 - When will these things happe...
Parallel Gospels 86 - The Plot to Kill Jesus
Parallel Gospels 87 - Jesus Anointed by a woman at...
Parallel Gospels 87a - Many Women Support Christ’s Work
Parallel Gospels 87b - The Seventh Sign: Raising Lazarus from the Dead
Parallel Gospels 87c - The Plot to Kill Jesus
Parallel Gospels 88 - The Lord's Supper
Parallel Gospels 88a - The New Command
Parallel Gospels 89 - Peter's Denial Predicted
Parallel Gospels 89a - The Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Parallel Gospels 89b - Be Ready for Trouble
Parallel Gospels 89c - The Role of The Holy Spirit
Parallel Gospels 89d - Jesus' Prayer
Parallel Gospels 90 - The Prayer in the Garden
Parallel Gospels 91 - Jesus Arrested
Parallel Gospels 92 - Jesus Faces the Sanhedrin
Parallel Gospels 93 - Peter Denies Jesus 3 times
Parallel Gospels 94 - Jesus Handed over to Pilate
Parallel Gospels 95 - Judas kills himself
Parallel Gospels 96 - Jesus Crucified between two ...
Parallel Gospels 97 - the death of Jesus
Parallel Gospels 98 - The Burial of Jesus
Parallel Gospels 99 - Jesus' Resurrection
Parallel Gospels 100 - The Great Commission

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