The perfect storm - Bob Jones - 2010 (transcript)
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in 2020, Bonnie Jones (Bob's wife) reposted this video of Bob and his description of the message God gave him regarding the perfect storm, 7 storms that converse:
from Bonnie: in 2010 Bob Jones recorded a message he called the perfect storm in the early 1990s the Lord revealed to him that there was a great storm a huge storm that was coming to the United States and he said there were seven storms that were forming and coming to a culmination that would form this perfect storm and the seven features of that storm our governmental spiritual financial social emotional infirmity and geophysical so in this message Bob gives an awesome insight and understanding to how these storms began and instructions on what to do in the midst of the perfect storm which I believe America in the whole world is currently experiencing so you will be blessed in the hearing of this message and I'll return after Bob's message for recap so be blessed in the hearing
Psalm 107:2
1:04 107th Psalm, in the second verse, Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. I think redeemed are being given new Authority or being woke up to it. and we're going to really need to take that authority that God has given us now in this time of storms. in the nineties in Panama City Florida I went into a place that I go and am shown things. I believed to be a trance and I see things that I revealed it to people and they happen. so in the 90s I had a vision of a huge storm coming at the United States it was a one of the biggest that we've ever seen and it had many different facets to it. and I was told that this great storm would come when Admiral oral Roberts went home. Oral Roberts went home on December 15th of '09. that was the fifth day of Hanukkah. I don't believe that was any accident. for Hanukkah is a feast of lights and the feast of dedication. I believe its the time that the redeemed of the Lord begin to shine like never before and that we really need to begin to dedicate our lives to his purpose and plans. so I've spoke this prophecy many times in the past. but now these 3:07 storms are seven different storms coming together to make a perfect storm.
Storm One: Governmental
and the first one of these storms that's coming together is governmental. you're going to
see a shaking and the government like you've never seen before. There's going to be
a shaking in the church government like you've never seen before. and in it
you'll begin to see the true government of the church raise up. it has the
authority of "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so". but it's more than
just the church leaders, it is the church itself. those has been redeemed taking a
say over what's going on down here. I have in my past seen tornado, I was in a
church where it was coming right at us. we took authority of it it lifted and
went over us. but it a few miles on down the road, it fell in an area in Kansas City call Ruskin Heights and there was great damage done.
so we really need to get a vision of of using this authority not only for our
own protection but for protection of an entire city. because we were a beginning
of faithian but I think the faith that we're talking about is "let the redeemed of the Lord say so". they turn an entire
storm away from cities, away from states, away from nations.
"let the redeemed of the Lord say so" - in 2003, there was great
influenza in the United States and in Canada. and I was in the Morningstar
conference on the New Year's Eve of that year. and I went into all these places I go which I believed was a trance. and I
saw the Lord and he was very angry at the leaders of the full-time ministries in
north and South Carolina for they were all crying out to him to pull back this influenza.
and this influenza was killing babies and it was the Lord's
babies being killed. It was killing church leaders. and the Lord
was angry because the church was not taking the authority that he had given
them. and he told me they want me to pull it back, i can't because I've given them
authority to. you go down there, you rebuke them and tell them to repent for not
taking that authority and tell him to get up and take the authority. of what
I've already given them so I brought that word and around noon New Year's Eve
of o3. there were many full-time leaders
the whole church get up and repented authority and then we pointed our fingers
at this influenza and we said we curse you in Jesus name we command that you cease
to function and die immediately. but that morning all I heard in the television
was influenza' not beat. the hospital wards are full, the hallways are full and
it's yet getting worse in the United States and Canada. from that time forth
I've never heard of another case of influenza also I didn't hear another
case of influenza to Canada. so the
redeemed the Lord have gotta begin to say so. because if you don't say so
things are going to happen. do you have authority over storms? Jesus everything that he
did you have the same authority to do. and when he was asleep on the ship and
this great storm coming to sea. they woke him up, he was sort of put out with them.
I believe he was put out with them because they didn't take the authority.
so he pointed his finger at his disciples and said peace then he pointed his
finger at the storm abnd said be still it ceased immediately. so I think what he's speaking to the church is peace, be at
peace and take authority over these storms that are beginning to come in so
many different ways. so Admiral Oral Robertshas gone home. he was a leader of many leadership's
. now what a storm comes to sea, a ship don't come into port they go out to sea and they let their anchor down and when
the storms come the waves just simply lift that ship up higher than it's ever
been before and then it it comes back down. I believe the church getting ready
for higher experiences ever known before. and when it comes back down I think it's
going to be to get the drowning people to take them aboard ship. I think it's going
to be one of the church's finest hour. now this anchor is the anchor of hope (Hebrews 6:19) and hope means confident expectation in the Lord. it's time that
we begin to have a confident expectation in him and that we have that blessed
hope to get us through the times at hand. And another thing, if a ship is in a
storm at sea and has no lighthouse, it has no light in it, then the waves are
going to take it up and run it aground on the rocks. so it's time that the church gets light in it for the
church is the lighthouse to the world. and it's time that the church turns their light on. for they are light. in Ephesians
5, you're light. and it's time in this time of darkness you turn that light up for there be no darkness where there's light.
so it is a time of the storms but we
need to be prepared to take them head on. for when a ship goes our and lets
anchor down. it puts his face right into the storm and the church is not going
under, it's going through the storm. not only when it's going through, it is its
finest hour of bringing the souls in. so it's not time for the church to have
fear whatsoever. it's the time for them to begin to rejoice because there's
going to be souls to come in like they've never seen before. now you can have your anchor
let out at sea. you can have that hope, that confident expectation. you can have a
lighthouse but if you get crossways with your brothers and sisters then that ship
will be crossways and that wave will take it under. its no time for us to get crossways with one another. it's time for us
to get behind one another like we never have before. it's the time that we begin to protect one another from our back
like never before. and it's time that we begin to resolve our differences and forgive and let the light within us
shine so those that's in darkness may find a salvation. so this is at hand
now. so I believe that there's seven different storms that's coming together
and as I said the first one is political and I believe you go to see a
governmental shaking like we ever seen before. it's already going on, and government hasn't got the answers.
the redeemed of the Lord's got the answers. the government's
not got the answers on the economy, on the finance, or anything like that. the redeemed of the Lord has got the
answers. they're the ones that said. if they don't say, then the enemies won't have his way. but if they do say, the
enemy's not gonna have his way, the Lord by HIS spirit is going to have his way. so first
one political, governmental. I believe the Lord is getting ready to restore the
true apostolic leadership to the church. I believe in this shaking in our
government will bring will bring the Lord back into the equation of the
United States where people begin to focus on what we were. we were we were born on
the freedom of religion. I believe you getting ready to see religion come to a
new Liberty and a new freedom like we've never before. and I believe that we're getting
ready to see the Apostolic leadership of the church take a strong leadership in
the nation of America and the world. I don't believe in what I'm speaking out in just in United States I believe it's
the entire world. and we're getting ready to see the leaders of the church raise
up and have the say-so.
Storm Two: Spiritual
now the second a storm will be a spiritual .I mean in the United States, I believe that they're going to the witch doctors, fortune tellers, tarot cards, everything they can to the occult to find out the truth and I think they're looking in the wrong places because when you go to these places and you seek there is a curse that comes over you. and there's no light within you. if you have no light and you're going to the dark side, then the time is coming it's gonna be really horrible for you. but you're gonna be a place that has no hope in it. no common expectations. no absolutes in it. you can begin to come to wonder why you were ever born. so in this time of the spiritual shaking, the real spiritual people of the redeemed will have their say, and what they say will begin to happen. I believe you'll begin to hear prophets prophesy the things that's going to happen in the future, long before it happens. I believe you going to get a see the spiritual people begin to bring understanding by revelation like we've never known before. so i believe we are in a time of great understanding. and great opportunity. I see the real prophets coming forth. and there will be a prophets that are spiritual. therefore you'll begin to hear one bring the same word. if you go to California and the next day you get out there and hear the same word being spoken, because it's one spirit. I don't believe we'll ever come together in our mind but in our conscious, in our spirit, when the old spirit speaks into will have a unity and where there's a unity, where there's one or two or three, there's the lord be in their midst and I believe it will be the revelation of the Holy Spirit is revealed in our conscious, our spirit man. and when we hear that, we'll have the authority to take it so I believe you're getting ready for spiritual authority on the level that's unimaginable. I believe that we're at a time of change like the church has never known before. I believe that we're sailing in unknown waters this has never been charted before and that none of us know what's really going to take place because he had to reveal it before it realized. I think one the reason he had to reveal it because we don't have anything in our past to relate to it. this is going to be totally new and it's going to be the children of light a really shining to give the children of darkness an opportunity to come to the light. so we're in a time of spiritual shaking but those who have the Word of God in them or unshakeable. because their entire salvation is based on faith and that they are light. and they'll go through the darkness they'll just simply face it and go through it. they'll not go under.
Storm Three: Financial
now the third great storm I believe is financial. and I think I don't I think you go to see the financial shaking in the world that started to continue. and I think in this time of shaking you're gonna get to find out that there are those who the Lord guides in a way to where they prosper in a time of shaking. they goingo to need to it. I see in a time of financial, I see evangelists raising up on scales like we've never done before. and where they bring words of salvation towards many 10 20,000 get saved in one conference. I believe you're going to begin to see the Lord's Woodstock's to where a quarter of a million youth get saved. I believe we were getting ready for some of the greatest salvation has ever been revealed on the earth. I believe we're getting ready for the beginning of an end time harvest they'll have no a end or the first step into bringing at least a billion youth all together. so this evangelist, when they come in, I believe they go to be going to people that can't figure it out especially some of the very best, some of the wealthiest. and so I see like some of the wealthy losing half of their wealth and not knowing what to do. these evangelists will lead them to the Lord and I believe at this time there'll be a greater wealth come into the church then it ever has been before. I'll tell you the devil has no problem in supporting his kingdom. now get ready for the Lord to support his at the time of shaking. get ready for the true evangelists to raise up worldwide. so this third shakenin is going to be something to see. that's what we waited for. so don't be afraid of these shakings, rejoice in it. where it's the time that we have the same.
Storm Four: Social
I believe the fourth great storm is social. I don't think the church socializes with one another very much. I think we've had too much hierarchy and not enough relationship with one another. I believe we're getting ready to have a relationship with one another they doesn't have a Nickolatian spirit in it. which means conquer the laity. I believe we were getting ready for the body of Christ to come together in the unity in one body. and each person finding his place in it. and each person is as important as another one. it'll take all of us to go through what is at hand but we need to really get a vision for being social with one another for as you're a social with one another I believe the preparation will begin to take place with us. I believe one of the strongest anointing is right now is getting ready it's home meetings. and I believe here's where the preparation for the great harvest is taking place at home meetings. and home meetings we'll come into the church at different times but the home meetings really is where you're getting going to begin to get equipped for the harvest. and one of the things I see is the home meetings, some of the people in the home meetings are like let's say all the people in the whole meetings are Barnes do or you can bring the harvest in to some of them that's new in in and homeys of Lincoln can bring in ten people into their barn which is them there'll be others at home meetings that can handle 50 people giving others that can handle a hundred and there's leaders who will be able to handle a thousand and when you cut these kind of barns you're getting ready for harvest. I believe this is a main purpose right now is focusing on building barns not to build houses or the to build barns because if you have a great harvest and you have no barn to bring it into it'll be lost. so we're gonna have the harvest but we need to begin to give to be equipped for handling the number that will come. some of the greatest churches that we have now can you handle a thousand converts this week or 10,000 or 50,000. I don't believe we can. I believe now must begin that every one of us get a vision we are a barn and begin to build our self up and the Holy Spirit toward we could bring into that harvest which is ready to come I believe the Lord is ready I don't believe we are. so if we are going to get ready then we're gonna have to be social with one another we're gonna have to be on the same level with one another. and each one of us in our place of reaping.
Storm Five: Emotional
so fifth storm I think it's gonna be a very dangerous storm. it's gonna be emotional I mean people are going to lose it. they've invested their lives in retirements, in education and laid their money back for the future. I think emotions are getting ready to go bananas. I think that some of your psychiatrists are going to need a Christian to deliver them. I think they could I think these people it's really emotional thats losing it, they're gonna need that the members of the church to give them a pill. it's called a gospel (GOS-PILL) and that pill that dealeth it will bring them into a place of peace which will calm their emotions. this is what the the barns are for. they calm people's emotions to take authority of them. to show them hope in a time of great disaster. to focus him on the light and to focus them on the true absolute, which is the Lord Jesus Christ. so the church has no right to let their emotions get out of control for they are the ones that's called to help others get theirs back under control.
Storm Six: Infirmity
the six perfect storm I say is infirmity. like I've already said the newscasters are scaring people like never before and I don't believe it the infections and that flus and everything else that's out there now it's been any worse than I've every know then. And I've seen really bad seasons when they were bad and before. only we wouldn't we wouldn't terrorized by them, we lived through them. we went through them. but there's a fear being put out there by some newscasters. I think they're really a new terrorists. for them, they're not giving any hope; they give you fear. If these things are frightening you, then turn that television off, put that newspaper down and go to him who can give you peace. so infirmity yeah. let the redeemed of the Lord say so. if they say no, then its going to be no. the world doesn't have a say. neither does a devil. neither does his people. but the Saints have the say and it's time they begin to come together and say there'll be no influenza. there'll be no pestilence and the same thing I believe there's a fungus and Blanc and attacking of our crops. I believe this is just what happened in Florida recently with a freeze. it literally wiped out lovely orange groves and strawberry. these were people that had invested their life in this work. I believe the church if we'd have come together could have said no to that free. and then we need to begin to take authority over the weather. and I know this is contrary to a lot of people's thinking. but boy the Lord did and I have seen the Saints take authority over the weather. I have seen them in droughts pray and the rains came. we have to say. we have so much authority that we've never used before. we've never been this way before. and because you haven't it's no way to be frightened but as we go this way we need to chart these unknown waters so others can follow us. says they're going to be churches that take the authority and they'll chart it to work it'll go worldwide whatever they gonna do is gonna go worldwide. we don't know what we can do until we get off of our seat and say so.
Storm Seven: Geophysical
this the seventh great storm: it's geo-physical. there is a natural
order of things on the earth. and earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves
are some of the natural order. I don't believe that we can stop it because it's a natural thing faith will
never raise above the will of God. but I'll say this much for them I believe we can take the death out of it. I believe
that the amount of death is the amount of intercession that lessen. there
these earthquakes already coming like, in Haiti in California, in so many other
places especially in the New Madrid fault in the middle of the United
States. they're shaking thats going into all of these. but we ought to begin to
take the authority I believe that we can take authority to where there be less death. that only those that don't listen
to what the holy spirit's saying will be in harm's way. but I believe we can also
take authority to where instead of there being one huge quake that destroys everything, where there will be keep going smaller quakes at a time until it's settled.
but the plates are changing. it's a time
that I don't believe that we could stop it but it is time that we can know about
it. its time that the the revelation gives that the spiritual gifts will reveal but
when it's going to happen. for see if it's revealed what is going to happen and
I've seen it many many times I saw exact dates prophesied when earthquakes are going to happen.
and if it if these if the Lord
releases this revelation to his prophets then those that don't believe it can stay
but those that do believe it can be safe in these time. and
i believe it is really important that the church has the revelation of where to be
and when to be there. but they're going to happen the quakes. the volcano is
going to happen. the tidal wave is going to happen. we have some authority in that
but this is a natural process in the earth that we can't stop. but we can stop the death. I believe that some of the danger in these
volcanoes erupted you know put so much ah in the air that we probably won't have
any summer and this has happened in the past. therefore we need the wisdom to lay up when the right time is. the Lord recently
spoke to me this word: observe the ants for they harvest at a time the summer
when you can harvest they lay up.I think it's time that we really begin to get a vision of what to lay up for there's gonna
be shaking in our storms.
also I believe it there are fungus and blights in the sixth judgement.
that will attack corn and wheat. they're things that we can pray about
this they think that we do about it. I think we're going to need to go back to
the old wheat. I think we changed the
genetics of our food supply before we go need to go back to the original. it may
not be as big a harvest and it may not be what we're used to but I think it'll
be what is ettiquite for us. I don't believe the United States don't go thru the time
of starvation but the time that we need to pray. and we need to pray that our
scientists find new solutions to where that one blight can wipe out all your
corn crop just like that because your your corn and wheat oh this
is a loss of unity because they've changed the genetics of it's so much.
and I believe it's time that we ought to get back to the original. and also get
back to the original God. we've got too many gods. there's only one that is
really our God. We get back to him and let let him begin to give us a wisdom.
a financial. it's a time that Christians science breakthrough. they're Christians out there that's working on things that
I believe would get great into breakthrough. it'll bring the wealth of
the world in. there are people that's working on cold fusion which is simply water. they're divided oxygen from
hydrogen which would be some of greasest energy you've ever seen thats unpolluted. I believe we are on the verge of
that and I believe the Christians is the what it's going to invent it and it'll make
energy so cheap that you're that you could the whole world of helping the energy needs that light . we need these
scientists to break through. I think it's time that we really begin to pray for those that are saved that they break
through in that realm. I believe as scientists but people that are saved at working on cancer cures. I look for that to happe.n when this happened then the
wealth of the wicked will come to the righteous worldwide. it's a time that we
really ought to begin by faith to have that great expectation that God is with
us and he's going to give his mind on certain matters and new inventions and
new understandings of health like we've never known before. a new understanding
of how to break the curse off of men. I believe that we're in time that the
Lord broke the curse of the law off us but we still have a curse on this call
the curse of the fall. I think we're in a time that we ought to get a vision of breaking the curse of the fall to where you
don't die of old age. where you don't even age. where none of the things you have
wear out. where you have the answer and you are the answer down here. the light
the people of light are the answer. it's not the people of darkness. its the people of light. and it's time that you people
of light let the redeemed of the Lord say so. they're the ones have the authority so.
we're in a time of great change. we're in a time of Jeremiah 33:3
we've never been this way before. we have no idea. if the Lord told us we would have no idea what he's talking about. we're in a time of isaiah 48:6-7
it is that we're in a time that that the spirit of prophecy shall bring this in. and the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ, what he is doing in our lives . I think we're getting ready for the children of light to have testimonies like never before. I think you're going to begin to have a say so. and testimonies of what God has done for your lives what he's done for your family what he's done for your city but he's done for your state what he's done for your nation what he's done for the nation's. or I see in this time of shaking, entire families come together in the unity. entire cities come together the unity of being dedicated the Lord entire states come together and being dedicated to the Lord. nations coming together and being dedicated the Lord. entire nations. so at a time of this, so we're in a exciting time
Three Elders of God Esteemed in heaven giving their report
august of o8 I had a vision that I believe was a trance, i saw that three elders of God were going to stand before the father and give an account for what was happening in the body of Christ on the earth. and these were three men they were greatly honored in heaven. Scripture on this is Hebrews 13:17, the elders give report.
Jerry Falwell - Why are there no morals in the church: Repentance Released
these others are going to give a report in heaven of what was wrong on the earth. the first man I saw was Jerry Falwell.
if God grants you repentance if then it'll be as if you had never sinned. and any
curse that come because of your sin will be broken. their curses and bloodlines
and everything else. we're talking about new bloodlines. we're talking about
his bloodlines. we've never been this way before so there's not any way of explaining it. but
we're in a new time and so this new time begin with Jerry Falwell when he went home.
Oral Roberts - Why are there no faith in the church: Faith Released
on the second builder I saw was Oral Roberts and Oral Roberts is a supernatural faith man when he stands before the father, which he has recently he would give this report: why there's not any faith in the church. and if there's no faith is because there's no faithfulness. so you can get ready for a shake in there to where faithfulness come back into the church again. where we're faithful to one another and we're faithful to God. and where you begin to see a supernatural faith works off of true a liquid love. I think you're getting ready to see liquid love coming to the body where supernatural faith comes. and we always expect it to be some guy out in front, it may be the least one is just coming in that have that supernatural faith of creating miracles. so we need everybody in their place. we need to quit pushing back those has just got saved. we need to quit pushing back those that we don't esteem very much, we esteam lightly. we need to begin to esteem one another as equals. so I think we're in a time of you'd be surprised who has the supernatural faith. I know that when I got saved I got so turned on that I wasn't afraid to do anything or say anything. we need to get saved again. and I believe thats one of the things gonna happen now. I believed the so-called church getting ready to get saved. and I believe the redeemed of the Lord will say so. so as a time like it's never been before.
Billy Graham - Why are there no evangelism in the church: Evangelism - the Billion Soul Harvest
they were the third man there. pray for Billy Grimm that he stays longer. because we're not ready for that great harvest. they'll come when he gives his report. we need them barns. we need time for these home meetings to get barns put together. we need barns built. I'm afraid the church is not ready for a million people saved everyday. and it's going to happen. we need to get these barns ready and we need to bring them into a central barn or shipping place that you know as a church now. we need to be part of that but we also need to be part of the barn building at each individual. when Billy Graham goes home, he'll give a report where there's no evangelism, no power evangelism.
for these three elders there are work greatly honored in heaven and when they speak into the heart of the Father, he is going to release things to change it in the beloved. can you imagine 300 Billy Grahams moving in supernatural power with a quarter of a million youth. can you imagine 300 Oral Roberts, ... 300 moving and creating miracles arms and legs, organs, with a quarter of a million youth. can you imagine Jerry Falwell, 300 of these men it come to such a level of righteousness and holiness that they would shine like the light who all see them. the entire world is focusing on these that are entertainers and things like that. these are dark people. they bring death. what if you had 300 Jerry Falwells that was nothing but light. they was focusing on the light of God shining through them.
43:35 morals, power evangelism. I saw that when this happened I saw a man that represents many, he was 25 years old. he had been saved six months. he was
speaking and thousands of youth was coming to the Lord. we're not ready for yet. I mean we're
getting ready for the youth to be released to the youth. these youth that's going to come, they're gonna come out of the sewers and they're gonna cry out
until they're totally clean and pure. and they're gonna go forth cleaning others.
those that's been believing and those that have a compassion they'll come with supernatural faith out of them to where you see creative miracles coming.
I mean consistent not sporatic as has happened but consistent. Healing consistent. deliverance from infirmity and
plagues and all type of virus and everything else consistent. I believe we're in a time that that absolute revealing himself and him being revealed
in us. so we need to be ready because the harvest is coming. it's coming at a level that we've never known before. and the next
two or three years, it's really critical to build these barns where we got time.
we need to get a vision of what it's really going to be to where an individual may lead as many as a thousand people a week to the Lord on
the streets. then wonder when witnesses come like we've never seen before. so it's a time that we let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
one other thing I want to share with you. I've shared it many times. it's 100 year prophecy and we are in a key point in it.
1950s Revealed the Power of God
the nineteen-fifties revealed the power God. William Brennan, Oral Robers, and A.A. Allen. these mighty men of God doing awesome stuff
1960s Revealed the Spirit of God
the 1960s revealed the Spirit of God. when the Holy Spirit began invading the dominational churches.
1970s Revealed the Word of God
the 1970s begin to reveal that the Word of God. that's when the great teachers began to ground what had already taken place.
1980s Revealed the Spirit in the Prophets of God
the nineteen eighties revealed the Spirit of God. that's when real prophets began to raise up.
1990s Revealed the Government of God
The nineteen nineties revealed the revelation that there should be a godly government, apostolic.
2000s Revealed the Glory of God
the 2000 was the beginning we begin to get a vision of the glory of God and we begin to see the glory of God in different times
2010s Revealed the Faith of God
but now the 2010 is to not have faith in God but to have the faith of God. and with the faith of God, we're going to really need to have a clean conscious, spirit man, morals, we're going to need to have that the compassion, the power evangelism, and that love for souls in our conscious ,our spirit man. so the faith of God is what in the father's heart. and where the conscious is pure the Holy Spirit will reveal to your conscious, your spirit man, what's in the heart of the Father. and when this happens, in your spirit man your mind will be the catalyst. for your mind will do the proclamation of it. your mind will speak it's creative stuff. your mind will give the father permission to do these things and by that I mean the father is giving you all the authority
115 Psalms, 16th verse - the heavens belong to God but he's given the earth into the hands of man. when you're doing this and you're speaking what's in the father's heart, you're giving him permission to do his will in the earth. so that's what the faith of God is. it's the sword of the spirit, it's the keys of the kingdom. it's simply what's in the father's heart. and when you get this Matthew 16:19 you can bind and what the father's bound in his heart, I mean you can close up the second heaven, you can shut up the doors of Hell and you can loose the heavenly blessings. you can loose the kingdom of God within. a love and power like you've never seen before. and literally in agreement and in harmony with the heart of the Father. it begins now.
2020s The True Church Rests in God
50:082020 because of the faith of god will bring the true church into a place of resting and God to where God literally rests in you. I think everything is going on now it's preparing for a place for Papa to move in with you. Ephesians 2:22, to where you cohabitate with the father and the spirit. that the father rests in you and you rest in him.
2030s The Family of God
2030 I believe will be the family of God to where you don't see all so many differences but you see one huge family.
2040s The Kingdom of God
2040 I believe it would be revealed the kingdom of God. the kingdom authority on the earth some of the church he's got it made you to leave it here shortly I think you ought to get a long-range vision of staying here permanently. and the coming forth of the kingdom of God
2050s The Children of God
2050 the sons and daughters of God those has matured into the likeness of Christ that's walking over all the earth. It will be one of the devil's worst hours.
Beginning now
but I believe his worst hour has began. and the faith of God will begin this year it will literally be like an antidote to anything that snake bites. I think it's time we're gonna see our sisters have sore heels for stomping the head. so it's a different time than we've ever known before. so do not let fear and do not let trouble distract you. for this is your finest hour Saints. raise up to the occasion. put your face into the wind. and go through it. amen
Bonnie's Recap
well that was an awesome message from Bob Jones and I would suggest that you listen to it over again and take notes. as you heard Bob say many times in this recording let the redeemed of the Lord say so. so it's time that Christians do just that. we need to take our rightful place and decree the word of the Lord. and we've been given all authority and it's time that we exorcise it. back in March of 2018 the Lord told me that Pandora's Box was going to be opened. and I wrote about it in the 2019 Shepherds rod. according to Greek mythology Pandora opened a jar containing sickness death and many other unspecified evils which were then released into the world. though she hastened to close the container only one thing was left behind and it's been translated as hope. so I believe that box has been opened and the seven storms have culminated into the perfect storm that Bob saw back in the early 1990s. as we are currently facing a worldwide pandemic, believers must not lose their anchor of hope we must be the children of life and demonstrate the faith of God not fear. as Bob said that the newscasters are the terrorists and if you listen to or watch TV, I mean for the most part that's what they're saying, it's more fear driven than it is faith and as Bob said don't let fear and trouble distract you. so this is a churches finest hour lift up your faith and go through it. let your life be a witness to others for out of this darkness great light shall come and the glory of the Lord rest upon his children. for after these great storms settle, the field is ripe for harvesting. and if you follow any of the other great movements of God there was always darkness before the light. so get ready because the great harvest that billion so harvest that Bob prophesied and waited for, it is now right at hand and he's talked about building the barns our barns our barns we are those barns and we must be ready for the harvest is right at hand. so be blessed and fear not stand in faith in Jesus name
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