1. What does the bible say about "Gossip"?
2). How should a Minister handle Gossip ?
3). How does Gossip effect the Body of Christ
4) What spiritual effects are there in the Christian's life if they "gossip" themselves?
5) What spiritual effects can there be on Christians who are the subject of "gossip"?
The Bible is very clear that our what comes out of our mouth is a overflow of our heart. (Luke 6:45). And there are many many verses that command us to control what we say (Ps 141:3; Prov 10:19; Prov 17:27-28,James 3:7-10). Even more important, the Bible speaks of how powerful our words are. They speak life or death (Prov 18:21), they have power to make or break someone (Prov 15:1,4) or a situation. We will all be held accountable for each word ( Matt 12:36-37). If we can control our tongue, then we can control our whole body (James 3:2-5).
Gossip, according to what we know gossip to be, is by definition: idle-talk, tale-telling, talking-much, slander; evil report, defamation, unfavorable saying, whispering. According to this definition, it appears as if it can be anything that is negative.
And a brief look into the Hebrew of those words confirms that it was also translated as hypocrite, subtle, deceit. These are the words that were used of the serpent in Genesis 3, so the father of lies is the father of gossip, slander, guile etc.
Given the definitions and explanations in the last three paragraphs, then, we can rightfully say the following: Those who grumbled against Moses in the wilderness, gossip. The spies who spread a bad report about the Promised Land, gossip. Jacob was said to have taken Esau's blessing with subtilty (same word). Guile is the word used in the NT over and over. 1 Peter 3:10 says let his lips speak no guile, and Rev 14:5 says that in their mouth was found no guile. (1 thess 2:3, 1 Peter 2:1)
A powerful phrase in Proverbs 11:0 is that a hypocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbor. Eze 22:9 speaks of those that carry tales to shed blood. Lev 19:6 speak of slander and in the very same breath speaks of endangering the life of your neighbor. Mark 7:22 and Romans 1:29 lists deceit and whisperers along with fornication and murder.
In summary, the bible says that gossip is evil, straight from the deceiver and accuser himself.
What should we use our mouths for? We should use our mouths to build up each other, not break each other down. To speak life into the lives of others, not death.
Psalms 19:14 - Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
2). How should a Minister handle Gossip ?
The word of God is very clear on how to handle things that occur between those in his ministry. In love, our brothers and sisters need to be gently restored, not letting sin on our own part find its way into our conversation lest we be judged ourself. Since gossip is from the evil one, we would not want a brother or sister affected by the wiles of the deceiver. We want our brothers and sisters to walk in the light and love of the Lord. God gives us directions about how to act because HE knows the repercussions of us deviating from those instructions. So HE had it written down for our edification. We often will reap what we sow, if we sow the hate of gossip, then we will reap its consequences. If we do not,reap it ourselves, it is likely that someone else will. And because we love them, we don't want them to suffer those consequences. The instructions given in the bible is that we should point out their fault, alone and in private. This is respectful to them. If they don't listen, then we are to take one or two more with us, and if they don't listen to the church, we are to treat them as we would an outsider. (Matthew 18:15-20)
3). How does Gossip effect the Body of Christ
Unity should always be the goal of the body of Christ. As Casey said, gossip is a tool of the enemy and his goal is separation. When united, we can bring down principalities, dominions... in Christ. Separated, our faith doesn't grow as strong. (The one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves;. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken Eccl 4:12).
Because I am very visual, I often visualize all of us standing together in the form of Jesus. Remember those commercials where people would stand in different shapes when looked at from an aerial view? Or when watching a football game, when viewed from overhead, the band moves in unison for form letters, flags, etc. We in unison form an image also. We are in Christ, and He is in us, and Christ is in God and God is in Christ, and God is also in us. We are in Unity and without Unity, we are not acting in the image of God. Although some believe that the WWJD motive has been taken too far, I truly believe that with every thought and action, if we examine it before hand and ask WWJD, we would retract from that action and repent from it before even doing it.
4) What spiritual effects are there in the Christian's life if they "gossip" themselves?
- Sin separates us from our Father. He is holy and cannot be in complete fellowship with someone who is not holy. That is why the temple could not be entered if someone was unclean. That is why the sprinkling of the ashes of the Red Heifer, they were around something dead and God is life. We must be washed before we can enter his presence. Therefore, daily cleansing with the washing of the word, and repentance of such things is necessary to have full fellowship with our Father.
- Sin separates us from each other. People who are hurt from the gossip will stay away from those that gossip. People that want no part of gossip will also stay away as the bible says to have nothing to do with them. And the brother who refuses to be restored from the church is to be treated as an unbeliever, how horrible would it be to be treated as though you no longer belonged to that family.
- And I love what Casey said about their testimony being corrupted, we are to be Christ to those who know not Christ. Oh how it injures our witness when we act like the adversary.
5) What spiritual effects can there be on Christians who are the subject of "gossip"?
When we use the tool of the enemy, we are acting on his behalf to achieve his goal. And his goal is to destroy us. How many people have left the church or run away from God because of the words or actions of other "Christians"... My biggest battle is that when I speak in love to others, I must first overcome the scars that were left there by the "church"
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