Notes on Job
it is on page 1878 in my internlinear greek-English pdf.
Chapter 1
As i looked through the bible for the word job i find there were two names for Job. and it seems to be it is entirely possible this is the same guy, but who knows
Job's name is
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Definition
Job = “hated”
1) a patriarch, the subject of the book of Job
Strong's Definition
From H340; hated (that is, persecuted); Ijob, the patriarch famous for his patience: - Job.
This does not show a greek equivalent
aleph - 1 - ox/bull, gently, tame, leader, strenth, first, teach
vav - 6 - nail, peg, hook, joining toogetehr, making secure, becoming bound (nailed to)
bet - 2 - tent/house, body, family/household, inisde, within, amid
so the other job noticed above
Genesis 46:13 it speaks of the children of Issachar.
in the CJB translations it says one of his sons was Yov
in the greek interlinear that i have for this.. it doesn't have a greek number for the word which is translated Job here
also in the greek interlinear, the greek word for this job is different than the greek word for the son of Issachar
this is yob...
Job = “persecuted”
1) the 3rd son of Issachar also called ‘Jashub’
Strong's Definition
Perhaps a form of H3103, but more probably by erroneous transcription for H3437 (jobab); Job, an Israelite: - Job.
Ezekiel 14 definitely talks about job and this is the same greek word as used in the book of job
James 5:11 is he only place in the NT where i see Job's name
here is the greek word used
Thayer's Definition
Job = "the cry of woe" or "I will exclaim"
a man known for his piety and, consistency and fortitude in the endurance of trials. His experiences are related in the OT book bearing his name.
Strong's Definition
Of Hebrew origin [H347]; Job (that is, Ijob), a patriarch: - Job.
Mounce's Definition
Job, where is my father poss. where is my father, O God?
Where is my father... my God my God, why have you forsaken me??
When you look at other verses that use this word... it is the word OBED.. Jesse's father, the father of David.
(matthew 1:5, luke 3:32)
but it looks like that was a mistake
Job's characteristics:
Job 1:1
Perfect and upright - generally... means he followed the law perfectly. He did what god asked, he obeyed.
fears god
I never realized that it didn't say he walked with God. Walking with God is what is important but it never said
he walked with God. it just said that he feared and obeyed god.
Job's possessions
It speaks of his blessings, children being the best blessing God gives us, it starts there7 boys... notice the number 7.
3 daughters.. again notice the number 3
3 and 7 are the most blessed numbers in the Hebrew number system it seems
of course, 5, 10, 40, 50, 12 are also all significant
Then it goes directly into detailing his possessions:
7000 sheep
3000 camels
500 oxen
500 female donkeys
a great number of servants
their normal actions
Verse 4 says they partied every single day, since he had 7 sons, they rotated whose house the party was going to be at
their partying was eating and drinking
Job 1:5 After a cycle of banquets, Iyov would send for them to come and be consecrated; then he would get up early in the morning and offer burnt offerings for each of them, because Iyov said, “My sons might have sinned and blasphemed God in their thoughts.” This is what Iyov did every time.
there is a law of the flesh... what you do will come back to you.
it works most of the time.
it worked for Job
many in the flesh do not follow this law so they live in peril on the earth.
there are 3 levels.
- living in the flesh away from god
- living in the flesh following the laws of god
- living in the spirit.
Maybe there are 4 levels
- living in the flesh away from god
- living in the flesh away from god, but unknowingly following the laws of god (spiritual laws) - this is New Age - entering the spiritual world through another door than Jesus. The thief comes to kill and destroy. He who doesn't go through the gate is the thief. The devil counterfeits everything that God created for us... speaking in tongues, revelation (seeing the future, knowing the truth of what is and what was). They do it through other spirits... familiar spirits. We do all these things, because Jesus did them.. Moses did them.. but they used the door God provided them with.
- living in the flesh in obedience toward god, purposely following his law
- living in the spirit. the law of god on our hearts
See the image i edited Called Compass Rose.

After they were done partying for the week, Job consecrated them and in case they sinned in a particular way, he went ahead and followed the letter
of the law and offered burnt offerings for them. Notice.. in that world, a parent can do this in place of their children.
they don't have to repent themselves, the father who is like God of his own family, can offer a burnt offering for his children
and the spirit world had to comply. they had to leave him alone.
this is the hedge that was about him. The law of sowing and reaping...
The challenge of Satan
in Verse 6.. notice it is #6.. the number of man...
The angels came to station themselves before the lord... they had turns just like the priests had turns in the tabernacle.. just like the sons of Job took their turns partying. (somewhere i read that they came in stations but now i cannot find it. so maybe i was wrong)
The angels came to serve God.. Satan was one of them. whether he came to serve or just came and was there is unclear to me at this point.
So Satan was one of those angels who still came to god. but he is the accuser, the adversary.
the interlinear bible said the angels came to present..
Notice Satan said he had come from roaming about on earth.. he is looking.. he has a network that looks throughout the earth
because anyone who violates the law. he has immediate rights to mess with.
because it is a spiritual law. all good things come from god. when you do good things, god gives you good things back
when you do bad things, you get bad things back
but your intentions matter tremendously. Of course, the adversary will cheat, he will try to attack people that he really
has no right to attack, and because they are ignorant, they allow it. God put man here on this earth to rule, have dominion,
it says in Gen 3, that man crushes the head of the serpent though the serpent bites, he only bites the heel.
In the CJB it says God said to the adversary -- did you notice my servant Job.
but in Young's literal it says: Hast thou set thy heart against my servent Job because there is none like him in the land.
and he repeated the characteristics of fearing and being obedient to god
So god not only knows what WE are going to say and what is on our minds before we speak it.. but he also knows this of our adversary
He knew that satan was focusing on Job... that he wanted to attack him.
All my christian life, the church told me that God pointed him out to the devil on purpose, to test Job. but that never fell in line
with the other things said about God
1) god doesn't tempt us
2) god doesn't test us beyond what we can handle. I would say just losing all your children is more than anyone can handle. 3) god loves us
4) We are the head and not the tail
See the page on god's promise of protection here
based on some of my research, many think the book of job was older than all the other books of the bible.
before came... before the full law came..
But many feel it was moses who wrote it
many say it is mythological, which i don't believe anything in the bible is mytholical
Jesus' parables, when they were parables, didn't include names of people. He said a man, an owner, a tenant, a worker. he was generic, no names
anytime there was a name, it was highly likely it was not a parable but a truth
regardless, Job knew the law.. he knew that if you sinned, the devil was able to attack you.. you chose curses over blessings like stated at the end of Deuteronomy when Moses said "choose life". If you sinned and didn't want the enemy to attack you, there had to be a blood sacrifice to atone for your sin. So you offered a burnt offering. This made everything right with God and the devil could not attack you because you were made clean before the Lord.
he knew that he could offer one for his children
and he knew they might be sinning, which makes me wonder why they weren't following the law.
oddly. it never mentioned if they feared the lord, or if they were blameless. did he not teach these things to him or expect them to follow it too?
But the adversary thought he knew Job's heart.. he thought and was partly right, that Job was just being
obedient, he didn't love god. he only loved the blessings coming from god.
notice... the adversary said god placed a hedge around him and his house... so the enemy could not get him
when the father of the house (in the flesh) is obedient to the law of god, the entire household is protected, even his adult children
the father is the leader of the house in the flesh.. the spirit world knows this. and they cannot act as long as the father is doing right
and intervening on behalf of his children
again you could see the page on god's promises of protection here
4 disasters took place
so here again are a listing of Job's possessions----------------------------------------------------
Verse 14
--. taken as noted by the first messenger, the oxen were plowing and the donkeys grazing near them a raiding party from Sh'va came and carriend them off and killed the people.
500 oxen
500 female donkeys
some servants
verse 16
--. taken as noted by the second messenger, fire from heaven burned up the sheet and the servants. the HCSB said it was a lightening storm/ but the hebrew
does seem to say fire of god.
I don't really like that, in vs 16, when fire came down from heaven, they atributed it to God.. not the devil. it appears as if they were completely unaware
that there was an adversary in heaven
7000 sheep
some servants
-- taken as noted by the 3rd messenger -- the Kasdim, 3 bands of them, fell on the camels and carried them off and killed the servants.
3000 camels
some servants
-- vs 18--------------------------------------------------------------
a great wind.. ruah.. blew on all 4 corners of the house and it collapses.
10 children, 7 boys, 3 girls
some servants
notice this happened in the eldest brother's house. it is pure speculation on my part, but it is possible. they were partying in each others hourses in turnsv
i would assume the oldest was first as that was a common custom that the oldest was first in all things.
the first day of the way is sunday... either that or they had the eldest .. the first born.. have his on the sabbath. it doesn't really indicate, it is just conjecture
He still has his greatness at this point. his wealth is gone but he was a prominent member of society
it said he stood up and tore his robe.. in the hebrew, the word for robe is mantel.
In all this he didn't sin.. and he didn't. he didn't curse god. However, not sinning is a whole lot different than doing the right thing. it just means he didn't do the wrong thing. Most who want shelter seek out the lord for his help. But Job did not do that. He just said the Lord gives and the lord takes away
His words, however, were not necessarily the thoughts of his heart. Every being in the spriit world knows the thoughts of our hearts.... at least i know god does and apparently, so does the devil. whether he can see it basedon our actions or not, at this point i am unsure.
Chapter 2
the 2nd challenge of God
another day came when the angels caome to serve God and Satan came too... it doesn't say how long after the first time this does says the devil proked God against him for no reason, so he was not guilty of that kind of sin.
again, in the YLT version, God asks Satan if he set his heart again Job. Satan believes that in order to save his own Life, Job will curse god if his body is attacked.
So satan does this. His body is covered from head to toes wiht infected sores. and he used a broken to scrape off the puss. (according to LXX, to scratch himself)
His wife tells him to curse god and die.
He says she is speaking foolishly..
it says, in all this he didn't sin with is lips. the video i watched pointed out that he might have felt it in his heart, but did not speak it from his lips.
Job's friends come
they came to comfort him, but when they saw him he was unrecognizable and they mourned. and stayed in silence with him 7 days:- Eliphas the Temanite (the LXX says he was a king)
- Bildad the Shuhite (the LXX says he was a soverign)
- Zophar the Naamathite (the LXX says he was a king)
Chapter 3
Job curses the day he was born
After the 7 days of silence, Job speaks in poetic prose, condemning the day he was born. this takes up the rest of the vs 5 he speaks of the shadow of death, the same word used by Psalm 23
in vs 8 he says let people who curse days and are ready to call up leviathan cast a spell on (curse) that day.. is he speaking of witches?
that word.. to curse.. means
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Definition
1) to pierce, perforate, bore, appoint
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to pierce, bore
1a2) to prick off, designate
1b) (Niphal) to be pricked off, be designated, be specified
2) (Qal) to curse, blaspheme
Strong's Definition
A primitive root; to puncture, literally (to perforate, with more or less violence) or figuratively (to specify, designate, libel): - appoint, blaspheme, bore, curse, express, with holes, name, pierce, strike through.
the ones that curse is this word:
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Definition
1) to curse
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to curse
1a2) cursed be he (participle used pr in curses)
1b) (Niphal) to be cursed, cursed
1c) (Piel) to curse, lay under a curse, put a curse on
1d) (Hophal) to be made a curse, be cursed
Strong's Definition
A primitive root; to execrate: - X bitterly curse.
need to study bless and curse
Also what does he mean the ones ready to awaken leviathon.. in other veses (Isa 27:1) this leviathan is the great serpent.. the devil
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Definition
1) leviathan, sea monster, dragon
1a) large aquatic animal
1b) perhaps the extinct dinosaur, plesiosaurus, exact meaning unknown
Strong's Definition
From H3867; a wreathed animal, that is, a serpent (especially the crocodile or some other large sea monster);
figuratively the constellation of the dragon;
also as a symbol of Babylon: - leviathan, mourning.
Job indicates he believe in reincarnation or something
12 Why did the knees receive me,and why were there breasts for me to nurse?
13 Now I would certainly be lying down in peace;
I would be asleep.
Then I would be at rest
14 with the kings and counselors of the earth,
who rebuilt ruined cities for themselves,
15 or with princes who had gold,
who filled their houses with silver.
Notice his focus... gold, silver?? Am i reading this correctly?
Job reveals this is what he feared all along
fear shows faith in the enemy, not faith in God and his words and his promisesunfortunately, what you have faith in, that is what happens.. you empower it. This is true of this age and that age.
25 For the thing I feared has overtaken me,
and what I dreaded has happened to me.
26 I cannot relax or be still;
I have no rest, for trouble comes.
Chapter 4
Eliphaz the Temanite speaks
He seems to say that Job comforted many, but now that it is him who needs comforting he has no patience.He said the integrity of his life should be his hope.
He says innocent people don't perish nor are they destroyed.
those who sin and sow trouble, reap trouble.
IN the septuagint i tseems to say that maybe Job's fear is because of hsis own evil
He seems to talk of lions here, but i am not sure where this part fits in yet
Eliphaz's vision/dream/insight - can't be from God
He says he heard a word, only a whisper, flashing visions at night and he was in horror. A spirt passed in front of his face.. he couldn't make out the form.Can a human be seen by God as righteous or pure? -- the HCSB says can a person be more righteous than god or pure , and this is now the hebrew seems to have it too. CJB isn't right in this one.
vs 18
this being said that God doesn't trust his people or his angels.
he mentions a human is worse, and his cord being pulled and and their die without wisdom.
need to look into this more.. is he saysing that God doesn't trust his servatns or his angels or did he say that since god punished his angels of course he would punich man.
Chapter 5
Eliphas the Temanite continues
verse 1-7
He asks which angel will her turn to.He also said he curses the houses of fools and his children are not safe but crushed at the gate, publicly humiliated
he says mankind is born for trouble
The septuagint doesn't say i cursed their houses, but i cursed their attractiveness
and seems to say he cursed the sons so they would not be safe but be crused at the doors of lesser men.
this curse is the same curse that speaks of those that curse the day.
Eliphaz says to seek God, Be happy for God's discipline
His overall theme seems to be that God is in control of everything. he doesn't allow evil and only allows good.He also seems to perpetuate the thought that as long as you DO good, you will GET good. and many possessions will come.
He seems to indicate God is displining him and God wounds but also bandages the sores.
He says god rescues from famine, war, detah, the tongue, destruction, wild animals,
He ends with Know that this is for your own good. (CJB), HCSB says understand it for yourself.
Chapter 6 - Job
Job is saying his troubles are many, but essentially Eliphaz is wrong... Job is innocent. He is still asking God to let him die.He says that Eliphaz is afraid because he sees Job's troubles, and thought he was going to ask him for something.
He compares his friends to a wadi, which is a dry riverbed that only has water when there is excess rain.
people travel far expecting water, but then are let down by it not being there for them because it has dried up.
Chapter 7
JOb continues with the futility of human life, humans being nothing more than a slaveand then with how bad his life is
he even says that god is giving him bad dreams and visions along with all the other miseries god has given him
i didn't read the other bible translations beginning at this chapter. only the HCSB
Chapter 8 - Bildad
Bildad thinks he is contending for god, correctly asserting that god doesn't pervert justice, but assuming that Job's children sinned and that is why they died.He tells job to ask god for mercy. He said the hope of those who live without god is futile.
Chapter 9 - Job
JOb appears to agree with Bildad and then asks how a person can be justified before god... to take him to court .. he goes on to explain how powerful god is he seems to say he is allpowerful but doesn't pay attention to him, doesnn't seem to care and says he is unjust because he destroys the wicked and the blamelessChapter 10
he wants to yell at god about his unfairness, saying he made him, loved him, guarded him but now wants to destroy him and that God favors the wicked. He wants to question God about why he let him be born. He wants god to leave him alone so he can have a little joy before he dies.Chapter 11 - Zophar
Zophar seems frustrated with Job's talk but believes God is deeper than they can know, and he is all powerful and can do what he wants. he seems to indicate God knows Job's sin and he more or less just says to just give up and repent and god will restore everything. this seems to be common amongst the three of them so far. you sinned, repent and god will restore you and your fortunes.Chapter 12 - Job
job says they thik they are the only ones with wisdom. he is not inferior to them, he already knows these things. He continues with the rigteous are persecurted by god and those who do wrong are safe. He says he agrees with them that God did this. He says all created thigs already know this. all living things are in his hands and he is a mean god...Chapter 13
Job tells them they are worthless doctors. and says they seem to believe god over him thought he is right. he calls out to god asking him to remove his hand from and don't allow him to be frightened and asks what his sin is.Chapter 14
He argues to god that man is nothing, why does he pay attention to him... still insisting man is hired hand. He says God destroys a man's hope as HE overpowers himChapter 15 - Eliphaz
Eliphaz continues expressing Job's guilt and informs him he doesn't know god. these discussions meet to be a battle over who knows more.. job or his "friends" Eliphaz indicates man cannot be pure or righteous and the heavens are not pure. He seems to think all wicked people suffer all their lives... or mabye he means that is his destiny.Chapter 16 - Job
Job tells them they are bad comforters, he said if he was in their place he would at least comfort them. Then he goes on to speak of how he is the object of god's anger. Interesting, he does speak of a witness in heaven, an advocate in the heights (vs 19) -- our Messiah and he asks for a mediator between He and God. --- Our Holy Spirit.Chapter 17
He is waiting deathChapter 18 - Bildad
feels Job is calling them stupid. And he continues to contend that the evil doer gets the bad things and does not know God.Chapter 19 - Job
still contending he has done no wrong and that God wronged him.. that if he did wrong, then his wrong would have only concerned him. ( i don't understand this part) vs 25 - i know my living redeemer, and he will stand of the dust at last. i will see god in my fleshChapter 20 - Zophar
He contends that the joy of the wicked is short and his children will suffer they seem constantly to insinuate his wealth was not given to him by god but in evil waysChapter 21 - Job
He continues to ask why do the evil prosper and their children remain safe, their livestock multiply and yet the tell god to leave them alone So the others say the wicked get punished only, then job says only the righteuos doChapter 22 - Eliphaz
He says that man is nothing to god. He speculates on all the sin Job might have done, from robbery, to mistreating the widows and neeedy. then again repent and be renewedChapter 23 - Job
he wants to plead his case to god but he cant find himHe says when god has tested him, he will emerge as purre gold...
He is adamant he has not departed the commands of God and has treasured his words more than food
but god does what he wants it he terrifies job
Chapter 24
He goes on to say how the bad peope hurt the poor and oppressed and how bad the poor have itand people are all hurt.. but god pays not attention
the world doesn't remember the evil once they die
God exalts men and then steals it away
Chapter 25 - Bildad
continues with how can man be pure or justifiedman is a maggot, the son of man is a worm
Chapter 26 - Job
He asks what good bildad has donethen speaks of the majesty of god
who can understand everything about him
Chapter 27
as long as he lives, he will not speak unjustly.. he will not say he is guiltyhe says he received a wiked man's lot in life
Chapter 28
Job's Hymn to Wisdom
in summation, Wisdome is priceless nothing compares to it, but who can find it.28 He said to mankind,
“The fear of the Lord is this: wisdom.
And to turn from evil is understanding.”
Chapter 29
Job's Final Claim of Innocense
Job misses the days when God watched over him and he had all he needed, and his children, and people respected him.Chapter 30
now children mock him, ones where their fathers were less than goodHe continues saying God's hand is against him
Chapter 31
3 Doesn’t disaster come to the unjustand misfortune to evildoers?
4 Does He not see my ways
and number all my steps?
Job goes through a list of sins that are punishable, but he did not commit
23 For disaster from God terrifies me,
and because of His majesty I could not do these things.
Chapter 32 - Elihu
according to vs 1, the other 3 quit answering Job because he was righteous in his own eyesElihu son of Barachel the Buzite from the family of Ram... younger than all the rest
He was angry at Job because he had justified himself rather than God. 3 He was also angry at Job’s three friends because they had failed to refute him and yet had condemned him.[a]
8 But it is a spirit in man[b]
and the breath of the Almighty
that give him understanding.
My heart[e] is like unvented wine;
it is about to burst like new wineskins.
Chapter 33
4 The Spirit of God has made me,and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.
6 I am just like you before God;
I was also pinched off from a piece of clay.
14 For God speaks time and again,
but a person may not notice it.
15 In a dream, a vision in the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they slumber on their beds,
16 He uncovers their ears at that time
and terrifies them[d] with warnings,
17 in order to turn a person from his actions
and suppress his pride.[e]
23 If there is an angel on his side,
one mediator out of a thousand,
to tell a person what is right for him[h]
24 and to be gracious to him and say,
“Spare him from going down to the Pit;
I have found a ransom,”
25 then his flesh will be healthier[i] than in his youth,
and he will return to the days of his youthful vigor.
26 He will pray to God, and God will delight in him.
That man will see His face with a shout of joy,
and God will restore his righteousness to him.
27 He will look at men and say,
“I have sinned and perverted what was right;
yet I did not get what I deserved.[j]
28 He redeemed my soul from going down to the Pit,
and I will continue to see the light.”
Chapter 34
Suppose someone says to God,“I have endured my punishment;
I will no longer act wickedly.
32 Teach me what I cannot see;
if I have done wrong, I won’t do it again.”
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
If people are bound with chainsand trapped by the cords of affliction,
9 God tells them what they have done
and how arrogantly they have transgressed.
10 He opens their ears to correction
and insists they repent from iniquity.
11 If they serve Him obediently,
they will end their days in prosperity
and their years in happiness.
12 But if they do not obey,
they will cross the river of death[c]
and die without knowledge.
Can your wealth[g] or all your physical exertion
keep you from distress?
24 Remember that you should praise His work,
which people have sung about.
Chapter 37
Elihu speaks of the wonders of God that no one can explain
Chapter 38 - God speaks from the whirlwind
Do you know the laws of heaven?Can you impose its[k] authority on earth?
34 Can you command[l] the clouds
so that a flood of water covers you?
35 Can you send out lightning bolts, and they go?
Do they report to you: “Here we are”?
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Starts w/ Job then Job, then back to God15 Look at Behemoth,
which I made along with you
Chapter 41
10 No one is ferocious enough to rouse Leviathan;who then can stand against Me?
11 Who confronted Me, that I should repay him?
Everything under heaven belongs to Me.
Chapter 42
42 Then Job replied to the Lord:2 I[a] know that You can do anything
and no plan of Yours can be thwarted.
3 You asked, “Who is this who conceals My counsel with ignorance?”
Surely I spoke about things I did not understand,
things too wonderful for me to[b] know.
4 You said, “Listen now, and I will speak.
When I question you, you will inform Me.”
5 I had heard rumors about You,
but now my eyes have seen You.
6 Therefore I take back my words
and repent in dust and ashes.[c]
To eliphaz and his friends, he tells them to offer a burt offering.. 7 bulls, 7 rams. Job will pray for them
God Restores Job
10 After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his prosperity and doubled his previous possessions.He owned 14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 1,000 yoke of oxen, and 1,000 female donkeys. 13 He also had seven sons and three daughters.
16 Job lived 140 years after this and saw his children and their children to the fourth generation. 17 Then Job died, old and full of days.
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