Lesson 1 6/6/2019
pg xvii
Acts 17:26-28 - He determined the exact time and place for you for a purpose... in him you would move and have your being
CS Lewis - you can stand from different places, reading the word and miss what god is saying. it depends on the perspective you are viewing it from and what kind of person you are.
Page 1
Gold- Glory- Girls or Guys
reasons people fail
Page 2-4 (27 minutes in)
he will speak through
- righteous people
- unrighteous people
- animals
- (nature)
The gifts and callings are without repentance - you have a gift and a choice of how you are going to use it.
Righteous lifestyle that manifests the fruit of the holy spirit
Gal 5:22-23
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience
- Kindness
- goodness
- faith
- gentleness
- self-control
Those who hear from God need to develop the Holy Spirit's fruit more than the Holy Spirit's Gifts.
Page 5 34 minutes in
Section 1:1 the audible voice of god
John 12:28-30 - one of the 3 passages God spoke and people heard it
Matthew 3:17
Matthew 17:5
Some heard
- thunder
- angel - be weary of hearing another voice that might be perceived as an angel
- the father
Why do some not hear:
Jesus knew the father's voice because of his intimacy with the father.. his passion to know the father, his passion to do his willl.. he waited on him
It is written that he set aside his deity
He wasn't using the god part of him to hear god... he was showing us what it takes to hear god. People think he used the god part to do miracles but he used the man part empowered by god to do miracles
He cast out demons and heal by the spirit.. he doesn't do anything except what he sees his father doing
What does god's voice sound like
- Rev 4:14 - many waters
- Deut 4:12 a raging fire
- Job 37:2 a loud thunder
- 1 ki 19:12-13 - a still small voice
page 7-11 - 40 min in
Section 1.2 Revelatory Ministry Graph
Wrap up:
do extra reading, outside activities and homework
walk w/ god more about dev of character than dev of gifting.
outside activity
god is always speaking
heb 5:14
Video #2
Section 1.3 The Three Pillars of Revelatory Ministry
If we don't love the people we are ministering to, we are nothing.
- Revelation and the Church - what are you going to do in the church
- God is no respecter of persons - Prophetic people are functions within the church no better or different than any other function. Therefore, no title is needed. No pride is warranted. Just like Jesus said "Who do the people say that I am".. your life needs to speak about who you are in Christ, not your title.
- 1 Cor 12:12
- Eph 4:4
- Ascension Gifts versus Gifts of the Holy spirit
- 1 Cor 12:12-14 - the gift of prophesy given by the Holy Spirit
- Eph 4:11-13 - the 5 fold Ministry gifts given at the ascension of Christ
- 1 Cor 14:26 - All ministry must be done for the edification (strength) of the church.
- prophesy is for
- comfort - the soul (mind will emotions)
- exhortation - the body, physical response needed to comply
- edification - the spirit
- direction (only for mature prophetic people)
- correction (only for mature prophetic people)
- 1 Cor 13:2 - without love, you are nothing
God values character more than HE values the gift
- Revelation and the Man - how are you going to handle your humanity - Character
- gifts weaken in difficult times, but character strengthens in them. So in those difficult times, when the gift disappears, all that is left is the character. The character is what people see.
- Character can either be the single greatest enhancement or inhibitor of your gift
- Study your gift - work on character. Character has to be earned, so it is the hardest to get and the easiest to lose. Gifting is the easiest to get and the hardest to lose (it is irrevocable).
- Be Holy for He is Holy. - you can't make yourself holy. Holiness is not how you act, it is the fruit of being close to He who is Holy.
- Character Development encompasses:
- our Finances
- Parenting
- Marriage
- Business/Jobs
- personality
- ethical issues
- how we use the gift to help others
- When your Character increases, so will your gift and so will the reception of revelation as well as the frequency of the revelation
- Character determines the
- height of gift
- length of time your gift operates
- breadth of influence you will have
- What ever God has promised you, he will prepare you to receive it by intentionally allowing situations to arise that are designed to develop your character. (Joseph and Job, for example) Psalm 105:19 - tested means purged. The word of the Lord tested or purged him. Josephs and his pride.
Whenever you receive a prophetic word, remember... let the purging begin. it is prophetic because you are NOT it yet, because you haven't conquered the things that would hold you back from becoming it. So God tells you things that are not as if they were and then they happen.
Potential is something you are NOT YET. You are full of it, but not it yet.
In the letters to Timothy, Paul had to remind him to stir up the gift. Don't stop fighting for the prophesy that God gave you but understand that in the fight the greatest battle you will have to conquer is YOU.
Potential is something you are NOT YET. You are full of it, but not it yet.
In the letters to Timothy, Paul had to remind him to stir up the gift. Don't stop fighting for the prophesy that God gave you but understand that in the fight the greatest battle you will have to conquer is YOU.
Hills and Valleys
As you are going through this difficult season remember
- the higher the mountain, the deeper the valley.
- If you are going through a deep valley, there is a great mountain ahead.
- The depth of the valley is directly proportionate to the height of the mountain.
- The longer the valley the longer your influence will be.
- The wider the valley the broader your influence will be.
- Revelation and the Gift - how are you going to manage the gift in the midst of being a human
There are no mature births in the natural or the spiritual realm. Gifting is progressive in its maturation, not instantaneous. Fine tuning is through growing in the nine fruits of the spirit (Gal 5:22-23)
- love - humble concern for others more than yourself
- joy - contagious, others feel it and take it on when they are near you
- peace - tranquility when life's events don't go the way you anticipated
- long-suffering / patience - steadfastness in the midst of betrayal or deep disappointment
- kindness - gentleness with others who are weaker or less capable than you
- goodness - seeking the well-being of others over your own well-being
- faithfulness - faith in the unseen and not yet purposes of God in you and others that keeps you from giving up
- Gentleness - meekness or softness evidenced by how we handle others when they disagree with us.
- self-control - temperance or the ability to master our passions and desires.
1 Cor 4:8 - the trumpet has to produce a clear sound
God wants people to take action on the prophetic words we give.
God wants people to take action on the prophetic words we give.
- First there must be the Revelation
- then the interpretation
- application - the who what when where and why of the action to be taken
- proclamation - the ability to clearly communicate so it is clearly understood
Maturity seasons you so that you can communicate clearly - You will change their lives directly proportionate to the degree our life has been changed. If there is no transformation in you, you will not be able to illicit transformation in others as god works through you.
Have to know when to reveal, to whom, protocol for revealing (do they come to us, or do we go to them), do we deliver the word publicly or personally.
Samson-like mentality or Samuel-like mentality.
- Sampson little character only cared about himself
- Samuel came right after Sampson. israelites was brother against brother, everyone did right in their own eyes... that was the end of Judges. Judges 21:24
58 minutes in... Dig deeper questions, page 23
Video 3 - Unit 2, page 33
Section 2.1 Four Quadrants of Anointing for Revelatory Ministry
Power is the gift you are given, authority is the relationship that you have.
You don't do anything to deserve the gift of power.
authority is fruit of a relationship and you have to work at.
authority is what causes demons to tremble, authority trumps power.. i give you authority over all he power of the enemy.
Anointing is the ability to influence by spiritual movement.. movement in the spirit. Spirit is the controlling factor over all issues unless you turn control over to your sould (mind will emotions) .. satan... you can control things if you eat off the tree of knowledge.. ascend to god by knowledge.
we need to have knowledge but knowledge is not the controlling factor, spirit is. the spirit of a man is the candle of the lord.
We should be out to make God famous, not the other way. We are not to share HIS glory. He receives glory for what only god can do. if man can do it there is no glory in it.
pg 38
hwk - look over 4 quad and review your life to discern what ones you have already visited
how did you get there, how long did you stay, what got you out of it.
and where are you now..
Video 4 - 6/10/2019
Any of the gifts in Romans 12, 1 Cor 12, 14 , Eph 4... always go through same maturity process.
Acts 2:17,18 - Joel... last days i will pour out my spirit.
In God's presence of his Holiness, our lack of holiness becomes clear
The moment you have Jesus come into your life there is a spirit of prophesy and you can prophesy.
b/c the testimony of jesus that.. doesn't mean you are mature.
Joels' prophecy is not about age groups but about maturity levels. Children can prophesy.. but that is not what he is talking about.
From the moment you become christian you are young, babes, can propheys. 1 cor 14:31 we can all pheopheys, learn, mature.
as you grow fewer words are frm you and more are from god
p 38
this prophey from joel. is about maturity
sons/daughters - babes
young men/old men - the trained
commissioned - my servants
Holy spirit poured out on all flesh, not just the church. there will be a spiritual hunger in everyone.
Some are prophets, all can prophesy.. not quite the same.
the progression
- prophesy - sons/daughters
- dreams - old men - more symbolic, harder to interpret, have to understand symbolism.. require more maturity
- visions - young men (visions more literal than dream, easier to interpret.
My Servants - it was YOUR sons and daughters, now it is MY servants. that is the commissioning phase. there here for your good, but now they shift to what i want them to do that you might not understand. signs on heaven and earth are done by my servants. there is a demonstration of god is through these selfless people (those who call on the name of the lord will be saved)
- Called - get identity of where we are going - 1 samuel 3:1-10. this phase happens quickly. everytime in scripture god called someone by name audibly, he called their name twice.. Samuel, Samuel, .. Saul, Saul.. Moses, Moses.. because 2 is a witness, it bears witness. some sort of supernatural experience often followed by revelation. the calling may occur:
- in dreams
- visions
- visitation
- prophetic word
- trained - this phase is the longest, necompasses a journey, a lifetime , 1 sam 2:26 - grew in stature and favor with both the lord and man (the lord is the spiritual aspect and with men is the character aspect) , james 4:10 exhaltation comes through humility..We determine the level of gift this will go. that is why matthew says 20:16 - many are called few are chosen. Your choosing determines wheter you wil be chosed, or whatever level. god will use you whatever you do, but what level do you want to be at. study, prayer, time with him, talking to him. the more death to self determines how far you will go...the training process never ends. 1 peter 5:6 Where you feed determines your strength,what i do today will determine my victory next year
- feed on the word
- mature prophetic voices
- prayer
- commissioned - 1 sam 3:19-21 - short moment of personal visitation, revealing true destiny. one of the obvious signs is people will respond to you differently
Video 5 6/11/2019, p. 46
Section 2.4 Dark Night of the Soul
The wilderness is where god wants to speak tender to you even though you feel like everything has been stripped away from you. Israelites left egypt...everything was stripped away from them. they now had a tent, were nomadic, had to find water. their lives were vastly diff than when they were in egypt. this is time for us to grow and mature in hidden ways. it is here that he walks with us though we might not feel like he is walking with us. the length of time here depends on our willingness to cooperate w/ adjustments and changes the holy spirit wants to make. Israel could have spent 11 days in the wilderness but spent 40 days instead. God reveals himself to us here, He invades our soul; he penetrates, he steps into our mind, will and emotions and causes some measure of turbulence..may seem chaotic because nothing seems to work like it used to work. he make bring physical blessings but you don't feel like it.
We have diff understanding what we think are deep hidden truths of scripture or the mysteries of god. We enjoy his touch during this season but it doesnt' seem to last very long. He touches us through laughter, tears, the warmth of his presence, and then moves on. we wonder if we have done something. Like the Shulamite woman whose lover walks out the door, she goes after him but can't find him. He was so passionate but now she cannot even find him.
He gives us a limited ability to see thru the things of the spirit but then leaves us longing for more.
luke 18:31-34
it is in the dark night of the sould that god will speak to you and you won't really understand until you come out. you will want to undrstand and maybe thingk you undrstand. but thwn you come out you will say AHA!
At the garden of gethesemane, when Jesus ask them to tarry one hour. "My houul is exceedingly troubled" souke - soul. tormented troubled, take this from me.. not my will but yours. victory over the enemy, as we exit from dark night of soul there is an acceleration of spiritual understanding and spiritual giftedness. the soil that is not broked up by the plow cannot receive the seed.
Hosea 10:12
The dark night of the soul is plowing the ground. the breaking process is never fun. During this time we seek God out and chase after him because it seems he is hiding himself from us.
Psalm 27:8 your face will i seek, but where are you
He pulls us into his dimention to sepak to our spirit because he is spirit and he needs to speak to our spirit. but our soul keeps resisting during this time. our soul wants to lead and not be suobordinate to spiriti. we must seek in spirit and truth our spirit has to take control.
1 cor 2:10-14
1 cron 28:9
We will grow in awe and reverential fear (healthy fear) of him. He establishes our ability to rest in the lord and walk in his peace.
1 cor 2:10 - the holy spirit searches the deep things of god. to reveal it to you. speaking spiritual things to your spirit.
spirit to spirit
He can communicate through dream, angel, vision.. anymeans he choses to do. it still comes from the holy spirit, he is the revealer of all these things. the holy spirit of peace.. when he comes w/ his revelation .. peace is what he speaks to you. even in the mist of turmoil.. he speaks peace. need to live in the era of peace even in the midels oth the storm.
Jesus sletp on the boat during the storm. be at peace, Jesus gives a command, we are going to get there then. doesn't matter what happens between now and then, it is going to happen. peace is what causes revelation to flourish.
the secret place of concealment in the dark night of the soul is where we receive revelation about our lives. to help us grow in wisdom, understand , and nolwedge of the lrod. not knoledge about god.. but knowing god. satan and the demons know about god, but they do not know god. we need to come into a place of communion with god. the enterance of yoru word o god brings light.
job 28:20,21,27,28
the dark night of the soul is designed to get rid of your agenda
heb 4:9-10
1 cir 10 - case=t every vain imagination.. biggest battle is in mind.. about who you are.
he wants us to think aobut ourselves the way god thinks about us. anything else is a vain imagination.. satan's arguments about us that says we cannot do waht god has created us to do.
it exalts itself against god's purposes for us.
the sooner we see ourselves as god sees us, the sooner we will get otu of the dark night o the sould
we receive heavenly perspective of an earlyt situation and we learn to stop reactiving out of our ouwn mind, will, emtions and start activing in accordance w/ why god put us here and what he called us to do. paul and silas singing at their jailing and beating which allowed thechcurhc not to beatn.
the reason things go crazy right before god wants to use you is because satan wants to distract you from what god wants to use you to do. we need to realize this is not god against us, it is satan. so we must be threatinging darkenss for satan to come against us.
1 jn 3:18 for this purpose was god made manifest to destroy evil.
want to become an evil destroyer.
dark night of the soul maks you unafraid of darness
Ps 51:6 - the hidden part is dark night of the soul
1 cor 2:6-1,14
1 cor 10
isa 45:`15
He is our hiding place. he hides in us, we hide in him
each day.. the evening and then the morning. the darkness came before the morning. sorrow in the night, joy in the morning.
god wants to work directly through us not around us.. lack of righteousness makes it to where he has to flow around us.
seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness. he calls us to obedience, and we have to take rissks. we have to step out and take action.
a great ship is guided by a small rudder, but only if the ship is moving... small things will change our direction but you ahve to be moving
Jn 15:4-8
he speaks things that are not.
He tells you that you are going to be used mightily... that doesnt' mean right now he is going to use you mightilty.. let the purging begin. now he has to prepare you to be used mightily.
snauel anointing david king, but david wasn't ready to be king. it took 40 years.
joseph 30 eyears
preparation is never easy. when a true word is from god, there is a requirement.. a reparation, and it might take decades. the higher the intended service the more breaking. the degree that we are unbroken is the degree we will depend on our own capabilities.
entering the wilderness is not punishment from god.. it is preparation. 40 days in the wilderness... 40 years..
before every promotion comes tests happen.
isa 48:10-11
you are not being broken for your sake, it is for his sake so you can use you to do what he wants you to do.
god takes great delight in putting his name at stake in your destiny
Hos 2:`14-15
32 minutes in, page 52/53
Video 5 still. dark night of the soul
God tells us what he wants us to do, and we think we know how to do it.
God breaks us in order to remake us.
OUr gifts, talents, and natural abilities are broken.
we believe that what we want, god wants versus what god wants we are to want. that means we have an agenda.
We have difficulty finding and entering god's presence to hear from him struggle to intrepret vision dream anything .. anything we used to do doesn't work anymore.
why? because god is changing you.
3 dark nights
1) dark night of the wilderness (Flesh/Body) - where god addresses sin in our lives
2) dark night of the soul - "My soul is exceedingly troubled we think we know how to do what god has told us to do
3) dark night of the spirit - "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me" god removes our capability (you never really exit from)
When you have something god wants you to do, don't look at your "current toolbox" look to god. He will show you new ways, new things,
He takes away the things that used to work on how you are used to doing them... so you look to him
in your agenda, you say look what i did. when god removes your agenda, you say look what god did.
Accodrind to john thomas the dark night of the soul is a gift. god removes the sould's ability to sense what is going on in the spiritual realm
fore example -
- we used to love worship and cry and feel emotionally overwhelmed, but not now.
- we used to get a feeling when we would read the word but now they are used words on a page.
- we think smething was a good teaching ecause our minds were engaged and we learned something new
the soul is the mind, will and emotion and wen they are removed from the equation, we get to find out what our spirit is doing.
too many of us equate our spirituality by what happens in our soul (our emotions)
God removes the senses that come from the soul so that we operate out of faith.
Dreams and mysteries:
the dark night of the wilderness (flesh)... death to self.. Jesus's 40 days of temptation in the wilderness
the dark night of the soul .. the death of our agenda, our way.. Jesus in the garden of gethsemane praying to have this cup taken, but not his will, God's will.
The holy spirit is working on you from the inside out and his goal is to totally fill every space within you, even the smallest of hidden crevices..
The dark night of the spirit... parallel to jesus on the cross.. at exit of this, we find that we cannot do what god has called us to, only god can. we realize we have done all that we can do and only god can do the rest
Hebrews 5:14 exercising spiritual gift.. do the outside activity
Video #6 - 6/15/2019,
Unit 3 - Page 67
Section 3.1: Public and Private Victories
There will be no consistent public victories without a history of consistent private victories.
Past failures will breed fear of failure and open the door for demonic attack.
Prov 12:25

Private victories are just between you and god.. it is about obedience. John's example: Pick up the piece of paper on the floor, clean the bathrooms, set in the backseat, let them go first, pay for that meal.
All revelation comes from faith
romans 12:6
Section 3.2 Reticular Activating System
p 70
all the things hit the RAS first, filters stimulus and prepares rest of brain for response to stimulus. in this, signals from external and internal thoughts and feelings (experience) will converge. the holy spirit uses this part of the brain to teach, lead, and prepare those for his service.
helps us to know what is not the holy spirit and what is.
holy spirit can send you visions of what is going to happen... and then your RAS will bring it to memory things he wants you to notice.
spending time in scripture encourages us to follow the leading of the holy spirit. it is the part that connects our spirit to our intellect. it is god's word in our heart that we are able to renew our mind and become atuned to the holy spirit leading.
the more you pay attention to god the more you notice him.
the holy spirit brings his word to your memroy through the RAS
heb 5:14 excercises their senses
John 16:13-14
John 14:26
GPS - God Positioning System. Recalculates your journey based on where you are now, any wrong turns... to end up in the same destination. changes based on the path you took
Q -
God would guide JPJ into stores and out, and trained him to listen for his leading. after a while he didn't hear god telling him, he just felt his presence like a hand on him. sometimes the hand would be firmer and sometimes it would feel like a blanket lifting like God's presence left. Kind of like when you play hotter/colder on hide and seek. but i question this because my understanding is that God's presence is not upon us, that is OT. his presence is IN us. He said he would never leave us and never forsake us.
the mind set on god will hear him and recongize him, become attuned to him. What we see we become, what we hear we become .

Focus on the throne of God, not the law, not what you can get away with.

Focus on the throne you make room for the throne
the word of god pentrate to the deepest part of our being. RAS bypasses the conscience and goes to the deepest part of our subconscious.
you are where you are because of choices you have made. they have no affect on your past but a great deal of affect on your future.
steps to peace
set your mind on god - peace is the potting soil for hearing god and receiving revelation
phil 4:6-9,11 written while paul was in prison and most historians think he probably wouldn't live another year. he knew he was going to die in rome. church in ephesus wept bc they knew they would never see him again.
Jere 29:11-14
Everything the enemy does to us, He uses to perfect us in his image.
the enemy plays into the plans of god and doesn't even know it. He got Joseph to egypt. he probably would have gotten there any number of ways.
you give power to what you focus on.. what you focus on you make room for, you become more aware of. whether good or evil.
God desires us to develop more trust in him, which in turn will develop greater faith and character in us. speaking things that are not as though they were takes faith:
Luke 17:5-6 .. increase our faith.. mulbery tree be planted in the sea would obey.
OBEY.. everytime you see the word obey it involves authority not power. jesus spoke to the wind and the waves and the disciples said what kind of man is that that even the wind and the waves obey him
the centurion solder aks him to come heal and the centurion said he is a man under authority and he understands authority... speak it and it happens... when jesus said he hadn't seen such faith as the centurion.. that word faith there means understanding the system.
the system of god,, the ways of god, if you understand this then your faith can't help but increase. this is essential. faith then allows the authority god has given you to allow a mulberry tree to obey
heb 11:1-3 - hall of faith
lottery ticket - hope you win but don't expect to win... in our christian walk, we hope god does something but we dont yet expect god to do something

if you understand the system, you expect the system to work and you hae faith that it will happen
Wipe-out show.. the whole thing of wipe out is understanding the system, timing, height, etc.
fruit of the spirit
desire to minister as expression of love as a service to help them. an act in destryong the evil that has been done to those people
Gal 5:22-23
if we have fruit of the spirit in your life, you will be fruitful in other people.
from my memory:
you can't give what you don't have. to the degree you have been transformed you can affect transformation in others.
page 76
unholy roots will always produce unholy fruit
deal w/ the sin of generationsl strongholds, mental strongholds
strongholds are attitudes that keep us from embracing christlikeness
paul was convinced he was acting on god's behalf when he was executing christians.
we don't know things are lies until we find out the truth.
2 cor 10:4-5
to pull down strongholds means to demolish them w/ violence.. like when historical kings had to demolish asherah poles and the high places.
Matt 11:12 - we need an aggressive attitude, i will nto allow this to exist in me anymore. the kingdome of heaven starts within you, it is not by observation
in greek, stronghold, it is a castle or fortress over which ones argues over ones possesions, things you want ot keep and don't want to let go of. your opinion, theology, a form of pride.

Strong holds form opinions, and opinions stifle revelation
Strongholds are attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs that keep god from acting on our behalf.
To destroy strongholds, ask god to reveal them and remove them from us. put his ways/thoughts in our mind

Godly character becomes our destiny
your reticular activating system will either be programmed by your soul or your spirit, scripture is crucial to sensitising your RAS to the leading of the holy spirit. living a life in communion with god requires us to submit which is more than obedience. strongholds keep the RAS from working as god intended, so deal with the strongholds
list private victories
list private victories that you want to make habits and then start doing them on a regular bases
page 81
Video #7

Curses are real. 16:30 in to this video he talks about people who couldn't buy a house.. everytime they tried something fell through. found out a family member actually was a land fraud. they broke the curse, commanded it to be broken and they bought a house.
curses can be passed down to the 3rd and 4th, some to the 10th, but jesus came to end that if you accept what he did for you in your life.
curses come from anything we open ourselves to that change perception or from asking for help from dark forces. then you pick up the curse that they are under. you have to break that tie, that relationship.
blessing those who curse you starts blessing (goodness) and ending curses (evil) instead of perpetuating evil by cursing back. Romans 12:14, 1 cor 4:12, 1 peter 3:9, ps 109:26, luke 6:28
jpj prayed w/ them to repent of their bloodline issues.. but curry said our bloodline is only back to christ...
to develop the ability to choose (spirit.. tree of life.. or soul.. tree of knowledge), will must be disciplined through submission through spiritual disciplines
practicing the Spiritual Disciplines doesn't make God talk to you more, it removes the wax from your ears so that you hear him more clearly. and remove the scales from your eyes so that when god acts you can see. and remove the darkness from mind so when god says/does something you will recognize it is the way of god.
1) fasting
2) prayer
3) silence
4) solitude
5) abstinence
6) giving
to me, the 7th is speaking in tongues
# Parts of us - each part of us has 3 parts
- Spirit - Wisdom, Conscience, Communion (TREE OF LIFE)
- Body - Flesh, Bone, Blood
- Soul - mind, will, emotion (TREE OF KNOWLEDGE)
When the stimulus comes, if it is filtered by your soul you will respond soulishly (TREE OF KNOWLEDGE), if it is filtered by spirit, you will respond spiritually. (TREE OF LIFE). the more you have a habit of righteous spiritual responses, the wider the moment of choice becomes. (you cannot have a spiritual response in the soul because righteous implies you are doing it for someone else's good, the soul implies you are doing it for your own good).
the lord says in matthew.. when you
1) pray - rends your spirit (makes it subordinate to god)
2) fast - rends your flesh
3) give - rends your soul
divine vision -
the choices in the dark night of the soul deal directly with the reson you are there. the lessons last long enough to get you to receive a habit of right choices on that issue.
Video #8 -
page 92 6/18/2019 - terms for the prophet... we need t study our gift and if we understand what we are studying and apply it to our gift we speed up the maturation process.
God wanted to communicate with his people all the way from the garden on. Jesus' return was to restore our ability to have rleationshipo w/ god that had been hindered 4000 years
adam to abraham -2000 years
abraham to jesus - 2000 years
the prophetic people: the word of god came to me, the spirit of the lord came onto me.
sadly they were the only ones. other people didn't.
tabernacle elements.. had the spirit of god come on them to do that and then that is all.
prophets spirit came and went.
that very spirit of god now resides in each one of us every day.
the only stopping us at operating at higher prophetic level is faith to believe god can speak like that, and our relationship w/ the father.
in the OT he chose specific people. the idea of pouring out is because wants to speak more than he has spoken before.
amos 3:7 still true
prophesy in its broadest form is speaking forth the mind of god under the inspiration of the holy spirit. may be comfort, edification or exportation or to the more mature correction to direction but it is still centered by what the holy spirit is saying to and through us.
abraham ge 20:7 first to be called a prophet
deut 18 moses is a model of prophet
nabi is the most common and it means to bubble up like effervescent.
roeh - means to see is usually translated seer
hozeh - translated as prophet and seer interchangeably
means to speak forth on behalf of and specifically in the name of god
1 cor 14:1
especially that you might prophesy.. this is not an option
in thesselonica in danger of despising prophesy 1 thess 5:19-20
intercessors speak mind, heart, desire of people to god
and prophets speak mind, heart, desire of god to the people
all prophets should be intercessors but not all intercessors will be prophets
4.2 Prophetic Time Periods
patriarch -
prophet -
seldom is there only propehet at the same time
only jonah and malachi were alone
only called major or minor cause of the length of the writing
4.3 Prophetic Schools
I know nothing if god doesn't give it. and i don't have to go to school if i already know it. you go to school to find out what you don't know.
in OT there were schools of prophets. most of the time you get your training in front of opeole today, that is hard.
to be a prophet you have to tell something that comes true.
work of knowledge tells something about the past/present, propheys about the future.
need to give clairy and extreme value to the gifts of the holy spirit. need more of those gifts than prophets.
future tense revelation + future tense consistency + future tense acurracy = future tense creditbility
the jordan area too but that might have been jericho
jerusalem metioned as place prophetic people assembled but no real evidence that a school was there
samuel, elija , elisha directed schools of the prophets but they probalby weren't the day in day out leaders.. they just came to visit.. but maybe not samual
why in those cities.. gates/portals were there. probably
jacob considered bethel to be a place of thin air, portal, gate, angels ascended decended heaven on a ladder
david called jerusalm the center of the earth.. it technically means belly button wherre the umbilical cord touches.. the navel. that is a portal
portals are open heaven areas, gates, doorway, to the 3rd heaven, throne of god that god has established on various locations on earth
heavenly portal is spherical opening where light of heaven offers divine protection. through which angels and heavenly beings come and go w/o demonic interference. straight from 3rd heaven to go through 2nd heaven and land on earth. cna be interference in some of those portals depending on who controls the airways. the prince of persia tried to stop gabriel for 21 days from getting to daniel. the area was controled by demonic principalities.
jpj is not into stretegic level warfare. the heavens are the lord, the earth he has given to man. he gives us the abilty to tranple scorpians where are they
there is no biblical evidence for stretegic level warfare.
rob bells'book talks about no hell, philosophical book on theology. he says how could a loving god create such a place. so philiphophy takes the place of theology.
do things that stir your gift up. study to show yourself approved. who you train under is very important. your history makes room for your future
2 kings 3:11
pg 100
rema means a high place
bethel means house of god
gilgal a place of constant supernatural activity.. means whirlwind or rolling thing
jericho - to make a quick understanding, implication to smell or sniff something out, discern something
review questions 101,102
propehsying is an unbrella that covers many gift
word of knowledge - has happend or is happening but you did not know it. jesus at the well.
revlation - future
tongues/interpret - something you didn't know
god is looking for those who worhip in spirit.. dont' have to go to the temple or mountain. and even though you have had 5 husbands and the one you have now is not your husband.. YOU can have that in spite of all that.
pg 103 - senses excersize
heb 5:14
matt 18:4-5 - humbles self as a child greatest in kingdom
enter like a child you shall not enter the kngdom
ther eis a diff between childlike and childish. childish is irresponsible, childlike is humble.
childish is self centered, childkile others centered
innocent vs hippocritical
trusting vs anxious whining
dependance vs self reliant
emotionally open vs emotionally restrictive
obedience vs strong willed
accepting vs skeptical and synical
listening and observing vs over talkativeness
5 charactersits of a baby can used to illusatrate
1. innocence
2. depend on parents for evertything
3. listen more than talk
4. at peace w/ others
5. learn quickly by observation
fastest way a baby grows/learns
1. trial and error
2. observation
3. crying - when i cry mom and dad react
evidence of babys newly developing passon
cry at feeding and when need changed
discomfort causes them to cry no one taught them
perseverence an imporant quality - if we don't lose it we learn to knock, keep knocking, pray and keep praying, believe and keep believing. not to give up
what can we learn from a baby
keep on doing what we are called to do
trust even when we dont undrstand
jpj's son micah jumps when dad says jump. he doesn't ask if he is strong enough to skilled enough to catch
Q7 - when babies begin to learn to focus, they have eyes to see but don't really see, ears to hear but dont really hear, have a brain but do not understand...
this is what jesus said about the pharisees
Q8 - my sheep know my voice - who ever i spend time w/ will be my parents
the dresser doesnt move when i cry, my parents come
Genesis 2 garden of eden.. tree of life
rev 22
hebrew language... use pag 94-97 defn
use concord and lexican
how he spoke then he still speaks today
Video #9
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