The Unseen Realm

The main battle taking place is a battle of the mind... The enemy doesn't want you to know the power you hold in Christ because it is the church's job to eradicate evil from this earth. We are the body of Christ. If there is evil, it is because the body of Christ has not stood up against the evil... the body of Christ has passively allowed the evil to continue. We are HIS body on this earth, we are to join together and not be divided, and eradicate the evil from the earth.

for examples of street healings taking place all over the world: click here
also review the pages on Healings and Miracles click here
Specific ones i have watched and love:
- Todd White - Lifestyle Christianity
- Jason Chin
- The Last Reformation
- Tom Loud
- The Normal Christian Life
- Pete Cabrera
- Cardboard Box Church
Things in the unseen realm:
- blessing
- favor
- words
- power
- righteousness
- receiving by faith - just believe and confess it
- faith
Demons cause sickness, since the source is from the spiritual world, the weapons must also be.

Human strength has its limits

- the seen realm
- the unseen realm
- the unseen controls the seen
- when the seen controls the unseen
- the work of angels
- they bring answers
- they protect
- they bring direction
- they bring provision
- they bring healing
- they bring deliverance
- they respond to the word of god in our mouths (both in our tongue and in other tongues)
- Elijah and the unseen
- No rain for 3.5 years, then rain
- know god
- he was just a human
- calling forth fire
- Daniel and the unseen
- Balaam and the Angel
- the unseen realm is here with us and affects even animals. their behavior is affected. (donkey's movement is affected, lions mouths shut)
- balaam's eyes are opened - a lot of people are suffering and are being hindered because they are not dealing with the unseen obstacles
- you have power in the unseen realm, declare your progress in Jesus name. whatever inders you in the unseen gives way right now in jesus name. you are more than a conquerer, a spiritual giant. take your place. its yours.
- the donkey spoke - the unseen realm has the power to even make donkeys speak the language of humans.. the serpent in the garden, the fish that swallowed Jonah for 3 days and spit him out on the shores of nineveh
- with supernatural ability, you can speak to diseases, infections, situations and more and they will respond
- Jesus and the fig tree
- sometimes the seen takes time to manifest in the seen - The fact that it took the next day for them to see the results of what had happened in the unseen realm doesn’t mean nothing happened immediately the words were spoken. (just like healing, just because you don't see results immediately doesn't mean nothing happened)
- the just shall live by faith
- confident when you pray it is answers
- confident when you face opposition and obstacles
- bold and confident in your declarations
- that is where i live.. one foot on the land and one foot on the sea. one foot in the seen and one foot in the unseen.
- Water Miracles
- water to wine
- God created you as a solution, not a carrier of problems. (carrier of water... living water.. in clay jars) .. he calls us the light of the world, the salt of the earth.
- the wine was the best wine, better then the other wines. the unseen will always produce better results than the seen.
- you will be a vessel to deliver results from the unseen realm continually
- miracle water that heals all diseases
- the pool of bethesda where an angel stirred the waters and the first one who got in after the angel stirred the waters got healed of whatever disease they had
- miracle water heals leprosy
- Naaman bathes in a river and was cleansed of leprosy
- holy water - you can declare any water as having healing properties
- Creation and the impact of unseen
- the unseen realm created the seen realm (heb 11:3)
- the spiritual gave birth to the physical
- the supernatural is the mother of the natural
- whatever you see physically emanated from the spirit realm
- turn to the unseen realm, there are wonders from that realm you can make visible in the seen realm
- words are unseen but have an impact - the are unseen in the seen realm but very visible in the seen realm (john 6:63)
- Speak things into being - death and life being in the power of the tongue is not merely saying you can use your words to encourage or hurt someone, but that is a apart of it.. but your words are life and they can be used to create things or tear down things, literally. Eating its fruit means that your words are visible in the unseen realm but they deliver results into the seen realm from the unseen realm.
- Make your angels work - angels do the commandments of god, they listen and work according to the voice of his word. The word of God has a voice. If you can give voice to the word of God, Angels will move on your behalf.
- You are a spirit
- many of us believe most of our lives that our physical body is all that we are. And our lives are based on this body and our senses... this physical world is all that there is. but this body is just a house or container for the real me. the body is what allows you to live and operate on earth. We are a spirit that lives in a body and has a soul. Your body allows you to contact and operate in the physical
- God is a spirit
- We are a new creature - you didn't get a new body, your spirit has been regenerated
- Paul Knew he was a spirit. His spirit is in his body, but when he dies, his spirit leaves his body and goes to be with the lord
- We are a spirit, we have spiritual work to do. We must spend time in the word of god and spend time in prayer and spend time decreeing and declaring. There is spiritual work to be done
- How the just live
- the just shall live by faith not by sight.
- sight has to do with the seen, physical, natural realm, faith has to do with the unseen, spiritual, supernatural realm
- Calling things that be not as though they were
- if you already see it there is no need for faith
- living by sight alone makes people a victim to circumstance. if they knew that the unseen had something to do with their circumstances, they would not sit and be bullied by the unseen
- Weak and Strong Faith
- If a Christian is not producing results, it is not because they lack faith. It is likely to be how they operate their faith. Without knowledge of the law of faith, it is difficult to know you are operating your faith to its highest potential.
- What is faith? - Faith has to do with the substance of things we hope for, however the substance is spiritual rather than physical. Since it is the evident of things not see, it doesn't work with physical evidentce. it works with unseen evidence. When a man is a man of faith it means he has more confidence in the unseen than the seen.
faith is our 6th sense.
- Hope is not faith - hope talks of tomorrow, faith is convinces of the evidence today and now. many people are hoping when they should have faith. Faith knows that the substance is very much present today, in the spirit. Hope knows that one day it will be present.
Hope says "I will get well", faith says "I am well". Hope says "I will be rich", faith says "I am rich". Hope says "I will be prosperous", faith says "I am prosperous".
HOpe is operating in the physical, faith is operating in the spiritual.
- Weak faith is the faith that is operated while considering physical circumstances. Abraham was not weak in faith. Peter began to walk on water until he began to doubt.he doubted because he began to think of the waves of the sea.
- Strong faith deals with unbelief. This simply means you can have faith and there can still be traces of unbelief. It is your responsibility to get into the word, fasting and fellowship with God to get rid of your belief. Strong faith glorifies God. Abraham was strong in faith giving glory to God. You give God glory because you have a catalogue of spiritual realities available unto you.

- Thoughts and words do more than you think
- God is able to make happen in the seen realm far more than what we can think (thought) or ask (words) according to the power that is at work in us.

- Now that you know how much power your thoughts carry, you must begin to think according to the word of God.
- These thoughts attract good or evil towards you. Your thoughts serve as magnets drawing towards or away from you.
- That is why the Bible encourages us to renew our minds:
- Renewal of mind is what brings transformation to us. If you are willing to see true transformation, then be ready to study the word of God and let it change the way you think.
- As you delight in the word of God, think it and speak it, you shall bring forth fruit.
- Think "I am blessed" instead of "I am cursed". Think "All things are working for my good", instead of "everything is against me".
- Your thoughts carry power in the unseen realm
- As you change your thoughts, you change your beliefs about yourself. And then you change your beliefs about what is possible. If you can believe, all things are possible.
- what you believe, you will become. As he thinks in his heart, so is he.

- the blessings of God
- don't spend time praying for what you were already given: god's presence, blessing, favor, etc. walk in them.
- the house and the car are not the blessing, they are the results of the blessing. Once you have received the blessings that are already given, you will produce the results
- don't spend time praying for what you were already given: god's presence, blessing, favor, etc. walk in them.
- the power of god
- the power of God was given to Jesus
- and he gave it to us
- we received power when the holy ghost came upon us, power to be witnesses all over. We have authority here on earth, authority to use the name of Jesus
- just receive it and walk in it
- let thanksgiving be a staple in prayer - praise and thanksgiving are signs of faith and they speed up manifestation in your lives.
- the power of God was given to Jesus
- Your opinion or perspective of God determines how far you get in life and also determines what you permit in life
- God gave when we didn't even ask - he gave his son before the world even asked for a savior
- Whether it be health, blessings, favor, increase or what have you, God gave it in Christ.
- if God didn't spare Jesus because of you, he won't withhold health or riches or favor either. Find the real person who is hindering you from what you need and resist him instead.
Rise up, resist the devil, he will flee from you. Resist the delay, resist the sickness, resist the poverty and disappointment.
- God has given us all things. He gives and does not take back.
- God's promises are Yea and Amen
- God's only answer is yes. it is not no. it is not wait for another time. it is YES!
- to your health YES!
- to dominion YES!
- to peace (life, happiness) YES!
- you are the HEAD and not the TAIL... YES!
- to blessing and honor and favor... YES!
- Daniel prayed twice with different results. One time resulted in immediate answer from an angel, another time had a 21 day delay before an angel delivered an answer
but in both instances, immediate answers were provided in the unseen. God is not the one hindering our prayers
- Seeing the Unseen Realm
- Acts 2:1-18 -Visions and dreams are given to us to accomplish the desire to see into the spirit realm. Through both we can receive message from God and have a better understanding of what is going on in the spirit realm.
- Visions - usually when one is awake. There are trances that occur when you are asleep but it looks and feels real.
- Daniel's vision of the coming 4 kingdoms - Dan 10:7-21
- Dreams - normally when asleep.
- Joseph's dream where an angel told him it was okay to marry Mary.- Matt 1:20-25
- Sometimes the unseen realm can be seen w/o dreams or vision. that is when the spirit realm takes on visible material
- Two Angels and the Angel of the Lord visits Abraham, Ge 18, and the Angels go visit Lot in Sodom , Ge 19
- Daniel sees the unseen realm plus keys
- Daniel's first vision - Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Daniel 2) - the secret was revealed to Daniel in a night vision (a dream)
- Daniel sees the spiritual again - Daniel in the Lion's Den (Daniel 6) - an angel of God shut the mouths of the lion - he must have seen the angel
- Daniel experiences a vision and the presence of an angel (Daniel 8) after he has seen a vision, he asked for an interpretation and Gabriel spoke to him
- Angel Gabriel Visits Daniel again (Daniel 9)
- Final Encounter of Daniel (Daniel 10)
- Daniel's Key #1: Prayer
- regular and consistent prayer, part of our lifestyle (Daniel 6:10)
- desiring the mercies of God in prayer (Daniel 2:18)
- Daniel's Key #2: Fasting - short fasts, long fast, water fast, fruit and vegetable fasts
- He obstained from the food and wine of the king and took pulse (Daniel 1)
- Daniel mourned 3 full weeks (21 days) eating no pleasant bread nor flesh nor wine (Daniel 10)
- Daniel sought by prayer and supplications, with fasthing, and sackcloth, and ashes (Daniel 9)
- Daniel's Key #3: He chastened himself
- One of the consequences of fasting is that it takes away evil desires that used to worry a man. You will no longer lust for women, alcohol and sin when you fast regularly. Daniel consciously chose to keep his vessel (body) chaste unto God.
- He obstained from the food and wine of the king and took pulse (Daniel 1) - this kept him from defiling himself
- Daniel 10:12 - from the first day that you set your heart to understand and to shasten yourself before your God, your words were heard
- Gehazi (servant of the prophet Elisha) sees the unseen realm plus keys
- 2 Kings 6 - Elisha prayed that Gehazi's eyes would be open to see God's army surrounding them to protect them
- Psalm 91:7 -
- Gehazi's Key #1: Prayer by a Superior
- Paul prayed for believers in Ephesians 1:15-18
- Gehazi's Key #2: His service brought the impartation
- Gehazi's service paid the price for the impartation. Impartations are normally transferred to those who have invested in the one imparting. either by sowing financially, buying their books, listening to their messages, or direct service to them.
- Most people receive prayer but not impartation because they have not invested anything in the vessel doing the impartation
- Gehazi's Key #3: His fear was cast out
- Faith is always important to receive from God. Fear impedes the work of God
- we must have faith to recieve the gift of sight into the spirit realm that God has already released to us
- Cornelius (gentile who met with Peter) sees the unseen realm plus keys
- It is interesting that Cornelius gave his life to Christ after the visions and not before
- After the vision, he immediately did what he was told to do
- Cornelius's Key #1: He was a devout (committed) man
- He was committed to the things of God
- Cornelius's Key #2: He feared (reverenced) God
- It is such reverence that makes people live pure and chaste lives to the Glory of God
- To see the unseen realm, a powerful key is to fear God in holy reverence
- Cornelius's Key #3: He gave alms
- He was a giver. He gave to God. He gave to People. Every giver sets the pace to receive from God
- many believers practice the law of sowing and reaping and are being blessed significantly
- Cornelius's Key #4: He prayed always
- Every man who encountered God in significant ways was a man of prayer
- Jesus commanded us to "Pray without ceasing"
- Pray always, worship always, be conscious of the presence of God always - We are not communing with man, we are communing with God almighty. We are not fellowshipping with man in prayer, we are fellowshipping with the creator of the heavens and the earth. As we lift our hands and our voices in His presence and bless and magnify Him, His presence mixes with our presence and we are able to attract divine encounters.
- Jesus sees the unseen realm plus keys
- the Heaven's opened at Jesus's baptism. (Luke 3:21-22; Matt 3:13-17) And God verbally affirmed his sonship and that he was pleased with him
- Jesus's Key #1: Humility NOT PRIDE
- John Knew that Jesus was greater than He was, but Jesus insisted and humbled himself to be baptized
- my own thoughts - Jesus left behind everything to come down to be born a baby, in a humble household, to show us the way and die for us
- If we can humble ourselves, God himself will lift us up into levels we have never known. If pride continues to remain a barrier, God Himself will resist us.
- Jesus's Key #2: Prayer
- Jesus was addicted to prayer. He was always communing with His father in heaven. On several occasions in the Bible, He will wake up very early to go and pray.
- even while he was being baptized, He was praying (Luke 3:21)
- Jesus's Key #3: Obedience
- He wanted to fulfill all righteousness. He wanted to please God (Matt 3:15)
- Stephen sees the unseen realm plus keys (Acts 7:54-60)
- Stephen's Key #1: full of the holy spirit
- The bible shows us how to be full of the holy spirit: Eph 5:-18-21.
- Speak in Psalms and hymms and spiritual songs regularly
- sang and made melody in his heart unto God regularly
- Prayed and gave thanks unto God regularly
- humble enough to submit.
- Stephen's Key #2: He was prayerful
- Even when he was being stoned he was praying (Act 7:59-60)
- Stephen's Key #3: He was forgiving
- Even when he was being stoned he was forgiving in prayer (Acts 7:60)
- Stephen's Key #4: He was full of faith (Acts 6:5)
- Stephen's Key #5: He was honest and full of wisdom (Acts 6:3)
- Others see the unseen realm
- Joseph, Jesus' Father, Had a dream where an angel warned him to run away from Herod (Mat 2:13-14)
- Mary, Jesus' Mother, saw the Angel Gabriel (Luk 1:26-38)
- Jacob dreamed where God came and confirmed the covenant of Abraham with him (Ge 28:10-16)
- Elijah was taken care of by an angel when he was fleeing from Jezebel (1 Kings 9:1-8)
- Moses experience God in a burning bush (Ex 3:1-10)
- Gideon saw and interacted with the Angel of the Lord(Judges 6:11-27)
- Zachariah, John the Baptist's father, was instructed by an Angel that his wife would have a child (Luke 1:5-20)
- Paul was told by an angel that the ship was going to be wrecked but no lives would be lost (Acts 27:22-26)
- Isaiah saw the Lord on his throne and the seraphims above it (Isa 6:1-7)
- Ezekiel saw the Glory of the Lord (Eze 1:1-28)
- Peter's Vision of The Sheet (Acts 10:9-17)
- Joseph's Dreams when he was a boy (Ge 37:5-10)
- Solomon's Dream when he became King (1 kings 3:3-15)
- John, the revelator, the disciple whom Jesus loved, saw Jesus (Rev 1:9-20)
- Peter, James and John saw Elijah, Moses and Jesus transfigured (Mark 9:2-9)
- Zechariah's vision (the prophet) (Zech 5:5-11)
- Ananias sent to Saul (Paul) to heal his vision (Act 9:10-17)
- Abraham had a vision where the Lord spoke to him about bearing a son (Ge 15:1-6)
- Effective fasting pluse master key to manifestation
- the secret to fasting for long and prayer: Water
- hunger - the sensations in our stomach we call hunger is not really hunger but a food habit. At any given time that we were supposed to eat, the brain sends a message to the stomach to produce acids. These acids create the sensation of hunger although we are not really hungry. When this happens to you on a long fast and you feel hungry, drink water, it will clear the acid and its accompanying sensation and you will be free of the hunger sensation. Till it comes again and you drink water again.
- water also cleanses your system
- After a few days, you don't feel the hunger anymore, but it is essential to keep drinking water and keep praying
- Master key to Manifestation - be persistent.
- Special Prayer for the Holy Spirit
- Jesus prayed a prayer for you: John 14:16-17
- Jesus' prayers get answered (John 11:41-42)
- Jesus' prayed and a small amount of food fed 5000+ people and had left overs (Mark 6:41-44)
- God will give us the holy spirit
- The holy spirit will abide with us forever - he doesn't come and go
- Much like salvation, the gift of the holy spirit must be received.
- The Holy Spirit and Power
- receiving the holy spirit means receiving power, they come together. There is no need to pray to receive power
- Jesus' walked in the power of the holy spirit
- The holy spirit and power ministry
- pray for the sick and they get healed
- cast out demons and they come out
- declare things and they happen
- I want to cleanse myself first
- People want to get holy first, put their lives in order first. Many are still without the holy spirit for this reason
- No one can cleanse themselves. Only the blood can cleanse us. Once you believe in Him and have receive dhim into your heart, that is the only cleansing you need
- the qualifications for the Holy Spirit is for you to believe. It is not in works, it is a gift of God and cannot be earned.
- They said "Change your jeans first"
- many people give rules people must follow before receiving the holy spirit. Jesus PLUS NOTHING. The key is to believe and receive.
- Should there be a waiting period to receive the holy spirit - after pentecost many received instantly
- Paul was with some disciples and found out they didn't know about the Holy Ghost, they had not received Him. He baptized them into Jesus and they received the holy ghost (Acts 19:1-6).
Paul asked if they had received the Holy Spirit, not if God has given them the Holy Spirit. and they received it immediately in v 6
- Paul received the holy ghost immediately (acts 9:17-18)
- The men from Caesarea received immediately (acts 11:11-16)
- Paul was with some disciples and found out they didn't know about the Holy Ghost, they had not received Him. He baptized them into Jesus and they received the holy ghost (Acts 19:1-6).
- How to receive the holy spirit
- Keys to receiving the kingdom of God - Believe and Receive
- Remember that I did not say believe that you will receive but rather believe that you have received.
- Truths to help you receive the holy spirit faster. - These truths will deal with hindrances and causes of doubt and unbelief in the life of believers that makes it difficult for them to receive the Holy Spirit and power.
- the holy spirit is a gift (Acts 2:38)
He was admonishing them to repent from using their self-works to receive salvation and rather believe in Jesus to be saved and then they shall also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The only qualification to be a partaker of the gift of the Holy Spirit is to be a believer whose sins are forgiven and washed away by the blood of Jesus.
- we do not work for gifts. If we work for it, it is a debt owed to us
A gift is given of the free will of the giver and the receiver also receives it of his or her own free will.
- the holy spirit gives utterance but you will speak
When you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, He will give you utterance to speak in tongues, but you are the one to speak. The Holy Spirit won’t open your mouth to speak on your behalf, you will speak as He gives you utterance.
- Be GOD conscious rather than devil conscious - some are afraid that tongues are from the devil
God, your father won’t give you any evil thing if you ask for and receive the Holy Spirit. Speak as you get utterance, it cannot be the devil, God doesn’t give you evil things.
- When you receive the holy spirit, open your mouth and speak
- the holy spirit is a gift (Acts 2:38)
- Benefits of Speaking in Tongues
- spiritual edification - builds the believer up in the spirit
- praying in tongues eliminates trial and error from your prayers. The holy spirit is praying for you. This bypasses our selfish interest and wrong motives or wrong prayer points
- Praying in tongues builds up and stirs your faith
- Praying in tongues helps us pray for the things we are not aware of
- spiritual buoyance and testimonies
- words create things
The words we speak are seeds; they will produce harvests in our lives. Most of us are where we are because of the things we have spoken and believed about ourselves. Your words will cause the promotion to come, it will cause the debt to be cancelled, and it will cause peace and love in your home. Scriptural references: Hebrews 1:3, Proverbs 18:21
- words determine your direction in life
if a bit leads a horse to the left or right, and the tongue directs us, then The direction of your life today was determined by your mouth yesterday. Tomorrows direction will be determined by your tongue today. this includes your marriage, finances, business, whatever. As you change what you say, you will respond and act in the manner of your words. ? That is when you will see a change in the direction of your life. Instead of saying I am broke; say I am identifying several opportunities to make me millions of dollars. Instead of saying the marriage is not working; say I receive knowledge to have the best marriage in this country. Scriptural Reference: JAMES 3:3-5
- Words mixed with faith work, not idle words
Isn’t it funny that most of the positive things we say, we do not believe. ? Yet the negative things we say about ourselves are what we really tend to believe. ? The effect is that the negative words produce harvest and the positive words are just idle. Thanks to idle words, we are let go of certain words we say. Even so, those words have a way of affecting our thinking and hence our actions. Idle words are words we just say not really believing them. ? Examples: ? This car is wicked. We all know cars are not wicked. ? This boy will kill me. You know he won’t. ? When we speak a lot of idle words, it is difficult for our hearts to process which ones we believe hence our words lose potency. They are words we speak out of the measure of the faith of God within us. ? They are words we speak without doubt. ? They are words we speak having the full assurance that it is so. ? It is with this confidence that Jesus tells a tree to die and it dies. ? He tells the wind to be still and it is still. Everything has ears. Whether trees, money, the wind, sickness and what have you.
- Know who you are to be free from negative self talk
I know I am blessed. ? I know I am the child of God. I know I do not fail. ? I know I am more than a conqueror. Who are you? ? Once you get your identity sorted out, your words will follow.
- Speak a new language
You have a new language; it is the language of faith. ? Speak to everything around you. As long as you are speaking in faith, they will hear you.
- the foundation
to heal someone you must be born again - When you are born again, God doesn't count your sins against you. You are anew creature in Christ
- thought number one: God is not about to heal, he has already provided healing.
- thought number two:You have authority over sickness given to you freely: fasting and prayer doesn’t bring authority, it is a free gift.
- thought number three: Do not ask God to heal you, he already has, command the sickness to go.
- thought number four: Thank God for healing and other things because they are already yours in the Spirit. That is how you acknowledge receipt.
- You are ready to heal others or receive healing
Francis Jonah's words (paraphrased):
Healing others
What I do
- I teach people that they are already healed if i have time. If i don't, i go to #2. Of if they just come to me for prayer i skip this step.
- I pray for them by commanding the sickness or pain by name to go in the name of Jesus (for example: I command stomach pain to go right now in Jesus' name)
- I loose the person from the sickness or pain (for example: I loose you from that pain right now in Jesus name).
- I thank God for the physical manifestation
- Almost Immediately, most testify of instant healing
- You can do the same
- Understand healing is already given
- Commanding the sickness or pain to leave you (for example: I command stomach pain to go right now in Jesus' name)
- loose yourself from the sickness or pain (for example: I loose myself from that pain right now in Jesus name).
- thank God for the physical manifestation
- Almost Immediately, you will testify of instant healing
- You can do the same
When Jesus died he paid the punishment for our sin and by his stripes we were healed. It means healing was provided when he died for us. Right now healing is available, if you are not healed, it is not because God has not provided it, it is because you have not received. Do not let the Devil keep you in bondage by sickness. Now that you know healing is already provided, you must understand that you are the one tolerating sickness in your body.
Jesus just gave them the authority; they didn’t pray or ask for it. He gave it freely to them.
Sickness recognises spiritual authority and you have that authority.
When you acknowledge you have it in the spirit, it manifests physically. Do not wait for physical manifestation before you acknowledge you have received healing.
- Authority is already given
Jesus gave his disciples authority when they had not even asked him to.
The word translated power is authority. Just like you stop when a policeman asks you to because of the authority given to the policeman by the state or country, in the same way Jesus says he has given as authority.
The scriptures say that these signs shall follow them that believe. Them that believe refers to believers like you and me.
You represent God on earth, exercise authority. Do not be confused about it, be fully persuaded, you have authority.
- Authority is your inheritance it is yours
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