Kim Clement - faith unusual
tape 1 - defying the system
you can keep god intested in you by something called faith
the roman centurion..
2000 years ago they realized there was a restriction called time and space
they understood the omnipresence of god, that god didn't need to come there himself.. all he had to do was command it and then it would be done and settled on the earth
there is such a thing as commanding the blessing of god
there is a command that has been given out to the nations of the world called the kingdom of god and that command is that this is an hour of multiplciaton, double portions, accelerations, god has commanded it and if god commanded it then we must command it on the earth
we have this idea tht god says something and it is just going to hapopen, but
he included us in the covenant so he needs our voice on the earth to command what he commands and if we command the opposite what happens is there is a conflict and then vain repetition comes in .
you can capture gods attention by something called extraordinary faith, and unusual praise, and when you move out of the realm of vain repetition .. saying the same old thing just because every body else said it.
not just making up something
remember faith is not sight.. you haven't seen it before. for the roman centurion, no one ever said it before.
once it is commanded by god those words are put into our mouth, and we have the power to repeat them, express them and contradict anything that is against the word that god has spoken
Matt 7 dont come w/ vain repetition.. commanding the blessing of god.. our prayers are bringing out the spirit of propheys
you need to do something crazy so god can do something crazy.. bc you ar going to command my blessing
god has already commanded the blessing, now all it takes is for us to command that blessing to our family.. i have already commanded it in the heavens, multiply .. in grace, in favor, accelerate your word o god that tonight we might enter into a new level of faith
god said to moses that (acceptable) proven faith is okay.. you strike the rock and water springs forth but he wanted moses to go higher, this time you are not going to strike the rock you are going to speak to the rock . your work has been tranferred into a word. that is the unusual faith. most look for work .. they want god to work they want jesus to come to their home and raise their servant. but not this centurion..
and moses DID NOT.. he lost out.
once there has been an acceptable format in the levels of faith, god gets bored with the redundancy. look at the bible, he never had to the same thing twice. man tried to do it because when man feels comfortable he feels good because he is in control and when we are in control something hits the fan. it means that somebody up there is out of control... all power has to been given to you.. the works to take place. cleanse the leper. he meant the leprosy of your society needs to be cleansed... the leprosy of today is religion.. tradition... trying to relive the past all the time. the church is always trying to recapture the past to keep it in existance...revivals and the way god moved in the 1900s and in the 40s, the tent revivals...
the church should be capturing the future to bring it into existance... in science, in music...
god does nothing unless he reveals it to his servants.. the prophets
the world isn't going to dictate what my children are going to become.. the prophets will.
what is going on with them can change bc god loves to show up, to show off and take all the credit.
romans 12:2.. don't be conformed to this world.. be transformed by the renewing of your mind..
world... means system... that controls people and their thinking.. that says this is only acceptable.
whether religion or whatever.
the system doesn't like propehtic people.. they have a veil in front of them and says i am tired of my lack of vision and begins to tear the veil of limitation away
i am tired of being restricted in the boat, i want to be where jesus is. jesus is the place where man fears to tread... he is out on the water
what about gravity... doesn't matter..we gotta go and find out what it is like to go beyond the barriers and restrictions of the system
-- the Big E and Dick Cheney
something unusual is being released from the heavens...
he was invited to present a word to VP of the country.
if god is opening the doors and the system is asking and requesting... the church should listen to what the spirit is SAYING not what he has SAID. ... saying.. not said...
what he said is important... and we will live by it... not what he has said, but what he is saying will put you in a mode of revelation.
you are going to have your common sense blown to pieces... your ordinary thinking...
chief iconoclyst .. the prophet.. the big E..
in this year there are going to be christian business that will prosper bc of it. he will give him piece by piece...
VP dick cheney (under george w bush, 2001-2009).. energy.. when the prime minister of UK steps down, will fully release new source of energy to USA
(Tony Blair, 1997 - 2007). it will be a sign.. first you will meet dick cheney, give him a word about betrayal amongst politicians
as i released you when you met the PRES into a new level of political expression, so when you meet the VP not only will he be blessed when you tell him about one of his grandchildren but there will be something you will receive in your spirit and there is a betrayal that will take place among politicians. this has nothing to do with rep/democrat. both are corrupt. a prophet doesn't care about that
Mr. Cheney was U.S. vice president from 2001-09. Ms.
Cheney was the deputy assistant secretary of state for near eastern affairs from 2002-04 and 2005-06.
Two daughters:
Mary Cheney (lesbian w/ spouse and one child - Sara Lynne Cheney (2009).. found out there are two.. Samuel David Cheney (2007) )
Liz Cheney US Senate in Wyoming , 5 children..
Dick Cheney's Oil Connections.. resis
When Bill Clinton was elected to the presidency in 1992, Cheney left the government and joined the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank. Though he contemplated running for president in 1996, he instead opted in 1995 to become CEO of energy services company Halliburton, which required him to move to Dallas.
George W. Bush's Vice President
In 2000 Texas Governor George W. Bush asked Cheney to head up the search for his vice presidential nominee. Bush eventually asked Cheney himself to serve as his vice president. Cheney then resigned as CEO of Halliburton and focused on the campaign. After a long and contested process, Bush and Cheney were declared the winners of the 2000 election.
Legislation Sponsored or Cosponsored by Dick Cheney
Daughter liz Cheney (surrent House R-WY)
The most succinct statement of his misdeeds comes from "The People Vs. Dick Cheney," a 2007 article by Wil S. Hylton. The piece recounts how Cheney undercut the CIA by instructing subordinates in that agency to stovepipe raw intelligence directly to his office. He also worked with Donald Rumsfeld to establish an alternative intelligence agency within the Pentagon. Both of these actions directly contributed to the faulty information that informed the decision to go to war.
but he said get ready, there will be political upheaval. betrayal among politicians, involve the VP... but god said do not fear..
whatever truth resides you (the VP) will be there and bc of truth it will come forth and there will be victory.
then the new source of energy will rapidly unfold and whoever tried to stop it will be found out bc there is something someone knows that must be stopped immediately.
he is about to tell you fossil fuel, fossil oils, wasted time/money, too much energy. this new things will not be broughtt o nothing but will be in its greatest place and will prsoper and be abundant and the church will flourish and once again send missionaries, prophets throughout the earth so that god will prove himself for this people and this nation
Apostle Ellis Smith and CL Johnson stood behind kim from the beginning.
(this had to be prophesied before 2007 because tony blair resigned in 2007).
lebanese woman heard his name and was told to go see kim...
lebanese woman told him that the holy spirit told her the US was in decline and this was the beginning of the end. but kim said he didnt hear that, he heard the irreversible decline of religion and islam (not good islam, evil islam) . there is an evil in islam and there is an evil in christianity, it is called religion. hatred, anger, control. this is is the irreversible decline of religion throughout the world because of the prophets of the most high god.
being prophetic means you see further than you have been dictated to by the system.
his son 13 years of age in jail.. his atty said it was impossible he was going to be in jail for the next 60 days. he said they have no proof. atty laughed. Kim said you let me be the prophet and you be the attorney, . he said he rejects the atty words. atty said get that anger out of your eyes, kim said it is not anger it is passion. his atty told him to make sure his shirt it tucked in his pants because they hate that in court. Kim ripped his shirt out of his pants and said i don't care about this stuff, i have a god in heaven who is wise and i have a word from the lord. my son will be released TODAY.
(Caleb was born 1/21/1991, so he was in jail around 2004)
whenever something rises up against you, whether it is a word or prognosis.. the system takes over, kicks in and says now you must fear, stop praising, smiling, you must be miserable.. when you do the opposite you are defying the system by your works, actions and god is able to command his blessing.
the system moves in by words of death and moves out by words of life.
it will change your thinking bc it all begins here ( i am guessing he is pointing to his brain), we wait for god to do miracles, creative... stop waiting for benny hinn to waive his hand over you, stop waiting for some great evangelist to come in... it all begins right here (head? your mind)... do not be conformed to the system but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may PROVE the acceptable , perfect will of GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how many want to prove it.. to show it.. not talk it.
how many had a prognosis, bad report, of some kind and system have stepped in to overshadow your feelings and your faith.
to defy the system... do the opposite to what the system is dictating you to do. put on the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness.. HIS SON CALEB WAS RELEASED THAT DAY.
if you defy the system.. you will be free bc your mind has been renewed and you can pray according to his will and start proving the will of god.
god said: do something to catch my attention. ... say this...
"lord you don't have to come to my house.. my problem.. just speak the word, through me because it has already been spoken in heaven. i defy the system that is controlling my faith, my expression, my joy, i will not allow you to stop me from proving the good and acceptable and perfect will of god... i receive that miracle the word of life NOWWWWWW"
how many have an impossible situation.. literally impossible. god wants to take it away
we want this.. and god has done it.
god says you can get a bad report, jesus can come to your home, your problem and it still cannot be healed if this (again, i guess he is pointing to our MIND) doesn't change. the system will block the word of life because you don't apply it. the word of healing has already been established through christ, and deliverance. the captives have been freed but something has stopped them from entering.
raise both hands.. say this:
i have received a word from god... i believe that i can be free from the control of a word of death.. i can be free from control of the system, therefore i will command what god commanded, what god commanded is my promise, my blessing, my favor, i receive it.. the power of the system of religion, and of control is broken!!!!!!!!
the spirit of god said listen to me and listen to the word of the lord, the sword of gideon became the sword of the the lord and of gideon. not just gideon and when gideon held the sword it was the sword of gideon. men began to understand that gideon had no power of his own, then the declaration made the sword of the lord and of gideon.. therfore god says i have a sword in the eternal place, which could be yours as well.. gideon didn't believe me, i sent an angel, i sent the sign of the fire, the sign of the fleece, the sign of him tearing down the gods in his father's house but he didn't believ until i took him to those that he was going to destroy who said this is none other than the sword of gideon, god said i took that sword, my sword, and partook w/ gideon only when gideon refused to fear, when fear left him, he lived, when fear left him he was free. the sword of the lord and the sword of gideon.. the sword of the lord, and the sword of detroit, of michigan, of the united states... god said take it, do not fear, rise up, even as you do something unusual, out of the ordinary, i will come forth and do something out of the ordinary. i have commanded a blessing of multiplication through the summer months. it has already begun. your moment is now gaiging momentum, it cannot be stopped, you propserity cannot be stopped, your victory cannot be stopped, nothing can stop the momentium now.. it is increasing, going.. it is growing.. it is going to a higher place. rejoice says the lord for it shall surely be yours to enjoy says the spirit of god.,
end of tape 1
tape 2 - time is on your side
seeing is believing they say, but believing is the easier. but seeing what you cannot believe is the highest form of faith.
god wants you to see somthing you don'tthink woudl ever happen bc once you see it that is when faith sets in an you believer it. when you believe it, that settles it and momentum sets in.. which means once you start stomething going... multiplication
this is the season of multiplication
everything you have lost you are going to have double back
elijah and elisha..
he asked god what is the spirit of elijah he is giving to this generation
what are we saying about a double portion
spirit of multiplication
revivla of 40s? mircales or fire of 1900s?
god said this is as never taken place or been seen experienced on face of the earth.
means we are the right place, right time, right eason, right season.. whether you chose it or not
about to enter something no generation has ever seen
imagine unusual manifestions...
baptism of fire on this generation.
promises have been made for a decade..
god said.. command my blessing .. as i have commanded into the atmosphere. so shall you command it to your family .. bodies...
surely it will come to pass
god has commanded something in the heavenlies andonly when we found out what it is so you can command it heere on the earth. and the only way you are to know what god is saying in the heavenlies is to hear what the prophets are saying. they are unafraid to say something that is out of the ordinary. that is why our children are so strange and want to do strange things.
our children are born with it in their spirits.. it is a season
the promise of multiplication began in the garden.. one of the first things he told adam and eve.. multiply
in multiplying you have strength
god told kim if you can see what he sees, your vision is multiplied and if your vision is multiplied then everythig else around you is multiplied. so whatever you see, and however far you can see.. i will give it to you
like he said to abraham.
what was the place god spoke to abraham...
for those there when there is a subtraction in your life.. they might become miserable, but subtraction means that god wants to mulitply
abraham has verything.. he is one of the wealthiest.. suddenly strife.. has to split with Lot... he has to get rid of his lot
which we need to do sometimes.. there is a LOT we are carrying, and need to get rid of and it is a whole LOT of nothing
he has lost a lot, there has been division
but this subtraction suddenly gives him a multiplied vision
god says from where you stand, lift up your eyes and far as you can see, i will give to you
lift up your eyes means elevate your sight, stretch your sight to the upmost.. and as far as you can see, i am going to igive it to you
take your eyes to a higher place..
do it for 30 seconds
think of something about something you never dreamed would ever happen in yor life.
forget about everything that could ever stop you.
what if i see something that i have orever wanted to happen in my life but many times gave up on the dream and felt it was so far from me
-- MY DREAM... since i was in college.. since Sherry was homeless wit her 4 little children in a car....
-- large acreage farm.. employing workers who need a lift up to get on their feet
-- feeding those in need
-- large company with sub-companies.. createing technological websites that are innovative
-- teaching others to work in technology
-- helping others with their technology
-- a few hotels and hospitals... hosing people temporarily while they find their footing
-- a few hotels/hospitals for disabled people, with nurses living on site...
-- helping people find the resources they need for their physical survival while they realize the goodness of god
-- ministries of outreach helping others to hear from god.. giving words to peple from god
-- traveling the world setting up small groups to worship and love god and meditate on his word and teaching them to speak in tongues, to hear the word of the lord for themselves..
-- visiting prisons with the love of the lord
-- helping people break their addictions.. with the love of the lord.
-- i need to see my own jet.... so i can travel to these areas.. but a commercial jet for starters will also allow me to touch those on the transport
a commute train also came to my mine
if you think your vision was what you want.. remember god wants you to also have something you want
whatever you saw.. suddenly has become a possibility
a glimpse of something that is going to keep you going, get into your blookd, dreams, change your words from dealth to life, cause you to command and begin to speak as if you have it.
if you saw something you never believed could happen...shout to god now
the problem is that most people can not let go of what they HAD and bc the past has such a power and pull... until god subtracts it or removes it you will never capture the future.. and capturing the future means you have the pwoer to take the future you have caputred by sight and bring it into existingce into yoru world right now.. by words/ dreams..
when kim clement told people he was going to minister to president/VP and actors.. they laughed at him. it controlled him. it drove him to believe and see even further. he was all like.. just watch me... he spoke about it when he prayed and thanked god for the wisdom he woulc give him when he stood b4 those kings.. he told god he didn't want to be a prophet to the church only .. he wanted to have the spirit of joseph to give wisdom to the pharoahs of this hour, the spirit of daniel to have the power to show god to those that are unbelief so that they will say there is no other god than the god of kim....
the presidents of this nation are going to say that for 22 years.. the god of billy graham, oral roberts...
surely i believe what i have just seen, and what i have just seen is not what i would have ever believed.. and what i just saw was something i never thought owuld ever happen to me.
let your dreams be activated by the power of faith.. kim "I releas the power of faith to be released in you right now."
i just saw myself praying while i was walking the streets of pulaski.
i want to showp peole what is praisable about god. about myself.. i want to give them a reason to say ahhaleluha and say i want what you have.. a witness is not somone with a whole bunch of words, but someone who has evidence.. don't listen to my words watch me now..
evidence i am a blood washed christian, that i am a prophet.. that he filled me w/ the spirit... show them.. either prophesy or speka in tongues, show them the spirit is living in you.. give him the name of the holyspirit.. comfortor or whatever
tongues is one little bit of evidence
DUNAMIS... it is not fire workds or dynamite... dynamite makes a lot of noise and lot of dust.. dunamis.. is not just sound.. but it is how it uses the authority of god.
we have to have evidence.. it is one thing to have a drea but once you have th holy spirit who is the power of god, the expression of god.. then evidence supplies a reason for their change
evidence in your life supplies reason to the ungodly to make a change... to make a decision to follow him.
sometimes you need a lions den to see it
god says i will accelerate my word to perform it. there is a divine accelaration
he said to jeremia what do you see, he said i see an almond branch.. bc you have seen correctly i will put a watch over my wrod to perform it.. most think it means i am going to watch over my word but it means i am going to accelerate my word so that i can be performed bc most people have an accelaration of unbeliev / doubt, fear, and everything that condtradicts the word of god.
but he says if you can just get a glimpse of our eye of what i see,
i will nto accelerate any of the unbelief.. my word shall take over
i will accelerate my word, slowig down of unbelief
acceleration of my promise, slowing down of poverty
accel of healing, slowing of sickness
accel of prosperity, slwo
it is what you see that causes and acceleration of time, of the promises of god
saw a cloud the shape of a mans abuncance of rain coming to the body of christ
acceleration of finances.. starts with sight
esence of the propehetic is to give you keen sight
pastors, evang, teachers, propehets.. everyone has a place..
god says if you see correctly i will place a watch.. time is on your side.
if you see correctly, elijah has to go for elisha tocarry the double portion
there has to be a subtraction to be a multiplication
--my thoughts.. jesus had to go for theholy spirit to come into all our lives
what we did for that 30 seconds was elevate your sight beyond nyour need
began to see something you never though possible
kim clement sawa a jet bc he is tired of commercial airlines
it might be be a "spiritual" .. but it will allow spiritiual things to happen
when everything is at its worst, god loves to show up,show off and take all the credit
while they are laughing.. god says.. he may laugh but watch me now
the spirit of god says for every theft/rape from power of hell.. i am going to give you 4 times the amount back. not just double now
a vast accumulation fo what could have happened..
he is going to acceleratin our lives and dow what we ask him to do.
some saw their children serving the lordy.. they saw their future.
that will be granted unto them..
he saw they had two.. he saw a twin.. out of reach right now.. in their family..
it is someone else... vancouver.. as a 2 year old, 3 ear old.. november i saw the enemy rising up against the famil and god said therefore it is my great will and pleaseure
that this november round thanksgiiv what was unreachable will not be reacable.
one saw women set free
he saw woman.. a woman brought the rock (christ) into the earth
a woman threw a stong from the tower.. while king stodd at bottom to burn up entire city in that tower
the self appointed king killed 70 brothers so he could be a king (abimelech).. jotham escaped... he gave a parable.. vine and 3 threes to be king over them.. olive tree, grape tree.. bramble bush..
that kind of thing is coming to an end in the body of christ
where we kill our brothers so we can gt a position in a religious society where postion means nothing
the greatest position in the king of god is on your nees and raising your hands...
the day of bramble bush preachers and leaders is comig to an end
the bramble said yes, if you will take shade under me.. a bramble bush canot give shade.. decption
chansed entire city into a tower and an old woman took a rock and throw it down and it stuck the king
and the king said please don't let it go down in history a woman killed me
god is raiing up a special kind of women in the day and age to use the rock called jesus.. to destry the principalities and pwoers
that have taken advantage of them in religion.
i am a woman w/ a rock in my hand.. will destroy religous power that has tried to subdue me, control me, andmake me fel stupid,
i have royal blood flowing thru my veins i will arise and defeat this enemy of this hour
many want to have finance it takes to give into the kingdom.. honorable and noble
religious devil will say it is wrong to have money and god doesn't want you to have it.. the devil doesn't want you to have it.. once you have money and it is controled by the spirit of generosity you are the most powerful force on the earth. you get it and you don't give it away you are in trouble so start practicing now.
the blessing of the lord doesn't come back in material things always
because you give there is a favor that comes to you , people are attracted to you, drwn to you , want to give to you
grace abounding for every good work, more than you need... there is a word in the atmosphere from god that ther eis a very unusual prosperity to the body of christ..
the blessing .. and the world ends up with the money and propert
but this next move will be caputred by the church first.. not the system, religion, but the true people who understand the pwoer of giving and generasity
43 minutes in
there is something spiritual that happens when i give that doesn't happen when i receive
He went on about his move to california... and how god set up favor..
when you are a generous person.. while you don't have a lot.. when it does come to you is not difficult to give vast sums of money away
tape 3 - the commanded blessing
of reece?? race?? peace??
of healing..
prosperity, abundance, favor, grace... grace...miracles...
a prophetic voice so that a region can know what they have been selected for
elija.. widow of zarapeth.. god commanded thiswoman to provide for him.. but she had nothing..
god is the greatest risktaker.. he does proufound things through people that are not profund in anyway but shall become it when they do what he tells them to do.. its never too late....
no matter what you have done to fail or slow down the process, it is never too late
god told kim to tell them to cammand his blessing
elijah told his servent to go look.. that is the eseence of the prophetic.. they hear something and they needing the people to see what they ..heard
because if they don't see it won't come to pass,no matter how prophetically powerful he may be
once god has commanded it, you have the right to command it on earth
he has given his word which tells you what you are allowed to command
but there are also regions and seasons where he says this is what i want you to command now
then he leaves it to you to command it in the atmosphere.. and he
and he says in his word, your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven
problem is we don't know the timing of god
what is this time
a man w/ a watch know what time it is.. a man w/ two watches never knows for sure. all people carry two watches, gods time and my time.
so we never know the right time bc we get them mixed up
there is a beautful pwer right now for you to see way beyond this moment
there is a presence in this building for you to have an elevation ofyour sight..
when he said to people ... lift up your eyes.. like he said that to abraham..he said whatever you see whll be given to you
it is a season of multiplication
adam and even would not have multiplied if htey had not done something.
god said multiply , subdue the earth, have dominion..
we have something we have to do.. divine connection with the region.. to get to know what it is that god has set apart for this nation
on sept 26 will hand it to the VP of this nation.. what he is seeing
god told him to prophesy to the political powers of this nation
he had a proposal...
kim has a green card.. so he cant vote yet
on the same day two people running against each other in the same state , forthe senate, call him for a word he doesn't know they are running against each other. he makes an appt for them to meet him at lunch in Wash DC at the same time
then he found out they are running against each other...
the democrate is who he felt was going to be elected
we as christians feel that god is only one one side
come to find out this democratic man is a spiritual christian
god said he is going to infiltrate and go right into the democrat party and do some righteous things
god said for 22 years there will be a christian president in the white house who will pray and keep this nation in spiritual order.
bc god wants this whole nation to move into the gratest move of the spirit and revivial its ever had and he needs someone at the top to keep the ball rolling and praying and praying
god said he is going to keep him there....
god doesn't care which party
he wants righteous people
he loves them all, he wants to give them the best of himself
he told kim to not prophesy his option.. he doesn't prophesy fox, CNN, MSNBC, he prophesies JC.
HSJC... that is our broadcast.. holy spirit jesus christ
he is not talkig a religious fool in the white house. someone that knows god , knows how to pray and that is why he is going to keep them there. if they are not christian while they are running the race he will make sure they are by the time they get into the white house
the problem with us is we cannot see it therefore it can't be believed
he is not talking about seeing it in reality, he is talking about seeing it in the spiritual realm bc once you see it, it is yours for the taking. an tonight god wants an elevation of the spirit so that what you see he can grant to you because the beliving is the next level after the seeing
he has commanded a blessing in the atmosphere in the USA.
there will be more praying in the school than ever
more christinas in the colleges, the democratic party
not religious bigots that call the shots
lot has just left abraham.. abraham..he had a problem.. it was his lot..he was sad because there was division in h is family
now that you are standing at this place of maybe sadness, maybe grief.. lot chose the green plush land of sodom whic means he didn't look w/ the spiritual eye
didn't realize it would be a charcoal mess .. with fire from heaven.. we have to star tlooking in the spirit.
we have to understand that ther is a god that is commanding certain things
kim is praing for his prophets to arise to tell us what we should invest in and quit dealing with these pyramid things
and losing 100s of 1000s because of desparatetion for finances of the unrighteous. the finances of the unrighteous will stay in the hands of the ungodly as long as we are stupid and we are pety and not prophetic in our thinking. god wants to raise up a few mullionaires. he wnts to take you for a 1000-aire to a millionaire. you may not believe but in one moment he could give you an aidea.. a prophetic thought and things could change overnight
gods going to multiply... your business.. favor.. revlation.. everything..
a double portion..
elijah has left. but elisha is still on the ground
and guess who elisha is.. eeryone of us
when elisha stays on the gorund and eliha is gone a double prtion
there is a command in the atmosphere
god is saying command me, and we think we cannot command god
yes you can... not telling god to move it.
you are saying.. whatever you commanded.. i am going to command
if you commanded the gift of faith is the be the arising upcoming gift in this movement then i am going to command the gift of faith in my life
the lord told kim that the gift of the faith is the upcoming.. arising star.. in the next generations gifts in this move of the spirit.
had the speaking of tongues, interpretation, prophesy, that will never end they will always be there
working of miracles,, divers healings..
you are going to do what no other generation has ever done
and the gift of faith means you see further, greater insight
not overwhelmed w/ eschathology and rapture.
kim thanksed god for allowing him to bring a moment into existance.. kim took a word and made it a moment in time. then when it is brought to humanity it becomes a momentum and you have nothing to do with it from that point but you will always reap the benefits bc you brought the moment into existnce.
a revival doesn't come to an end.. it gains momentum and moves to a higher level. those in the previous one say this is not revival bc it is not the way we did it.. apostles and prophets raised up that will lok crazy.. many in prisons and in captivity...
god says when i give a word, someone..makes it. a moment
m moment is a brief indefinite .interval of time
when god gives you a word, you have a certain time to bring that word into existance for it to gain momentum which is where the spirit takes over and now it is out of your hands... what an privelege it is to start something we have a breif interval of timet o start something wither in your life.. or a prophet into a ntion.. to start the ball rolling. then you let it go.. because if you don't let it go it will become a monument..
i picture bowling.. holding on to the ball.. and going down the alley toward the pins with the ball
and this is what is dangerous about it. when god has started something thru you and it gained momentum and the generation has grabbed ahold of it, don't try to keep ahold of it... let go and say god give me another moment..
hungry as he is to find something from heaven that will disturb the present lethargy in the church, same hunger to take something from heaven and break the religousity, vain repitition.. boredome.. and bring freedom.. spontenaitey in the spirit. that is what we are about to experienc in this nextmove a spontenatity where god will go from one level of glory to the next it will never be the same, something new each time we get togehter
you are entering a particular period of .importance and. influence.. and it was commanded by god
and the biggest hing we have to fight is unbelief which is the biggest insult to god
those who ahave to see it before they believe it will never see it or if they see it they will never get it
this is a partic period of importantc, influence, significance in a series of events taht is about to take place
though you don't see it, feel it, it is being spoiken out
there are a series of events , developments that are going to take place
he who has ears hear what the spirit is SAYING.
unusual miracles.. in sicence.. in business...
millionaries ver young..
speeding up of maturity in some of these young so that they can handle it
elija sas go and lok i have heard the abundance of rain
the cloud comes, the momement has been brought into existance and he says run, accelerate, move away bc it is going to gain momentum
we stared it but it has nothing to do with us anymore, but we started it when we stood in front of the prophets of bail and said we will prove to you who the lord god is.. put water on sacrifice.. not much water not much water 3.5 of god consumed the water
propehts of bail taken out of the way, now time for breakthrough
46000 sq ft building owned by porno company..
standing on unholy territory.
peple said they needed to get the demons off the walls
kims said no demons on the wall because who ever lives and occupies that space brings whatever spirit they ahve
people bring demons, brick and mortar do not
people bring demonic influence
let move in and praise worship.. we did it and the fun began
only by your presence can you bring about a chance..
god put his feet on that soil
one night he could feel the disturbance, those living in the spirit know this feeling
you must be aware, watching in the spirit, of all things around you, the existance
walk with god.. enoch walked with god and was not bc god mingled with him. so he disappeared..
walked with god means live a prophetic lifstyle to see in the spirit world.. evil or good.. you are aware of it
we all have this capability
something is happening with the elevation of the site
we must command what he has commanded tonight
40 minutes in
gold told him there is a tremendous resistance unusual resistance in the atmostphere outside the building.. he knew it ws supernatureal
there were 6 or 7 physcics in the building
if you don't recongize and deal wit it.. he loves it.
when yo u push him against the wall the best comes out in him
she was cursing and even slappedhim a few times
god is not going to chase these psychics away.. he is going to redeem them and fill them with his spirit and their influence .. they are goingt obring them into the kingdome and prophesy like never before and touch the untouchable and reach the unreachable.
it is never too late..
there is a signif period of time at thismoment now that god is releasing influence significance imporantance
a series of events that are about to take place and if you can hear what the spirit is saying
elevate your vision you will begin to see how it unfolds.. an opportunity come, run through that door
bc big things are going to happen for you
and it will happen overnight
the church is always trying to repacture the past.. the good old happy days.
the mission of the propehetic generation is to capture the future to bring it into existance
when yo see what is ahead you have the power to bring it into existance now so people can taste what is about to happen on the earth
god lets you into his story.. history.. he lets your choices shape it proufoundly he never walks away from the mess we have made of it.
then the lord intervened.
3 kinds of people in the bible
risktakers -- from the womb -- future --
care takers --- present -- let me take care of you.. don't do this, don't do that.. watch out you will lose your reputation
under takers -- from the tomb -- past -- don't believe you will ever make it so they will dig your grave for you
risktakers - welcome to the gift of faith.. bc the gift of faith is faith beyond your measure
faith beyond you and what you can do
still gong to take a risktaker to ignite and activate a gift of faith
i command unusual fiath, the gift of faith to arise to come forth what i cannot accomplish today i will accomplish tomorrow
tomorrow about this time things are going to change..(again)
tomorrow about this time things are going to change..(again)
my tomorrow is his yesterday, he has already done it, i just gotta walk into it.
tomorrow about this time tihings are going to change..(again)
singing.. open my eyes.. i want to see
now with the gift of faith i am going to believe what i could not believe with my mind and with my heart
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