What we know

1. John 1 -

Israel must have been already looking for the messiah. First seen by the pharisees when John the baptist was being questioned. The parisees and saducess were sent by the Jews in Jerusalem to Bethany (bethabara) across the jordan, which is where John was baptizing.
they asked if he was the Messiah, he said NO, then Elijah then the prophet. all of which he said NO. but then he said he was whom Isaiah was was the one cryin gout in the wilderness. (Isa 40:3)
comment from bible gateway on who the prophet is... it is assuming this is referring to the prophet of Deut 18:15
There must have been an expected baptism. We know Jewish people did their own mikvah's all the time, but this must have been different becuase they asked him why he baptizes if he is none of these. so for some reason they expected these three to baptize. But apparently they misunderstood the specifics about the baptism.
John then said he baptizes with WATER but the one coming baptizes with the holy spirit and fire. John also said .. SOMEONE STANDS AMONG YOU, but you don't know him. He is the one.

We know the next day Jesus came and John pointed him out. He said the reason he came baptizing with water was so taht that messiah would be revealed to Israel. God who sent him told him that the messiah would be th eone that the spirit descended and rested on.

and the messiah would baptize with the holy spirit John called him the son of god, other texts say the chosen one of god

we know that again the next day John pointed him out again and called him the lamb of god. And two of his disciples decided to follow him. One fo them was andrew, Peter's brother. but he went and got Peter first.

Also, the next day after that he was leaving for galilee and had philip follow him. Whether this was after he got to galilee or before he left is unclear. but it does tsay they were from the same city, bethsaida) as peter.

Philip brought nathanael. Here Nathanael said does anything good come from Nazareth. these people were told all their lives that the messiah would come from bethlehem. they must have somehow missed that most of the prophets were from galilee. but also, there were prophecies about Jesus being a nazarene/
Nathanael believed he was the son of God because he saw him under the fig tree, but there must be something we don't understand about standing under the fig tree. a bit of research reveals that jewish people stood umnder the fig tree to wait for the messiah.. in contemplation.


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