The Pool and the Portal

Ch 1 Hell Beneath is stirred up


  • winged creature, in charge of the region of hell that met humans when they arrived
  • the chief lieutenant of the bottomless pit
  • hated humans, crimson filled beings. 
  • said he remembered being there and was great, then he spoke from inside the great pyramid sanctuary where he controlled the gravitational pulls for a sector of creation. 1/3 chosen to do this.


  • sold himself and the humans around him
  • offered gallons of human blood on the alter of satan, trying to mingle his human seed with these creatures?  angels??   he did everything he could to give the earth to satan
  • tried to become half angel - but now just a deformed fool
  • millions coming to hell because of him
  • thought he'd be one of the new creatures
  • father of abortion
  • in Ch 2, it says Nimrod was like a god to the 7 men who controlled the babylonian system.   Their whole organization was based on his beliefs and philosophy.  Nimrod tapped into the dark arts so powerfully that he himself began to transform into a hybrid, a giant, a gibboreem.
  • still in Ch 2, it says that he began to offer blood on the alter of Baal, the key ingredient to bring the fallen ones into this atmosphere. 
  • Because God promised to never have another flood, and because they had the high Tower to protect them, they figured they were safe. 

Area of hell

  • cesspool of green liquid w/ crocodile like creatures and humans in the pool, crocodile creatures with the humans in their mouths
  • great large, grey, metal looking lid above him expecting to be opened to give them access to earth.
  • there are different levels of hell.   

large wooden looking door with large metal hinge, when open green visible stench, room filled with army of creatures expected to invade earth when the portal was opened.

Creatures in this area of Hell:

  • these creatures have no blood.
  • small manifestation of these creatures in mass murderers and abortion clinics.
  • creatures in the kingdom of darkness hate each other, fighting for position
  • the creatures below don't know what is going on here on earth, they only perceive things by the fallen people who end up in there
  • people who are cast into hell lose their soul (mind, will, emotions) so they have no resistance at all
  • the hideous beings there can move in and out of the human soul at will, as they too are looking for a little relief from their own fear (spirit of fear)

satan's plan was to become human..flesh and blood, in God's image.  (in the image of God, or like he said "to be like the most High"

The Chained Ones

  • the chained ones used by satan to co-habit with women and let them be punished instead. Satan understands the law better than any of them.

This is reminiscent of how we feel about our messiah, our promises:

Sana said:

its been a long time since many of you have seen satan, but he will return for us one day, and bring us to where he is!... then we'll be caught up together through that great portal to the earth!  .. he called the earth the promised land.

Chapter 2 - the promised land

April 28, 2008 - undisclosed location -- out of sight and sound of human ears

Satan with 7 men, pawns he uses to run his earthly babylonian system.  they run the world financially.  an angience group.   control wars, recessions, depressions, everything manipulated by their decisions.

they couldn't see satan but were used to the dark kingdom being around them.

When one of them dies, they have to brief their replacement about the "Grand Plan".

Woman in 20s had to brief the panel of new comers.  She was bred ritually and born in secret for this purpose. The humans all thought she was going to retire comfortably and with a new identity, but after this debriefing she was going to be sacrificed to the goddess Shiva in front of the great partical collider.

she opened a large ancient binder to give the briefing and then a a demonic creature grafted himself to her and overwhelmed her with his presence, and began talking through her. 

since their inception (the demons??) and first contact w/ the fallen ones, to present..

adam after he fell, prompted by fear, he began his search trying to return back to his position.   He showed these demons how to open the door and contact the fallen ones on the other side of the light line.  Once they learned how to open the door to the dimension of the fallen angels, they were able to bring them over.  that is when they began to first learn how to create flesh covered crimson, the hybrid seed.   they called them flesh covered crimson.

they said the science was all right, but if the portal opened with the wrong force behind it, disaster would follow.  before adam fell he could open the portals and never cause a strain there... seemless like.  

the hybrids multiplied on the earth until there were only 8 purebred's left. 

Noah told about worldwide flood, prepared a great vessel where his family and a select number of animals were saved from the flood.

not one of the "great ones" escaped though they were giants.  bodies can still be seen encased in stone upon the high mountains in idaho and in different places of the world.

Unfortunately the knowledge Adam possessed of how to open dimensions was lost to all but the either and they forbade it from being told.  Adam turned from them and wollowed with the few pure breeds that were left.  But he left a history of what happened on two pillars he erected in the valley of Shinar so that the knowledge of what happened and why was not lost.  The 8 purebreeds that were saved from the deluge knew how to unlock the hidden knowledge in the pillars, .  They would  not speak of it and they guarded THEIR IMAGINATIONS.   The forces of greed and lust born into the purebred helped them.  The master himself was able to use this greed and lust, along with their natural curiousity.  Ham, Noah's son, became their ally.  The dark imaginations began to stir again, and Nimrod came from Ham.  

Tower of Babel 

(see also last few bullets under Nimrod)

Nimrod's tower dedicated to the dark arts was almost complete but the people began to get different ideas, beliefs, confused.  this slowed down our spread of the knowledge in their imaginations.  By cross breeding and the mingling of multiple men and animal seeds along with the dark rituals, they were able to create giants again, but not as big.  After the confusion and scattering, and Shem killed Nimrod, some of Ham's descendants settled in Egypt.  They they used Adam's original knowledge of how to bring the fallen ones over to this side.

Osiris Device, the Ta-Wer, also called the Star Gate Machine, capable of opening wormholes into other dimensions.  If Adam had not encoded the knowledge of this on the pillar he erected in Shinar after the great flood, they might never have found it

Adam's seat used to be in heaven.  In the tabernacle, the sanctuary in heaven for God and man to fellowship, it contained all the mysteries shared between then.   God could call Adam into the inner court, the classroom where revelation of God is learned.  Adam would sit on the heavenly Ark of the Covenant (of Sonship), which sat at the right hand of God.They would sit together as father and son on that thone and reign together.  Substituted Blood placed on the mercy seat in the tabernacle of Moses represented the mercy seat in heaven, where Adam used to sit.   The power of the covenant could bend light and open a portal for adam to go to heaven and come back again.   After the fall he tried to duplicate the heavenly ark with the Ta-Wer in an attempt to open a portal back to heaven and regain his position.  

The Ta-Wer produced an enormous amount of energy. and made it able to bend two points of light and produce a space time tunnel that matter could actually pass through.  When the light was bent and the portals opened on either end, two of the fallen ones, Seth and Osiris, began to travel back and forth from the underworld.  This traveling back and forth enabled them to learn the lost knowledge again.  

An image of the Ta-Wer was drawn on the walls of the pyramids.  Known as the Boat of a Million Years.   They also wrote down how it worked in the mysterious hieroglyphs.  This is what allowed them to build the giant collider in Switzerland.  

It was put on the board for production in 1949.  First attempt was disastrous.  But got better over time.   The last time, it bent light on two ends, it rattled the enourmous lid on the other side.  

Through the knowledge gained over the centurioes from Seth and Osiris, they now have the precise time for this


Osiris Device

The 'Osiris device', the Bark of Horus, and connections to

The Casket of Osiris . The Casket or Pillar of Osiris was a phallic-shaped device that stood approximately 40 feet tall. It was made of evergreen or living acacia (shittim) wood (just like the Ark of the Covenant) and was lined with a gold alloy (probably palladium). Also known as the "Ladder to Heaven," the "Backbone of Osiris," and the Pillar ...


Atom-smashing CERN lab ratchets up measures against Russia ...

The CERN Council, the governing body of the Geneva-based lab with 23 member states, announced that its scientists will suspend participation The sprawling European science lab that houses the world's largest atom smasher is taking new steps that will further limit its cooperation with Russian research institutes in the wake of Russia's invasion ...

Chapter 3 - The Prophesy

through the dark order of the masonic, working through the presidency of the United States, they printed the prophesy of the Cumnaean Sybil on the back of the US dollar.
This prophesy si "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM", because it is on the american one dollar bill, it is handled by even the most common person.

Apparently, they believe they have been able to successfully seize most of the power of the most powerful nation in the earth, the US.  Through the Masonic order, at inauguration of the American president, when he is being sworn in, they raise the spirit of Osiris to come and embody each president.

Thsy aid most of the time it works.  A lot of presidents were Masons, but were unaware of the fullness of the darkness they were involved in. Through that ignorance, they were able to infiltrate enough of congress and judges to get done what was needed and advance their agenda.  Through the judges they convinced people that judges make the laws instead of just interpreting them.  

They believe that Apollo will return and the financial leader of the world is paying for it.

The Cumaean Sybil was a prophetess of Apollo.  In a painting she appears to be a six-fingered Giant, part man, part woman.  Featured in teh Sistine Chapel at eh Vatican, given a place of honor amonth the prophets of the bible.  She was the most imporant among pythians who operated n the spirt of devination, the python or serpent spirit, going all the way back to the garden of eden when the serpent first spoke to the woman.

On the back of the one dollar bill is:
  • Annuit Coeptis - Vergil's Aeneid IX:625.  It means He (Jupieter) favors our undertaking.  Jupiter is the father of Apollo.
  • Novus Ordo Seclorum, New order of the Ages, taken from a prophesy of Cumaean Sybil record in Vergil's Eclogues IV:5
  • It predicts that at the end of time, ther will come the arrival of the divine son, apollo.
Apparently after they are finally able to operate in the future, they will want to resurrect Satan's throne.  It was in power in the time of Hitler but not since then.  But this time in the USA.  Thru abortion, offering him the blood of millions of children, their mentality has been changed.  

The throne of Satan

In the time of Ancient Israel, Baal was paced on the high places where Children were offered to it as human sacrifice.
In the time of the Maccabees, teh greek king antiochus set up an idol to Zeus in the temple of the Lord, defiling the temple. After they tore down the alter of Zeus, it reappared in Pergamon.

in the late 19th century, a man excavbated the Pergamon alter or the Throne of Satana and sent the pieces back to his homeland Germany and it was assembled in Berlin.  Adolph hitler was born in Austria the year it was finished.  And the platform he spke from in Nuremburg was patterned after this throne.

in WW2 generations, the greatest generation that ever lived, they fought the greatest evil we have ever known.

In this generation, satan has resurrected his trhone.  

the WW2 generation and a generation of  priests / evangelists were also raised .


Tom Horn, Cris Putnam, and Derek Gilbert share some disturbing prophecies regarding the Final Pope and the Last Days.WATCH THE FULL EPISODE:

The Cumaean Sibyl is probably the best known of 10 (12) sibyls. Her cave was located near the town of Cumae on the western coast of Italy, in the same location as a temple of Apollo. While most often known as the Cumaean Sibyl or the Sibyl of Cumae, she is also variously referred to as: Herophile, Demo, Phemonë, Deiphobe, Demophile, and Amalthea.

Chapter 4 - Micah Cross

7 years after that, now it is 2015

  • lived life by the word of god and through thee word of god and the spirit of god
  • had acess to all the intel and actually believed it
  • making Jesus Lord of life is the only way to heaven
  • the bible is actually God in written form, and that to live and be an effective warrior, you had to make the word of god the final authority
  • he believed that god is absolutely good - never allows bad to come to anyone in a causative sense.   or taht god would test or try anyone to see what they would do
  • believed in baptism of holy ghost, and His 9 gifts of the spirit. 
  • believed taht praying and peaking in tongues was the original language god/adam used before he fell, and that this language gave him the ability to speak the mysteris of god, acccess to the keys of the kingdom of heaven, which is revelation knowledge
  • true warriro in the spirit, walking in the office of apostle, propehet and teacher. 

In the world before Adam:
  • Satan - was Lucifer = "Light Bearer"
    • The son of the Morning
    • musician
    • Jesus' personal angel
    • anointed to walk up and down in the midst of the stones of fire and find revelation in those stondes and carry it to earth
      • when he found revelation, he would spread his wings (about 20 feet wingspan) and lift himself up to the center of the earth.  Then those tabrets would begin to beat with the rhythm of the life pulsating though the earth and he would sing the revelations in a prophetic tone.  the sound would hit the crystalline canopy which would carry the sound all the way around the earth.  And fruitful places would grow and cities would be built by the creatures in the planet.
    • high priest - wore an ephod of -- 10 is the number of the law, so he understood the law of God and operated in it.
      1. sardius,
      2. topaz,
      3. diamond
      4. beryl
      5. onyx
      6. jasper
      7. sapphire
      8. emerald
      9. carbuncle
      10. gold
    • Tabret - Tambourine for worship - had tambourines built into him instead of a heart, and pipes-like instruments prepared in him when he was created by Jesus, the word of God Himself.
    • He was given sanctuaries, the great pyramids where he gave instruction to the inhabitants of the earth as to their part in preparing the earth with fruitful places and cities. 
    • The enemy was bound to operate in these cycles; he couldn't do anything outside of the system of seed time and harvest.
  • Jesus = The Word Himself
    • Leader of the angelic host:  El-Gibbor - God the Mighty Warrior
    • created the angel armies
    • called "the Bright and the Morning Star!"
  • Beings in that day were not men, but animals, monkey like beings with high intelligence. 
  • the entire world was in submission to the angelic world
    • a  legal rule of angels, a military rule, yet an army of holiness and purity
  • the anointed cherub (isn't this Satan?) set on a throne on the holy mountain of God, Jericho.. which means moon.
  • earth surrounded by a canopy of thin metalic plates, known as crystalline.  
  • At creation, God created the 22 Hebrew letters first.   These were burned into His Crown.  He wrote with black fire on white fire and wrote the Torah (also called "Sophia" or Wisdom)  and He consulted with wisdon and created.
  • Stones of Fire:
    • in the old earth, there is an alter of God filled with stones of fire. 
    • they carried the "mind of God". 
    • Remember, (shown above) Lucifer was anointed to walk up and down in the midst of the stones of fire and find revelation in those stones and carry it to earth
    • the great revelations of His Word are burning stones of fire.
  • Lucifer found out from one of these reelations that the new creation was not being built for him but for a being called MAN. He didn't know what a man was but he knew he was going to have children and God himeslf was going to visit him.  He protested in the high court of heaven, to the absolute ashtonishment of all in that court that he would question the creator of all things, absolute goodness himself.
    • the verses in the bible that speak of "what is man that you are mindful of him, that you should visit him" comes from Satan when he is addressing the court.  (psalm 8, Hebrews 2)
    • he didn't know there was to be someone between him and God.  He didn't want to be subordinate to another being.  It filled him with violence and he plotted a coup, a histile military overthrow.   He wanted the position of Man. 
    • he found out that this man would sit with God in the mount of the congregation where God's throne sat in the North.  He knew that man was in the image and likeness of God. 
    • YHVH - God in His government of Law, is the part of God that sits on that court.  
    • lucifier began to push his anointing, trade it for worship and allegiance, to lie and slander God and convinced 1/3 angels to follow him.
    • he thought whe would make his own words come to pass, but he didn't realize his anointing as a prophetic musician was only to carry GOD's words of revelation to the earth.
    • He declared:  (isaiah 14:13-14)
      • will ascend into heaven
      • i will exalt my throne above the starts of god (by throne he was saying "I will also create flesh covered crimson")
      • I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north
      • i will ascend above the heights of the clouds
      • i will be like the most high

King Ahab and Jezebel

Ancient Israel, King Ahab and his wife Jezebel - she was the one who had the power.  
  • Babies were slaughtered like never before (offered to a false God called Baal).
  • Nabath's vineyard.
  • wounded in battle, stayed in his chariot till the end of the day and then he died.  His people washed his blood out of the chariot.
    • Jezebel tried to keep power
    • Elisha sent a prophet to anoint Jehu as king over Israel (he was a war Captain).
    • Jehu confronted Jezebel, she in the window in the palace.  Her own people threw here down, their chariots ran over her body, the dogs ate her flesh.

This cycle been turning since the early 1990s.  The enemy was bound to operate in these cycles; he couldn't do anything outside of the system of seed time and harvest.  This creature had manipulated humans and situations using the knowledge of these cycles.  
  1. apply the rule o this cycle:  Israel, the coventnt namtion, the natural olive tree which the body of Christ is grafted into, the chosen people through which Messiah came.
  2. nothing happens to mankind that does not have a connection to Israel somewhere or somehow.  Teh USA is directly connected to Israel.
    1. almost names israel
    2. chris columpus was hunting a new home for jewish people
    3. isreal was created becase god loved isreal.  america was created because americal loved god.  So because of this, every political event can be found in scripture. 


Ancient Israelnow
Ahab - king
wife Jezebel had the power  
Bill Clinton, President
wife Hillary had the power
babies offered to Baal abortion counts grew huge
naboth's vineyard     land scandal, someone found murdered
then they vacationed at Martha's vineyard
mortally wunded,
lasted in chariot until the end of the day  
impeached, managed to last till the end of his term
the people washed his chariot clean  people made him seem like a hero
Jezebel tried to run the country,
But God had anointed Jehu (means freed from a constraint)    
Hillary tried to become president,
But God had anointed John McCain (was freed from being a prisoner of war)
happened at Jezreel - which means God Sows.. this was a seed planted for future events
happened at Jezreel - which means God Sows.. this was a seed planted for future events
happened at Jezreel - which means God Sows.. this was a seed planted for future events
happened at Jezreel - which means God Sows.. this was a seed planted for future events
happened at Jezreel - which means God Sows.. this was a seed planted for future events
happened at Jezreel - which means God Sows.. this was a seed planted for future events
happened at Jezreel - which means God Sows.. this was a seed planted for future events

the government of god is seed-plant-harvest

so nothing happens without a seed being planted.  the story of ahab above was the seed planted, coming in the extended soil of Israel... the USA

2008 Hillary's own people threw her over the wall and put up Barack Obama instead.

Henry Kissinger said Barakck Obama was greeomed to bring in the new world order

he had every characteristic of the anti-christ, but he was a type of the anti-christ.

Luke 10:18 - Jesus said "I beheld satan as lightening fall from heaven" but in Hebrew it says "I beheld Satan as Bark O Bamah" -- Jesus' warning to us.  that he would have the character of Satan and be an eartly impression of the antichrist.

Was the NT in Hebrew:  Here is the search for this

In 2013 Miniseries on the Bible, the devil that met Jesus in the 40 days in the wilderness was wearing a cowl, a hood, looked just like Barak obama and he started a contoversy and had themn remove that character.  

When the dem party selected Obama, they had a special platform made for him to speak from, set it on the 50 yeard line on invesco field in mile high stadium in denver colorado...  a high place.    it was the throne of pergamon, the throne of satan.  almost an exact replica of the throne of satan in berlin, germany.  it has not been raised since the days of hitler.    The picture of this platform almost perfectly fit over the top of the throne in pergamon in berlin.  Obama rose up from the middle of it.  American flags placed at almost every column around the stage... Isaiah 14, "I will exalt my throne above the Stars of God".


Since God's people did not anoint John McCain as president, Barack Obama won the election.

The cycle was altered severely and could change eterntiy.

Since McCain (Jehu) was not elected , Jehu's chariots were not there to run over Jezebel (politically).  So satan gained access to the future

Quesiton - how did this give Satan access to the future?  because the cycle was broken?  Satan manipulated this cylce.  But i thought  he had to stay within the constraints of the cycles.

After the Jehu of old had become King, they had peace, 28 years of peace.  Since this did not happen in this cycle, those 28 years are now in limbo, it actually threw us 28 years into the future... 28 is the number of eternity

those events with barack obama were not supposed to happen for another 28 years.

Only god's people can have the power to move time. ... like Hezekiah and Joshua of god.

the devil doesn't not have the power to move time, unless he can get the body fo christ to do it for him.  which is what they did when they did not elect John McCain as president.

Satan for the first time is operating 28 years in the future, he is ahead of the ligth..  God's people gae him their light in the future, he has actually transformed himself into an angel of light, leading god's people FROM BEHIND, controlling te future.   this si the spirit operating in Barack obama, he is leading from behind.

the enemy was given something to allow him to manipulate eternity.  YHVH means he who lives in eternity.  

Nov 28, 2013

  •  Chanukah and thanksgiving fell on the same day.  then 28 days later it was christmas.  28 is te number of eternity.  therre was a 28 day portal open to declear every day for 28 days into the future.
  • that day was also the anniversary of a comet called Negra in the 13th centruy which passed by the sun and earth, and black death hit the earth..  
  • this date is 666 years from the day of the comet negra
  • the comet ISON passed by the sun and earth, another black death arose... ISIS.  odd that they came 666 years after black death.  
  • 2+0+1+3 = 6, it was the year of the 6.
  • ISIS wore bandanas on their forehead that say "In the name of Allah".  this is almost identifal the the three greek letters taht stand for numbers, which are 666.  they also wore this on their cuff.  they also behead christians and jews.
  • Revelation 13:8

The holy spirit showed Micha that there is always an image on earth before the actual event arrives.  God created adam's spirit, then formed his body from the dust of the earth.  then breathed into his nostrils the spirit he had created.  the image was the body, it was here first, so there has to be a bodyu in its image to hold the spirit. 
911 - after the towers were hit, Rudy juliani made a biblical statement, Rev Ch 18.  this was just like it said in Revelation, as the world watched the towers fall and mourned over it. the ship masters watche din horro.

this was a perfect body of the time of tribulation to come.  it formed the body of the event.

Chapter 6 - the Ta-Wer

back to the underworld.. with Sa'na and the other angels.  low whirring sound and the great lid began to rattle.  He thought it was the Ta-Wer, but didn't know a great underground sientific facility, CERN, was on the other side of that lid. the giant hadron collider built in switzerland over the temple of apollo.  it was built to pen the portal, and was much more powerful than the Ta-Wer.

At CERN the scientists over each department are referred to as "the family".  father is the chief scientist, mother is the next in command.

almost like micah heard people talking

  • apparently it created an earthquake the last time they used it before 2015. but they didn't care if it created another one, or worse.  
  • the nations are funding this hunting engery, but they will use it to open the great lid.  
  • They do it in the name of science, but the governments do it in the name of greed.
  • someone said "but you know what happened to father the last time we almost came up to full power.. mother said it was a sacrifice for science.  apparently father went missing and finally appeared again but no one knows exactly what happened to him

Chapter 7 - Madonna, The Pope & CERN

September 2015 was the target for something


  • Harge hadron collider built on the ancient temple of apollo
  • on the prorty, an idol of Shiva, the false god of destruction, was erected.
  • a human sacrifice at CERN was caught on ideo late at night, played down as a prank.
  • they had some success in the past at opening the portal

Satan's plan
children are the heritage of the LORD, and the aborntion of these babies turned whole mindsets away from God.  a river of blood had been offered to Satan in the temples called abortion clinics.  this has degenerated some of the human minds until now.  a society taht can kill their own children a moral conscience is capable of committing any sin they can imagine, and this is what satan needed to access the imagination of men.

the scientist that deny there is a god and a spiritual world know better.  the people tht fund the narrative that there is no god and those that are killing the babies are funded by teh same groups. 

the scientist realized they had the science to open the lid but not the religious ritual. they also needed the spiritual authority of a man recognized by the authrotiy of the collective of man, like the president.

French Miniser of Foreing affairs, Laurent Fabius, standing w/ John Kerry on May 13, 2014 made an international statement that we as a planet had only 500 days to avoid a great climate chaos.  that 500 days led to september 24, 2015

Madonna recently had been performing ancient occult type rituals on stage, while dressed in clothes that resembled a high priestess.   Her rebel heart tour, openign theme is "Desecration of the Bride" and "Arrival of Fallen Angels".  

Micah said she was trying to reintroduce the Nephilim by performing ancient rituals.He also noticed that the pope followed everywhere Madonna went on her tour
  • Sept 16, 2015, Madison Square gardens (the pope then on sept 25)
  • Philadelpha, Sept 24, 2015 (the pope then on Sept 26)
  • the pope to address the American congress 9/24/15
  • holy mass w/ the world meetings of the families 9/26/15

The vatican has a giant binocular telescope on Mt graham.  it has an infrared camera named lucifer.  the catholic church had been looking for ETs for years frmm there.  the catholic hierarch said that they were already among us.  

Micha only had about 30 days to stop it

the meyan prophecy wasn't the end in 2012, it was the beginning of someting

the pyramid on the back of the dollar ... roman numerals 1776, 13 steps to the top of the pyramid, 13 katun or mayan cycles, approximately 20 years each.  then the eye of apollo, or return of appolo, not in 2012 but it will begin in 2012.. that is the 2nd term of barack obama.

obama has no birth certificate, but everyone swears he is from Kenya africa.

Isaiah 46:9-10 - God declares the end from the beginning and fromancient times the things that are not yet done.  
genesis - the book of beginnings.  so the end must be declared there.
eaching genersis forward is actually reading reveleation backward

Ge 7 - the fllod, the end of the ageEnd of the Church Age
Genesis 5 - Enoch - rapturedRapture
Geneis 4 - Cain Killed Abel (a man with a mark killing a man without a mark)Tribulation period
Genesis 3 - the seed of the woman will crush the enemy's head (the end of the tribulation)Jesus returns to defeat the anti-christ
Gensis 2 - the garden of eden, perfect paradise. 1000 year millenial reign of Christ
Genesis 1:2 the earth was without form and voice and darkness on the face of the deepSatan Loosed for a little season again to tempt the nations
-Satan defeated and cast into the lake of fire  and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are
Genesis 1:1 ,then everythign put back into rightful order, the son gives all things back to his Father and God will be all in all

the names of the 4 rivers coming from eden and their locations, and the meanings of these names and putt them together. 
  1. Pison - in the gushing forth
    1. Havilah - in the rushing forth (time)
  2. Gihon
    1. Ethiopia
  3. Hiddekel
    1. Assyria
  4. Euphrates

Translated - In the gushing forth, in the rushing forth, there will rise a powerful son of chushi, a black man having great authority.
it will be in the gime of fushing, and the rushing forth.. which has to do with time.   

in the gushing forth, in the rushing forth of time...
Cushi, from africa... this man is of african descent.

Chapter 8 - the Calendar

He was told in church to sum the year 2015, 

2+0+1+5 = 8 = a new beginning

then he was told to sum up the whole calendar starting 2015

column 1 started with 2 and went in consecutive order vertically through 11
then the next column started with 3 and then went vertically through 12
He contined this throuogh 2069.  2000-2060 followed suit.   it seemed every 10 years was a reset.
at the tope of every reset could represent a day

at top left corner doing diagonally, was 2,4,6,8...
and next to that it was 3, 5, 7, 9
God asked why they started at 2000.  In the sotry of the good samaritan:

Certain man traveling from Jerusalem.  to Jericho and fell upon thhieves.  they stripped him of his raiment and wonded him, lavign him half dead.  
  1. a certain priest came by and passed on the other side.  
  2. a levite saw and passed on the otehr side.
  3. a certain samaristan poured oil and wine, bound up his wounds, took him to the inn.  gave the inn keeper two pence (2 days wages) and said to take care of him and if it is more than this, he will pay when he returns. 
The certain main was adam, who used to live in jerusalem.   He went down to jhericho.  the ancient jewish teachers taught that satan's throne used ti sit on the moon, Jericho means moon in hebrew.  on the way down there to the moon, he fell among theives.  one greek translation said he fell IN with theieves, or lighted among them.  He committed treason.   the scripture declares taht the woman was deceived, the man was not.   Adam joined these thieves.  they stripped him of his raiment.. (is this like the coat of many colors from the father).  the glory of god taht used to cover him, and wounded him, leaving him half dead.  before this, adam only knew good, but after this he knew both good and evil, he became half dead.

  1. the priesthood couldn't save him (the priest that past him on the side)
  2. the levitical law couldn't save him.  (the levit that past him on the side)
  3. but a certain samarian came to him in his journeys (Samaritan, half jew, mother is Jewish but father is something else).  Jesus' mom was Mary, but his dad was God.   Jesus was this samaritan. He took the man and poured in Oil (the anointing of God) and wine (the blood of Jesus) and put the man in a place of comfort and gave him to the comforter (the Holy Ghost) to keep him until he returned.
  4. he gave the innkeeper two pence, two days wages.. so he was prepared to be gone for two days.   A day is like a 1000 year (2 peter 3:8).   2000 years.
  5. he said if he was longer than 2 days he would pay him when he got back. 
becaue of the 28 years lost when they didn't elect John McCain but elected Barack Obama instead, 

Sealing up the sum means adding one side of a box on this calendar and it being equal to the other side  of the box.  Like the first box:
  • 2000, 2001, 2011 is the left side = they are 2, 3, and 4
  • 2000, 2010 and 2011 on the right side is also 2, 3, and 4

Obama was elected in 2008 but book office in 2008, so making a box there....
  • 2008, 2009, 2019 = 10,11,12 = 1+0 = 1, 1+1 = 2, 1+2 = 3, add those and = 6
  • 2008, 2018, 2019 = 10,11,12.   

Ezekiel 28 says that Satan seals up the sum, he is going to cube time. the calendar is a man's calendar, and the number of man is 6. 

the one parallel (parallel univers??) to this is 2035,2036, 2045, 2046, because it is also 10,11,12 on each side.   Also 2035 (ish) is the legal time of Jesus' return (7th day from creation, 3rd day from resurrection of Christ, 2000 years from his resurrection)

2000 years from his resurrection is aroudn 2030 for rapture , but 6 years of tribulation is 2036 for the end of the tribluation period.  so this sealing up the sum put it past the rapture. 

this is all within the legal confines that the devil must operate in.

So this cube is 6, and the 2035 cube is also six.  so that is two 6's. and 2046, the resting point of the 2nd cube, the top column name is 6 because the first year in it adds up to 6.  so now that is 666.

The devil is a scientist, a legal devil.  he understands what makes the tides come in and go out.   as archangel, preparing the earth for the man) he knew how mnumbers and time works in the earth.

after the fall of man it was reveealed that after his fall, man was then caught in the corner where seed and harvest meet.  bound under the law, this is why jesus' first coming in the fullness of time could be determine by legal time.
he was sent in the fullness of time, but the devil didn't know wehre.  there is no light in the devil, no revelation.   he has to hear the church preach tolearn the manifold wisdom of god (Eph 3:10) this is why he had to get herod to ask the scribes to find the location.  Herod thought he killed him in bethlehem, so he stopped looking for him. 

then john the baptist came preaching, and satan realized he didn't kill him.

the devil knew when the first coming was going to be.  but scripture says that christ rede3emed us from the curse of the law, this included legal time.  so after his resurrection, his return does not have ot be determined by any set time.   

even though the reputure cannot be calculated to the moment in time by the law, the math still legally sets it to be at a certain time.  it keeps getting suspended by grace and love, and the hunger of the body of christ..  Jesus return is determine by love and in love and god is love.

2046, the bottom right of the cube, falls in the 6 column.. each of those might be a day.. so it falls on the 6th day.
by manipulating tyime this way, the enemy could go past the rapture date.

the enemy already has the body of the anti-christ on earth, Barak Obama. 
there is a ody of the false prophet, the 112th poeope, 
there is an image of the beast, islam
teh great whor of revelation, hillary clinton
and an army to destroy isreal, Isis

the connection of the cube starting at 2008 and connecting to the cube starting in 2035 makes a corridor.    a hallway tghrough time. if satan could walk through time, past the time of the raputure, let the spirit that will possess the anti-christ back into the now, he would force the rapture of the church to take place.  then the restrainers would leave.  then the only christians left here would be the ones here by choice (the ones who do not believe in pre-trib rapture)

in the time after the raputure, the grace age has ended and israel is then the focus.  animal sacrifice begins again and basically the world goes back under the law. 

the tribulation is a massive harvest, satan is an angel with the right to gather men's harvest.  he could lay violent hold on th epower of the believers that choose to stay and use it.  and then he could open the bottomless pit, loose the hoards, and with the sizth day sealed, he would never have to leave and the tribulation would go on forever.  there would be no everlasting punishment, he would have made god's word not come to pass.. like in the world before adam, legally hang the world and reign by death in the earth... but i  thought he didn't reign by death then.

the abyss - prison satan is king over. he already has a hoard of demons on the earth, but if he could break the demons out of the abyss , he could create a hybrid raceof people and his dream of becoming flesh covered crimson would then be realized but he must have chrstians by their own choice here during the tribulation order to seize on their power.  

In genesis 6 - they took them wives all of whom THEY CHOSE.

the enemy is using the auotnrity of the body of christ to do this.  

Chapter 9 - the Ranch

the lord has risen up a stronghld for the kingdom of god in the remoe mounts of idaho.   a man caught hold of the vision of saving god's people during the tribulation period.  preparing to sustain 50,000 people for seven years .  very wealthy. 

a lot of the watchmen were deceived by satan that there is no pre-trib rapture, so likely they will be the ones who choose to stay here and that the enemy uses their power. if this happens.

the enemy has nullified their faith in this promise.

Godd is Absolutely good
this must be embraced before the prophetic can be seen clearly.  teh prophetic is like deep ppols of dark mysteries that roll with waves of time.   we need to see him as absolutely good, in order to see these mysteries and set these times.  


one must never waiver from this knowledge in order to discover the great mysteries of the deep waters and find the cause of what is happening and why it is happning.  then and only then can one set these things in their proper time

God created mans spirit first, then he formed the body then he breated the mans spirit into his body

the name man is talking about the sprit of man
while human or humous refers to teh body
we are "humous-men" or spirits in dirt

there was an image of man on earth 9the body) before the man arrived (the psirit).  this is the forever precedent.  there will always be an image of teh event coming in the earth before the event arrives.  this might be why some are confused. 

In april, two gatherings were called by the spriit of god.  both were in Idaho USA. 
the western USA is pivotal in the kingdom.   The USA is laid out in the order of the tabernace moses built

if you take clear plastic overly of the tabernacle and the US map, you can see something that you cannot see with any other nations map.

Israel and USA are the only two unique countries with respect to God.  
Israel was created because god loved them.  USA was created because we loved God.

the two nations taht blatanly show the agape of god are now on the aearth at the same time.

the tabernacle was given to man through israel, and it is seen in the layout of the USA.

You entered the tabernacle from the East, that is where the colonies began in the US.
  • outer court - the entrace place
    1. brazen alter of fire - the first fires of revival Kentucky and north carolina.  the first famous outpouring of the holy ghost was NC.  from this the christian union was formed and became the church of god headquarters in Cleveland TN
    2. Laver - Missippi river
  • Holy Place - first veil held up by 5 posts, represents the 5 fold ministry.  
    1. on left is menorah w/ its oil.  This oil would be in the Texas oklahoma area... the two major oil producing states.  the menora was the only light in the tabernacle.  the oil produced in these states is used to produce energy for the rest of the  nation
    2. on the right was the table of shew bread.  thes lands are kansas, nebrasha, and the dakotas, the bread basket of America.
    3. golden alter of insence - 11 spices, deep red color.  colorado is names after the colorado river, which was names by spanish exploreres because it means reddish in color.  some of our largest coal desposits are there. 
  • Most Holy place - 2nd veil  - God would meet with man here.  the ark of covenant sat here.   the veil sits on the americas continental divide.
    1. the ark of covenant overlaid with pure gold - california, oregon, washington, gold rush. TBN was founded here and took the gospel to the rest of the nation and world.  The holy of holies rests of IDAHO
the prophetic meetings are being called in the Holy of Holies (Idaho)

Chapter 10 - the prophets gather

In colorado, where the incense is being burned, is also where Barack obama had a duplicate of the throne of Satan.  in the skies of colorado, where micah was on a plane headed toward idaho, the enemy appeared in the air with spirits that looked like small dragons, they had been responsible for downing planes for many years.the aviation world ran on such high laws that it took a while to setup such neglect in the system to cause a downing.

so there was not enough time to ensure neglect, and they couldn't cause something to happen because a seed hasn't been planted yet.

the lietenant taht was trying to get the dragon spirits to drown the plane yelled with hideos breath taht tried to create a tornado.

this caused some turbulenc's on micah's plane.

Chapter 11 - War in the Heavens

they were to 
  • land on top of the plane to try to damage the hull
  • fly directly into the engines to try to make them malfunction
  • try to create enough fear inside the plane to generate a seed large enough to cause confusion
  • they went inside with the passengers to see if someone has sown a seed for a heart attack or something to force them to land early.
the demons did not know that there was a force of angelic beings escorting the plane.  one angel grabbed the demon on the hull, one grabbed the two that tried to damage the engines, and threw them at the other angel who pulled up his sword and cut off their heads.   they don't die, but they hurled off and would likely land somewhere.  they would chew the dust whereever they landed, that is what deserts are, burial places for dragon spirits.  

inside the plan were 3 dragons, and 3 people in the flight cagin, the pilot, copilot and one in the jump seat.

whena  dragon tried to run at the captain, another angel grabbed him before he could get to him.

the head popped off and it threw it and the body out the windshield and watched them fall. 

walking through the plane they tried to have anyone who had a spirit of fear about the mechanisms in the plane to make their fears come about.   

Chapter 12 - In Route

the people of god got off the plane and went on the few hour journey to the ranch, they ahd to stop by the rent some musical instruments.

the demons goal was to try to stir up any spirits of pride, arrogance, jealosy, envy, strife, religious spirits that the prophets brought with them.  said with so many people going, there had to be some of thse with them.   the purpose was to  stop them by dividing them, or pitting them against each other

Chapter 13 - The Countdown Began

three shofars blown together .. a rat affected the collider and caused power problems before anything came through the veil

Similar to what is being done now in 2022, (02/22/2022)


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