
The Unseen Realm

The main battle taking place is a battle of the mind ... The enemy doesn't want you to know the power you hold in Christ because it is the church's job to eradicate evil from this earth. We are the body of Christ. If there is evil, it is because the body of Christ has not stood up against the evil... the body of Christ has passively allowed the evil to continue. We are HIS body on this earth, we are to join together and not be divided, and eradicate the evil from the earth.   for examples of street healings taking place all over the world: click here also review the pages on Healings and Miracles click here Specific ones i have watched and love: Todd White - Lifestyle Christianity Jason Chin The Last Reformation Tom Loud The Normal Christian Life Pete Cabrera Cardboard Box Church This page is my notes on books by Francis Jonah who published many easy to read, to the point books on healing, on our authority in christ and on the Unseen r

Her name was Eve, or was it?

I noticed this in the greek: Notice it says her name is Zoe... and look at the greek number  2222.   When we look at this in the Hebrew, we see it says the same, that Eve's name means "life or living".  And it really makes sense because she is the mother of all living, as stated in this verse.

death of a prophet

bob jones born Feb 4, 1930, went on to glory  February 14, 2014 (14 Adar 1, 5774, Purim), Age 84   john paul jackson  went on to Glory  February 18, 2015 (29 Shevat, 5775), Age 64 per Streams Academy Module 1 30 years in ministry - 80s called into ministry 1999 AOHG - John Thomas went to this course he had a number of people that started in ministry at the same time, some more gifted than him.  about a dozen known for prophetic ministry.   in 1999, he was the only one left.   most fallen from sexual immorality, financial issues, divorces because of affairs, broken up churches.... so many issues, brought confusion.  JPJ began to ask what was causing them to fall. one person really changed the face of the church in a generation.. brought prayer to where it was popular to have prayer meetings.    every  morning meeting up to 1000 people 7am each day... and many had to go to work after.    it exploded

Gold, Frankincense and Myrhh

When the "wise men" came from the east following a star they somehow knew to point to the birth of the King of the Jews, they came bearing gifts. Gold, Frankincense, Myrhh. Why these? This was only detailed in Matthew 2. Myrhh σμύρνα   should it be found at all coincidence that the greek word here is actually Smyrna, isn't that one of the 7 churches? of course This word is only mentioned twice in the NT. Once where the wise men visited Jesus when he was a baby and they brought gold, frankincense, and Myrhh (Matt 2:11), at the burial of Jesus.. John 19:39 in the OT LXX, this specific greek word was used in Psalm 45:8. Psalm 45 apparently commemorates the marriage of the king.. when it speaks of his throne being forever, it speaks of the king being anointed with the oil of gladness and his garments being scented with Myrhh and aloes and cassia Also in the OI LXX, this specific greek work is used 6 times in Song of Solomon: S

Two Trees

I have heard it said from very very promient people, whom I love in Christ and whom have walked all their lives with God, that in the Garden, at the fall, the serpent appealed to Eve using the 3 temptations, which are the same temptations he used for Jesus in the wilderness and the same temptations we all come across. They say every temptation is one of these: 1. Lust of the Eyes 2. Lust of the flesh 3. pride of life. And they say that is because in the garden, Eve saw that the fruit of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil was: 1. Pleasant to the eye 2. Good for food 3. desirable for gaining wisdom But in my studies, i found more expansion on this and the holy spirit enlightened me even more. All of the trees in the garden were the first two... pleasant to the eye and good for food. But only the tree of knowledge of good and evil was also "desirable for gaining wisdom". Of our triparteid nature, All of the trees of the garden appealed to 1. spirit -

And God Created....

Genesis 1 : Hebrew Greek Book Chapter Verse English transliterated Hebrew Greek Notes Day Good? Gen 1:1 God - 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ  אֱלֹהִ֑ים   eאֵ֥ת  ὁ θεὸς Created the Heavens and the Earth Day 1 verse 4 - God saw the light was good Gen 1:2 God 'ĕlôhı̂ym  אֱלֹהִ֑ים   θεὸς The spirit of God hovered over the waters Gen 1:3 God 'ĕlôhı̂ym  אֱלֹהִ֑ים   ὁ θεὸς and God said let there be light Gen 1:4 God - 'ĕlôhı̂ym ’êṯ  אֱלֹה