Kim Clement - insight and foresight
sight - insight and foresight
to see or not to see.
the propehet is a seer but when he propheiesies he prophesies people blind
you cannot see unless you are blind
paul/saul had to be blind before he could see
there is a natural sight
then insight
then foresight
3 levels
a prophet does not only hear.. but sees with ears
have to have all 3
sight.. natural
insight .. greater measure to sight
foresight.. far greater level
two eyes were not to make it so we are control by natural field of vision
when adam and even.. their eyes were opened..
were they blind up till that point
no their lives and being were controlled by insight and foresight which then added righteousness and added greater perspective to their natural field of vision
so your natural field of vision isn't just "i see a lion coming toward me"
when you are controlled by insight you first measure, what is behind this lion coming against you
foresight is to see the end result before the lion even begins to run toward you
so you know how to act based on the foresight you act wisely
if you don't have either of those last two, then you are controlled by what your circumstances dictate to you
so if that is fear, then you feel feel
your status is dictated by your circumstances, so you have situational perspective. or you are controlled by your natural field of vision and what people tell you.
your natural field of vision measures the dangers, hears what people are saying. .. your senses.. and your status is dictated by the perspective you get from your natural field of vision and your senses
there is another perspective..occupational perspective...
occuplational preachers vs occupational ones
occupational businessmen (in a mess but still give and still take a chance) vs situational (never get anywhere)
for occupational.. reputation is not what they are worried about
another example.. have a growth
measured with natural field of vision and figure i will probably live a year
insight - find out hidden nature of this attack, stop blaming god, devil, yourself...
foresight is the best place to be - tells outcome before problem begins.. most people cannot operate by foresight because it is too difficult to believe against the circumstances. so they fall into the trap of adam and eve. their eyes were opened, their natural field of vision was controlled by their circumstances and they saw that they were naked and hid themselves. so their perspective made them hide. in the prophetic, you never hide. no prophet hides. when elijah ran away and hid from jezebels lie, he moved from insight and foresight to natural field of vison and ran for his life. and god said what are you doing here .. this is not the place of victory.. this is not where i want you to be, i want you be in the danger zone because i have anointed you to be there.
ecc 6:9 better is the isght of the eyes than the wondering of desire. this is also vanity and grasping at the wind
it is desire w/o knowledge
desire w/o knowledge of what the outcome will be
you must have knowledge with your desire
7 minutes in first audio
i have got to prophesy you blind.. blind to your probems, circumstances, weaknesses, sicknesses, mistakes, yesterdays repetitions
so that your insight and foresight take over and operate of your behalf and say it doesn't matter what you are coming against or where you are, you are going to get through this because god has already promised you the outcome
vain imaginations create desire without knowledge which puts you in a dangerous place
prophetic vision is sight w/o desire -- eccl 6:9 gives us his wisdom
the desire comes later on
jacob when he sees rachel for the first time has desire w/o knowledge but god's desire for him is leah.
jacob didn't like leah, but he likes rachel
he was being controlled by his desires... this is a spiritual story
if desire controls you, it will remove your vision, prophetic insight and controls you
godly desire takes over (take it out of marriage/relationships and only think spiritually right now)
jacob wants rachel, but she is barren and he doesn't know it
leah however is not.. but he is not interested in her but god says this is the one that is going to give you 4 of the most important childre
of your life
each means someting.. to see, to hear, to be joined/unified with, to praise or express perfectly who god is
so we have a problem
if your desire is void of sight, hearing, oneness w/ god there is no perfect expression
so inside of leah is sight, hearing, unity and praise
but rachel has body, body, body.. i like i like i want i want
prophetic vision is void of desire therefore we don't want it because we don't see the potential that exists in that promise. so we come to god saying i want you to tell me about this because that is my desire. but he says i will give you the desires of your heart. when he speaks he doesn't talk about what you want to hear, but he begins to blind you to your desire, circumstance, problems and thrust inside you insight/foresight which is prophetic vison..
rachel cannot give him children and he is tricked. jacob/deciver, supplanter, he has tricked everyone. laban tricks him and puts leah in the marriage tent. this is not the doll he desired. laban says i will give you my other daughter for another 7 years.,
its amazing what desire will make you do. you will work another 7 years.
he has seen many people do crazy things for desire but do nothing for god's propehetic vision because they have not yet acquired the desire
an acquisiton of desire when you take a stiff in something that doesn't appear desire
abraham told get out of your family, house, country.... everything you are comfortable with and i will show you somethng and yo will become a blessing but as he takes a step, the desire begins to come in.
you hav to acquire the desire, not only acquire the fire.
ti comes only when you say "i didn't see the potential in this". kim didn't want to be a prophet. he wanted to be a musician, singer. he had heroes he wanted to be like and god tricked him. when he crawled into that tent (like jacob w/ leah), he uncovered the sheets to find the prophet (instead of rachel.. his desire versus god's vision) . he was highly disappointed. his church told him he couldn't play the piano and do music for 3 years and had to flush the worldliness out of him. he had one thing in mind and given his chance to do a concert.
the desire was controlling his vision.. it was not of god's soul, the desire.
taste and see that the lord is good. you have to get a taste of it.. once you have teasted it.. its over. every man/woman that took a step god did not entice him w/desire but destiny. that is the problem, a lot of desire has no destiny, purpose. so therefore desire w/o purpose and destiny is futile and vain. when god speaks to you most of the time you won't like it and it will be your last comfortable day on the planet. when he spoke to moses he ran, developed a stutter. jonah said i am out of here pal.
what about abrahm.. after he has left all that he knows, he is told to take his only son and scarfice him. no desire in that. he was about to do one of the greatest acts called the portrait of destiny. he who takes a steps out w/o desire is going to become a portrayal of destiny, a prophetic person is a portrait of something that is about to happen, a reflection of a greater event. so taht the father can look at a picture of what is actually going to happen one day thru his only begotton son. what a blessing you become when you become a reflection of tomorrow, creating an occasion for god to act. you create the stage so god can perform.
abrahm walks on that mountain with foresight.. he knows there is a reason for this. his son and only son. his son says.. where is the lamb. abrham in prophesy.. god
you are the occasion for the event.. you become the occasion, god is the event
samson falls for a girl and likes her and asks his parents to take him to phillistine land to have her. they want him to take an israelite
but they didn't knwo this was of the lord
god was seeking an occasion to come against the philistines
why does god need an occasion
we are an occasion waiting to happen
god needs you to create a space in time for him to come a platform to operate from
simon had a boat.. jesus preached on it.
couldn't jesus had a boat flop out of heaven.
no, he is in time, in space and he wants someone to create an occasion for him to create a miracle
he is my empty boat, fished all night and got nothing. Jesus says to launch out and cast down the net. you created an occasion for me to become an event .
supernatural fishing.. finances.. abraham says.. my son, god will provide himself as a lamb as a sacrifice.
he is going to become it.
25 minutes in
in that time and age it sounds like he is talking about now..
he sees a RAM in the ticket, not a lamb. so many might think he is a false prophet because he said a lamb but found a ram but he spoke out of FORESIGHT. he has become a portrait of destiny bc it is void of present desire and pregnant with future destinty. it can only come to you as you move toward it w/o anything that is vain/self.. i am going to do it no matter the sacrifice. sacrifice is beautiful.
like moses at the bush, when god speaks to you he is not that presentable sometimes.
moses miserable excuse about not being able to speak.
you discenr him not by his appearance but by his voice. but we have judged the messenger by the appearnace and not the voice of god
elijah waited for gods voice bc he was desperate.
god was not in the wind.. god was not in the shaking, god was not in the fire.. all kinds of manifestations, but god was not in it
don't care how great the manifestation is, you have to listen for the voice and then you can run with it.
jonah ran.. those on the boat knew something was wrong. jonah was asleep in the middle of the worst storm and they have to wake him and ask what is the problem. he said i am.. they said what do i do, he said throw me overboard. he carried foresight. when god speakds to you whether you see it or not, it is there for life. that is the highest level of faith.. throw me overboard.. he knew.. if i mess this up i am not going to die, because god put his word in me and he watches over his word to perform it. therefore i know the outcome already, ninevha.. i don't know what's going to happen in the water but something is going to get me to ninevah and i am happy to do it. so they threw him overboard.
jesus said the only sign i will show you is jonah and johna sits in that nasty pit for 3 days.. and jonah becomes a false prophet in the eyes of naturally minded people. 40 days and you are going to be wiped out. but their response determines the outcome. not necessarily what good says. god is sovereign and his word workds. but all the people fall on their face and put on sacklothc and cry for 40 days and nights. but it bothers jonah.. he is going to be a false prophet. god said this vine .. they changed God's mind. he didnt' change his mind. they did. their response determined a greater measure of mercy from God. so jonah says ok, now you have given me a vine, but then a worm comes and eats it and the vine dies and he is mad with god again. god wanted the vineyard to be beautiful and don't want anyone to perish, they bring it upon themselves. he wants forgiveness and to see people happy. their actions bring it upon themselves and he will do anything to change that. god loves you.
god doesn't change his mind you do
isaah the prophet to hazekiah who is going to die
there are certian requiements to change your circumstances.
repentence, he will restore, revives, and even changes his mind... if you repent
samuel.. not one word fell to the ground
he had a repuation
saul.. will be the commander of isarel, get rid of philistines, amelekiets
samuel prophesied him blind. blind to his desires, his needs, his circumstances
the word samuel gave. he mourned.
36 minutes in
god already had david in mind, he is finished with saul.
prophesy ultimately ultimately fulfilled brings forth jesus.
destiny purpose, godly desire..
all prophesy brings jesus
as you walk toward something god desires for you, it becomes your desire
jacob wants to have children.. he is in leah's tent more... she bares children.. fruit
rebuen.. to see...
simeaon.. to hear.. faith comes by hearing
get back to this desire. propehtic viosion offers destiny and then desire is acquired as you moved towards god'f vision
first childr born.. to see.. i am not seeing. sight speakds of knowledge. desire w/o knowledge is very dangerouts. knowledge is sight, illumnation to see in a dark place. 2 peter the prophhetic word is a light that shines in a dark pleace
so now he has signt.. illumination, knowledge
2nd child.. to hear.. faith comes by hearing and hearing by word of god
hearing means faith added to your sight
we do not walk by sight but by faith
so know you have faith, knowledge
now levi.. to be one with, attached to, in covenenat with
suddently he likes lheah
now another child.. praise, things getting jubilant.. joyful..
you are brought out of darkness to show forth his praises
to show what is praisable about god
i want to give someone a reason to praise him
to see or not to see.. the prphet prophesies yoiu blind
elisha is the accused by the army that wants to know who is the spy.. everytime we attack israel they know exactly where we are going to be
he hears what you discuss in your chambers.. go kill elisha
an entire army for one man.. this speaks of the attack that comes against a prophetic person.. not just a prophet
a great grave danger to the powers of darkness bc they don't operate by the circumstances he places in front of them, they refuse to do that. they operate by foresight and insight.
elisha comes around and there are thousands of horses, chariots.. he acts as if nothing is happening. he is a seer who is blind. natural vision is no longer in the equation, or the dominant force. insight and foresight is controlling his natural vision.
servant comes out sees what his eyes see and elisha says lord, open his eyes and he sees 10s of 1000s of angels and his natural vision has been blinded by the prophetic vison.. overcoming fear that says. if you don't see it you aint gonna get it.
he says, lord, because we now see blind them. your enemy is blinded when you extend you natural field of vision to prophetic vision
44 minutes in
signt means nothing is insight.. insight means to detect w/ senses other than vision
sight.. you measure danges by what you see..
your field of vision provides certain knowledge but it is not enough
insight - to detect w/ senses other than vision, grasping inward or hidden nature/intention of things -- reveal true nature of circumstance
and foresight - outcome
heb 11:25-27
moses... by faith he foresook egypt not fearing the wrath of the king for he endured as seeing him who is invisible\
his sight went into foresight.. saw the unseen thing, the invisible.. he endured because he saw what was attainabe by his progressive steps
he endured by faith
48 minutes in
christ's geter riches.. looked to the reward
rewards.. story..
he got angry w/ the lord
he wrote down every reward that came out of affliction.. count your blessings name them one by one
had to leave his daughter to go to san fransciso and wanted to be home w/ his kids, and mad at god and asked god to send someone else
plane left w/o him...
a women whom he prophesied to a few years ago lost her daughter... she tahanked him and said it was all bc of hims she found her daughter and her daughter was saved.
got back on plane
in SF, he was preaching a message god told him to go into the back room.. boy hunched over, god directed him to him. he is scared bc of religion, that they woudl find out faults. but he came because he was told a prophet would be there.
the boy was under self-persecution... kim prophesisd .. he had aids, doctor gave him 3 months to live, but he told him god is going to have him tell tens of thousands of gay people how god touched his life.
then sandiego years later. he was there and told Kim what God did in his life and the lives of many other gay people.
god said i will be a father to your children.
i threw desire out... and saw the reward
if you can't see the reward you don't be able to live prophetically.
======================== part 2
prophetic vision is void of desire.. god does not use desire as a lure to get you to obey prophetic vision
desire w/o knowledge is dangerous
your natural sight is removed and there is an extension of your natural field of vision to insight
and insight takes you out of signt so you no longer see your circumstances.
in actual fact, the prophet must prophesy you blind
in the garden, satan prophesied their eyes open, he breathed out a word
if they partook what they were not supposed to, they woudl quickly become what they were supposed to become they wouldn't have to go through the whole procedure and their eyes were open and what they saw was that they were naked. but they were blinded to that before because their natural vision was blinded bc they operated on insight and foresight.
then insight blinds you to your natural circumstances so your natural vision no longer measures dangers by what it sees but insight measures it by the power of the spiritual senses. once you are controlled by your spiritual senses, spiritual life, spiritual walk from that point onward you are capable of measuring according to the spirit instead of the flesh.
foresight.. move from insight and take something that hasn't happened yet and act as if it had.
amalgamation - many think that the word once it is given can actually take place without the flesh
that is impossible.. the word became flehs.. in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god
so god has to become actual and the only way he can come into time is through us. he made it that way.
people say why do i need a prophetic word, its because when that word comes out of his mouth it cannot come back until it is done and accomplished exactly what it is set out to do
isaiah says once the word has proceeded out of his mouth it canont return void
when he has sent his word into you , he is talking about a promise, not just a prophesy, he gave you a promise before you were born
when god sends that word to you it has to become flesh, through flesh. and that flesh is the one that holds that word. why do you think when god sends his word he watches over his word to perform it. he doesn't watch over your life he is watching over his word inside you. one of your greatest victories is that his word is inside of you and watches over his word to perform it.. he will protect his word, as long as you keep his word alive, pray it, preaching it, singing it , praise it.. you keep it alive and it will shout out to god and say i am here and i am ready to be performed
example.. pure gold cannot be used as a coin it is too soft, in order for it to be used it has to be mixed w/ a metal
that is what makes it servicable for use.
god almighty is nothing but a mental abstraction unless he can become actual. and god did become actual.. when jesus was born. the prophetic word must come through flesh, through human nature. god created human nature. it is earthly, sorted, but not bad. the thing that makes human nature bad is sin. if you can remove the aspect of sin from a personality you are only changing the perversion of that personality.
simon peter once moves away from impulsiveness..
human nature perverted a "quickening" and made it an impulse.
* impulsiveness means you are prompted to do something out of a need. a need to be accepted, recognized, loved.
* quickening is when the spirit w/o a specific need, the spirit puts a spiritual impulse into you to do something, say something.. it passes your mental capacity.. your need and you just do it.
simon peter is impulsive, but there came a day when a quickening came upon him
that is what prophesy is the quickening to do something without calculating or using your physical senses to measure the dangers or negative results of it.
Jesus says.. who do men say i am
i am sick of some-sayers.. some say you are a prophet.. some say you are john the baptist...
heck with what some people say.. what do you say
who cares what some say....
a quickening comes over him and he puts away the dangers of being stoned by the pharisees, and standing before sanhedrin.. he says you are the christ, the son of the living god.
Jesus responds to insight... we walk by faith not by sight..
peter did not say this out of impulse because that is the sin nature of quickening. god created you to do the things you did w/o the perversion of sin. we try to pray away the tings we have but there is a spirutual aspect to our human nature.. lets stop trying to be delieverd from ourselves and lets be sanctified.. lets sanctify impatience, jealousy.. god put it there but sin perverted it.
you don't hav to try to be delivered from the nad sinful things in our lives, we just have to redeem whatever it is it started out as a good thing. redeem it and sanctify it and bring it to its right perspective.
fear.. there is a godly fear, sin perverted it. you don't try to get it out of you, you must save it. salvation to the human nature.
anger.. be angry but do not sin
Jesus said... my father in heaven quickened you and you responded therfoe i will build my church on this rock of revelation /insight and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it
the prophetic is necessary because it takes insight and it makes you blind to your natural circumstances and it allows you to speak out what the father says and only what the father says
so we have the sinful nature and we have the godly nature within human nature
if a prophet comes to you and condemns anything about you, he is not a prophet.
a prophet prophesies destiny, purpose, christ, human nature w/in its spiritual and divine context..he doesnt fan the flame of the sinful human nature he fans the fire of the spiritual human nature. and he gives you a chance to see redemption insight (inside)
you don't beat out characteristics of a child like jealousy.. you redirect it. what was it originally meant for. there is a sanctified aspect of jealousy, god is a jealous god. the word inside of you gives the power.. the rhema.. logos.. word.. gives the quickening power to sanctify what you have called evil is evil, but to santify in your human nature what god has called good
impatience.. bad.. good .. both sides.. can be used in its correct persepctive
human nature is not the problem, sin in human nature is the problem
jesus says i will build my church and give you the keys of the kingsom
there is a difference, they are connected
cannot ignore the church, can't say i am not a church man, but i am a kingdom man.
sorry gotta go thorugh the church first, there has to be a revelation w/in the church before you can get to the kingdom, the kingdom must be attained, it must be inherited.
first of all you are the church, you have to become the church. you become it thru the blood of christ, slavlation, redmption, baptism and infilling of spirit. manation of his word, fellowship with the saints. so we are the church
for the kingdom.. love to get the keys to the kingdom.
- first of all you seek the kingdom what you seek you will see.
-- once you see the kingdom, then you enter the kingdom that you saw
then you possess the kingdom that you enter
when you posess the kingdom then you inherit the kingdom that you possessed, entered, saw , and sought
SEEK IT! what do you want from me God, what aspect of the kingdom do you want inside fo me. one day you see it.. once you see it, there i s no turning back.
seek, see, enter, possess, inherit .. 5 fold ministry
each one has its place
there is one that will make you seek
one that makes you see
one that makes you enter
one that makes you possess
one that makes you inherit
22 minutes in
that is what we need for the perfecting of the saints..
discord b/c the sin nature.. jealousy want to do the others job.
kim.. his job is to make them see the kingdom to know what your place is, your desintry, your path, god's plan...
the seer lets you see, lets you know what you are going to look like
simon peter was not a seer to jesus. when he said you are the son of the living god, he was confirming what god the fater said to him.. this is my beloved whom i am well pleased
it was thrust into the atmosphere by the voice of god but had to be agreed upon by somone on the earth.
jesus is the voice of the father saying this is my beloved son... when john baptized him
it is in the atmosphere, heard by jesus and maybe one or two others but jesus heard it himself.
the father's voice declared who he is.. not who he will be
the father says it first once that word goes out into the spirit and is thrust into the atmosphere about you.. you know it. you dream it , you hear it but then god requires agreemnt w/ somone on the earth. it was done this way with jesus... simon peter said it.. that was the agreement.
the prompts him to say what was already to said.. what was established before he was born. just like what was established before you were born... that you would be a pastor.. walk w/ god like enough, a prophet, evangelist, business. but when you come into your life god speakds it out and it is in the atmostphere
then he takes a human being, quickens them and they speak out in flesh what god has said.
now it is spoken, it is established
a dove came down upon him.. the word, the light, then the voice of the father
jesus immediately goes to meet the devil
when the word comes you will go to meet the devil..why? he is frightened, petrified.
when god establishes who you are, befor you become it, satan hears it
satan is not as accurate as he thinks he is.
like in the times of moses, all the little baby boys were to be killed at birth.. they didn't know which baby was to be the one spoken of as the savior.. Moses.
Like in the times of Jesus.. king herod had all the baby boys 2 years and under in the region of bethlehem killed... they didn't know the details about which baby it was.
he had not clue... when the father spoke.. that is when Satan knows...
1st cor 2.. verse 1
didn't come with wisdom of speech.. not persuasive words of human wisdom but domonsttion of power
your faith should be in the power of god
the hidden wisdom.. insightful speech.. you speak with insight
anyfool can preach a serman w/ natural sight
speech prompted by insight is a confusion to the powers of hell. when you speak the mysteries of god it is something satan has not discovered because he doesn't have access to the secrt place of the most high god.
why do you think it says god shares his secrets with his propehts and he does nothing unless he first tells a prophet
they can handle insightful speech, and the wisdom not only of this age but that which is hidden for our glory in this age
there is a wisdom that has to be revealed.. i have given you these 5 fold ministry .. there is coming forth from the ground, something hidden that will destroy present powers... when revealed this countyr will raise up children taht will touch people across the world.
none of the rulers of this age knew.. paul said. a mystery god has kept for each generation
that mystery once it comes forth becomes wisdom. hidden wisdom, which none of the rulers of this age , each age has rulers, demonic rulers that endeaver to keep you captivating within their measurements.
they have the church operating w/in its measure, they are happy when you are just doing what you are doing, but when you bgin to step out into a revelation and truth that goes outside their measurement of comfort they become afraid.. they don't know how to deal with it
prinicpalities and spiritual warfare.. the power gets cut.. power in chruches.. the enemy doesn't want the voice of insightful widsom, speech
not recognized but it is in the bible
none of the ruleers of this age knew, for had they known they woudl not have crucified the lord of glory!!!!!!
had they known who jesus was they would not have crucified him
they had no clue as to the myster and wisdom of god
the ruler of this age operates historically, not creatively
there is a diff between historical truth and creative truth
historical truth is truth that has been estabished.. truth in a tomb.. one day it will be resurrected then it will appear diffly.. but it will have same voice, context, words, diff appearance..
revisited.. everytime it is rsurrectd it has more power
whatever truth John wesley got, or any of the grets of old got.. once it was established (in the tomb) then ready for resurrection and then it has a far greater thrust,power
satan operates by historical truth but when someone arises w/ creative truth then satan has no clue what they are talking about bc it is hidden from him. that is the greatest power you have against principalities , rulers of this age, bc nothing is predictable and two edged sword now becmomes the weapon you use.. all you have to do is open your mouth and speak the wisdom of God . an from that point on he is stuck bc wisdom of god begins to deal with him.
you can rebuke him all you like.. you can say in the name of jesus you gotta come out and sometimes he wont' bc he knows sometimes it is just a cliche and you don't know any better you are just repeating what someone else has said.
but when someone arises and speaks out as an oracle of the lord. w/ the wisdom of god, he doesn't know what is going on, he doesn't knwo what they are saying/doing/praying..
that is how easy spiritual warfare is .. when you have uncovered something about yourself .. the kingdom.. taht satan doesn't know about .. you just gotta be and satan won't know what is going on... what they are saying/praying/doing
it is called the wisdom of god, it is a mystery hidden until a generation is born.. satan in his dperation begins to kills, sends plagues tries to shut their mouths. from his own experience he can only operate by past truth, he has no creative truth. there is truth in the tomb and their is truth in the womb.. hidden. and those that carry it in their womb, once the quickening takes place, they know there is a sign of life. everyone must still operate on hsitorical truth.. but also creative. when things go wrong.. they act like everythign is fine.
they know something.. quickening is causing moving.. and their coming to live, therer is a sign of life fo this thing i have prayed/called for, vision i have had and soon it shall be born
truth in the womb agrees with truth in the tomb, however, it is not yet born.
1 cor you are seeign that the rulers of this age do not know what is in the womb, when it is born, or when it is grown.. only god can say "THERE IT IS"
he will search everywhere but that truth will only be revealed when the fathr's voice comes out.
and then he goes to meet satan .. and there is only one thing he will use against satan.. what he has heard
IF YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD, turn these stones into bread
jesus said i know who i am .. not because of performance.. i know because HE SAID SO..
performance helps, encorages, doesn't change who i am. i may make a mistake but it doesn't change who i am. i may fall to ground.. if he said who i am that is how i am for eternity bc gods' word will notreturn .. you can fall 7 times but you will rise back again, i will still be the one who he said iwas the day i was baptized. that is the day he called you by your name.
i am who i am...
god knows who he is.. i am that i am..
i am THAT i am.. and i am WHO I am.
do you know who you are.. not who you was.. who you ARE....
that is who you will be... he changes not. I am the lord god i do not change, therefore i am.. not i was, not i will be. i am
you are the same. you am. what you are today is who you are tomorrow.. improved.. wrinkled.. but always better in the future.. but you am
and if you know who you am NOW .. you will know THEN. and satan says let me open his eyes to his nakedness, which opens your eyes to your failure. that is the opposite of prophesy. people say that people need to be told. no they don't. the holy spirit can do his job adequately to make someone aware of and convict themselves of their unrighteousness and sin.
to make someone aware of their natural field of vison of their sin is fanning that flame and not allowing them to know who they AM. Kim is an I AM prophet. you have to pay for sin but that is not the issue when it comes to gods destiny and identity. ID... what is an ID. we have an ID book, and ID Card.. identiy and destiny.. everyone has an ID.. and identity and destiny. there is john the baptist who says to jesus before the father said it.. behold the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world.. destiny is set. the father says you are my beloved son and i am pleased with you. he hasnt done a thing.. he hasn't fulfilled his destiny, he hasn't gone to the cross,.... oh yes he has. it was established before he was born
what you ahve been destined to do has been done, it has to become actual. the word established, your destiny established must become through flesh for it to be set. a
there are things that will change.. saul was chosen his kingdom waas taken from him
to know your kingdom authority, right, to operate in the wisdom/sphere of what you have received, not thinking more highly of yourself than you ought and no more field of vision, you are blind... blinded to your circumstance, failure, nakedness,
once you take your eyes of your nakedness, failure, insight provides identity, foresight provides destiny, those two things drive you away from sinning, and falling down and even if you do, those two things will drive you back to your feet so you can overcome. you don't overcome by your present power, by past victories, but by insight and foresight.. identity and destiny.. you no longer see yourself naked, a failure, jealous.. you begin to see yourself as a victor, overcomer
i want to propheys until you are blind and no longer see your failures.. until you say HEY I AM FREE
reason.. we don't want to have reason
people say w/ faith there is no reason. no faith adds courage to reason. faith makes reason courageous. you no longer reason w/in your field of vision, it extends beyond that.. walking on the water.. fish and you will get your taxes in the fishes mouth. peter doesn't argue he just does it. there is a way out. we are so used to operating within our field of vision that we say look at my circumstances, look at my cancer, etc.
.. and it is not a magic wand of benny hinn.. he loves him and he helps many people. when you are convenatn with god it is demanded you move from field of vision to insight and foresight
desinty.. people put in the category of sin swearing and smoking.. but neglecting hearing the voice of god and doing what he says is just as evil .. when we say take your eyes off your nakedness it means take your eyes of the potential to fall, the potential to sin.. IF ID.. insifht/foresght, identify/destiny
mark 6:45
be dilgient to make your call and election... make sure of your call and make sure your election.. then you will never never fall or stumble
fall means to fall while progressing.. when you stumble (you will stumble) but you won't stay there you will get up and move on.
your eye is on your call and your election, not yoru stumbling/failure..
in doing so, entrance, a door, will be supplied to you abundantly into the verlasting kingdom.. a door into the kingdom,.
if you keep your eye on your call and your election, your identity and your destiny, you will always get up ... and a door will be provided for you and give you access into the everlasting kingdom.
paul talks of the door opened to him and there was a great adversary standing there.
what is sight? your field of vision w/ no understanding necessary bc your field of vision provides you w/ certain knowledge
insight is to detect w/ senses other than vision.. an extension of your field of vision, the act of grasping the inward or hidden nature of things it is the capacity to discern the true nature of the sitaution.. no matter what your attack or the problem is.. discern true nature of situation
eph 1:17 i pray. that the eyes of my understanding would be opened .. enlightened. my godly wisdom. godly knowledge
desire w/o knowledge means desire somethting w/o insight or foresight that is necessary to equate whether this is good or bad
insidght then is able to decipher what it is.. they eyes of your understanding are illuminated, brings to light.. the eyes of your illuniations
foresight. most christians lack this.. to predict the perception of event b4 they occur.. action in referenc tot he future. action now in refernce to the future. not waiting till you get there. but being a king in the cave. samual said he was the king, but he was in a cave. he was in front of an amelekite king acting liek a madman.. this is the king of israe. he was a king in the cave. he didn't wait till he was on the throne. he began to act in ref to the future. faith w/o works is dead. meaning your faith must act in referene to the future, to th unseen, not the seen. bc you walk by faith and not by sight. if you act by sight means there is no faith. if you act in ref to the future, and it begins to manifest thru you it is the highest levl of faith
jesus for the joy set before him endured the cross. didn't look at the circumstances, but the joy to come
moses didn't concern himself w/ wrath of king, passing pleasures of egypt but looked to invisible god and looked at christs greater riches.. he saw him bc he endured as seeing him who is invisible (hebrews 11)... looking at the greater riches of christ.
spirit of .. you will bow down to jesus
jesus is lord..
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