Kim Clement - Perceptions

biggest take away from this is that you have to perceive in yourself before you can in others
everything you think about project to others

Perception 1 - Creative Perceptions

he who perceives, receives

John 3 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

Jesus and Nicodemus

1 There was a man from the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. 2 This man came to Him at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher, for no one could perform these signs You do unless God were with him.”

3 Jesus replied, “I assure you: Unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.4 “But how can anyone be born when he is old?” Nicodemus asked Him. “Can he enter his mother’s womb a second time and be born?”

5 Jesus answered, “I assure you: Unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6 Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not be amazed that I told you that you must be born again. 8 The wind blows where it pleases, and you hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.

9 “How can these things be?” asked Nicodemus.

10Are you a teacher of Israel and don’t know these things?” Jesus replied. 11I assure you: We speak what We know and We testify to what We have seen, but you do not accept Our testimony. 12 If I have told you about things that happen on earth and you don’t believe, how will you believe if I tell you about things of heaven? 13 No one has ascended into heaven except the One who descended from heaven—the Son of Man. 14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15 so that everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life.

16 “For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. 18 Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the One and Only Son of God.

19 “This, then, is the judgment: The light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone who practices wicked things hates the light and avoids it, so that his deeds may not be exposed. 21 But anyone who lives by the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be shown to be accomplished by God.

Here, it appears, Jesus is equating seeing the kingdom of God with performing these signs Nicodemus is referring to. Nicodemus says no one could perform these signs unless God were with him, but Jesus says no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again. So based on all he is saying here... those born again can also do these signs.
  • cannot see kingdom of God unless born again
  • unless born of water and spirit, cannot enter the kingdom of God

Jesus said, in order to receive the kingdom you have to see it first, then you can enter it

john 3 - have to be born again
to inherit the kingdom of god you have to perceive it, comprehend it
  • perception is to see beyond the visible, beyond what is obvious, identify something by means of the senses
  • invisible motion.. activities happening all the time.  sometimes it is something, have to perceive
  • sight - see what is happening in front of you.  we are all controlled by what we see.  most are not controlled by what you see on the outside.
  • insight - capacity to see a little further, what is really going on.  to discern the true nature of a situation.  acute observations
  • foresight- the perception of events before they actually occur

we are created in the image of god.. everything we feel, he feels .. except sin.  he smiles, he laughs

to understand and hear god you have to understand his character


what is the perfect environment for you to see something spiritual
for some it takes a storm.
some people have certain preferences.. beach, mountain.. when they are relaxed god can speak to them
some better in certain seasons

when you are not relaxed, uptight.. too aware of your weaknesses and failures sins. you cannot perceive
because you completely overwhelmed by our own weakness

Gen 1:26

LET US MAKE MAN - god the father the son the holy spirit... 
in our image
according to our likeness

IMAGE - to reveal, you have the power to reveal and you have the power to reflect.

you have the power to reflect god (what does he look like) but also to reveal him.  not only this is what i know about him, this is what he is like.  can you feel what i am feeling.. that is manifesting


Even for a pool of water, like a pond, which is dirty, and has a stench.  When the sun rises and reflects on it, the pond looks amazing.

this is how humans are... even the evil ones...  somewhere that person has the ability to reflect the nature of god.  whether it is patience, kindness, you will find some godlike characteristic in that person

We all have god-like Characteristics and reflect God in some way

when Jesus walked the earth, he didn't look only for those that were revealing god.. those upright, the righteous, he looked for those that had a slight reflection of god

in your perception you are going to have to see something in somebody that is good
it is the easiest thing in the world to find evil in people
find something in people that is beautiful and enhance that.. bring it out of them, and causes something to happen with that person
that is called the reflection of God
you can find some godlike characteristic in everyone.

beauty for ashes
once you draw something good out of someone, the goodness of god leads them to repentance.
if they feel god is good to them, they will come to him

the greatest thing to do is to reveal god, you don't look like him, act like him, but you are like him 
so that people can feel it

in the garden, when he ate the fruit his eyes to see both good and evil were opened.  his spiritual perception was lost

when god walked through the garden in the cool of the day. adam hid
he ran away from god
bc the only think he could see was his own nakedness
when your eyes are on your own sin, weaknesses.. 

"I see you the way i see myself"

when you are seeing that.. it is impossible for you to see good in others
sin consciousness, yes you need to repent of them. but not focus on them
when you are constantly aware of your own sin, it is impossible to see the good in someone else

however you see yourself, that is how you are going to see someone else

creative perception, the creative aspect of your being
the way to see something in someone the way GOD does

creative perception is the ability to see something valuable by looking further than the obvious

when you perceive something in life, or in someone... you like a painter, put that on a canvas so the world can see how you perceive it..
 you can do that by words, writing, art, 
the purpose is to bring into existence what you saw for someone else

you have to cast an event.. 

looking - casual observation. to evaluate or come to a conclusion based on a quick overview
seeing --

listen..or hear

there is a difference
faith comes by hearing.. there is something far different than hearing.. deeper
a lot of people are waiting for the voice of god to come to them.. it comes out of your perception

when Kim receives a prophesy, he cannot be influenced by anything like social culture, opinion etc.
just has to repeat.. what did god show you

these influences come through LOOKING
but you need to come to a place where those cannot be your influences.
republican, liberal, woman at a pulpit.. these are worldly influences and belief that can skew your interpretations of thing.   

you receive knowledge from an external source.. the kingdom of god

optical fusion - the fusing, joining of two images into one perception... 
two images.. what you see
the spirit image.. what god sees

GOD doesn't exclude how you see things, he fuses it with his.
if he comes to you with a perception, he wants you and your personality...
GOD  ran after Jonah.. when GOD joins his perception to yours it causes you to be in the light with GOD 

Exodus 3:2 - the burning bush
remember.. moses murdered someone. 

god can speak to us in any way he likes.
it doesn't follow our pre-suppositions
he is creative... we are creative... 

like an artist, make it intersting.. 
not.. i see a ballerina
i see you dancing, spinning, piroutett

repetition dulls the mind, senses

when you do the same thing over and over.. it is boring
like with many churches.. 

God knew what would appeal to moses.. he knows what will appeal to you.
he knows what appeals to people in a certain culture

moses looked.. the bush was burning but not consumed, but he kept on walking
then he said.. i will go back... and SEE this great sight.

i know there is something else in this phenomena and i will be able to see it

when does the voice of god actually becme heard in your life... when you preceive.. not when you look.. not casual listenng
when you look further.
you can perceiv with your ears... eyes

you have eyes in your hands, feet
perception is a sensation..
sometimes i feel deep sympathy.. sometimes compassion.. sometimes weeping..
if you prerceive soemthing that you can't articulate or haven't seen it clearly, but there is a sensation and deep emothion, you have actually seen something.  you just haven't seen it to the point where you can explain it.  
now i will move into createive perception... what was it..
spend a little time look a little further.. it will then go to where you will acutally hear

ex 3:4 when the lord saw that moses turned aside to see... to SEE... that is the word
then ... only then.. did the lord call to him from the midst of the bush

when you move from looking to seeing... the realm of perception further than observation.. god notices.. taht is when god speaks.

an ephiphany or theophany.. deja vu... there is something.. it is a glimpse of the future.

self prejudice is a big problem. when you have a problem with yourself and you are trying to hear from god
Sorry God, i am not the guy?  

Ex 4:2 
God says what do you have in your hand... a staff.  he has used it for 40 years.  it is like you and your gift.  you get so acquantied with it you don't take it further.   
he throws the rod down and it becomes a snake.  what god was doing was putting him under creative power.  you don't realize you are going to be doing some of these things... there is more to what you have than meets the eye..

that is the power that perception has.. 
god is trying to show him that he can do anything if he can just see it.

so he can say something to someone... you think you have a rod in your hand.. throw it down i will show you that you have much more. get rid of your limitation of your gift. and let it god.  and what how god uses your perception to change the lives of others.

perception 2 occupational perceptions

smetimes we see things as failure.. somepeople call something demonic when it is in fact a dynamic.  if you can see the dynamic in the demonic.. you are accutely propehtic if you can see it.

mkae your place of pain a place of reign.

you are going to take occupation of the territory that dictating fear or anger in your life.

your greatest enemy here is prognosis... 
the news media gives us continual prognosis.. statistics of today and what that means for tomorrow
they tell you the visible facts, not the invisible.
in the kingdom of god, the invisible facts are evident.

Jacob on the run  
on his way to syria.  
powerful experience on the way, changed his life
god does not always deliver you from your problem, taking you out of it
rapture teaching.. method of escapism.
armagadden... arma=getting out of here..

have god deliver me from my problem
you can actually believered by the perception you have
jacob's prognosis.. you are an outcast, liar, sojourner.. 

prognosis, forecasting the probable course and outcome of a situation based on visible facts
your future has already been decided.. your childrens' future .. by present prognosis by news media and circumstances

or.. a prediction of the outcome based on present statistics

prophesy - foretelling the probable outcome based on "invisible facts" 
or ... predicting the outcome based on future invisible statistics.

someone has to speak it out before it can happen
there is life and death in the power of the tongue.. 
god gave us the power to choose


genesis 28:11 - 

god has to persuade jacob to believe that this place of pain you lie on is going to be transformed in a place of Reign

1. occupational perspective
2. situational perspective - you are being told by your situation what your disposition should be. your circumstances are situating you.  

no money situates you in a place of poverty
sickness situates you in a place of pain

you see things only based on your circumstances

god actually keeps you in that mess so you can turn it around.

what do you have... i can rap, i can draw... 
that is not just a rod.. throw it down and watch how i can change it around.

the stone he is sleeping on will still be hard
it will still be cold.. 
the only thing that changed.. your perception.

God said i am with you and will keep you and will be with you where ever you go.  i will not leave your or forsake you but i will bring you back here.
HE HAS TRUTH.. the knowledge of truth. 
sets you free
TRUTH doesn't set you free, KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH sets you free

jacob is being given knowledge, about the future, about the place he is lying (his inheritance)

John 3:3.. unless a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom.. cannot enter the kingdom.

we want to posses things.. wealth, power, etc.  
seek first the kingdom.. what you seek you will see, what you see you can enter, what you enter you can possess, what you posses you can inherit.  it is yours to give to someone else

jacob wakes up and said "God is surely in this place and i never knew it"  so blinded by situational perspective ..
how awesome is this place..

now lets talk about attidude.. it was an attitude of gratitude
this place is none other than the house of god
the gate of heaven

he has taken occupation and painting of a picture of how he wants it to look

god speaks
propehtic revelation comes
he gets knowledge

god gives people words and they do nothing with it.
but jacob starts painting the picture
he wants to bring it into his existance

i am not going to call it pain, or suffering.  i am going to call it bethel... which means house of god

when you change.. everything around you is changing

how did david sleigh a giant..
moses changed gods' perspective ex 33

prognostication versus prophesy

the problem of self prejudice
judges 6:12 - gideon
self prejudices forms a presupposed prognosis about yourself
it says i don't believe what you are telling me based on my... blood, family, background...

presupposesition - to suppose or assume the outcome in advance.  you already painted a picture of your horrible end.

a prognosis you believe about yourself that is untrue forms a set of presuppositions that have to be changed by prophetic revelation. 

gideon's situation had him a bit of frustration.. they were oppressed.. the dynamic in the demonic
he said my clan is hte least, i am the least..
self prejudice
i have given it to you and i need you to believe it.. man of valor..
god's struggle is with us...
i want to bring you an offering
an offering substantiates what god has said.. in your own mind and in your own heart

god sees that you are willing

3 kinds of people

risk takers
care takers
under takers


why did jacob say this is the house of god how awesome is this.... he had to see it.  in order to see it he had to say it

saying it creates the vision
when you speak you are sending out images
and creating the whole picture

david did this when he stood before the giant.
he told the giant this is what i am going to do with you.
once you have speoken it out it is constantly in front of you.
say it over and over you are creating a vision

david said to the philistine you come with soword, spear, javilin, i come to you in the name of the lord
this day.... yes he was probably nervous, he took authority.. this day the lord will deliver you in my hand.  i will strike you and take your head..... etc etc

1 sam 17:45-50

prov 29:18 - where there is no revelation the people perish  (progressive knowledge... )
parish in hebrew here is para.. decay...

if you get to the place that no matter what comes against  you can overcome it and take reign of it
if you get to that place you are 1/2 way there. and can minister to others

perception 3 eminent perceptions

eminent: lofty, elevated, prominent, remarkable, distinguished, illustrious, renowned and majestic

not the same as imminent.

impossible to see in someone else till you see it in yourself.

have to see the greatness of god, yourself and others
matt 16:19 - i will build my church and gates of hades will not prevail against it. 
commission is to enter kingdome of god
gates of hell.. we are to plunder the kingdom of darkness and take occupation of what it possesses illegally
do not possess your domain legally

we would plunder the world of darkness and bring light, there will be tremendous resistance, forces of darkness wouldn't prevail against our advancement.. why.. we have been given the keys to the kingdom.  w/o effort we can open the gates of hell and occupy the territyry given to us by god, the kingdoms of this world

you were given something before you born and you have to take possesion of it
the propehtic shows you your domain is, and for others too.  their domain

rev 1:18 lives, was dead, alive forever more, have keys of hades / deaht
rev 3:7 key of david, opens and no one shuts.. he gave these keys to simon and to anyone obedient

who qualifies to get the keys
all it takes is obedience
it costs you sometimes.. 
what did peter do.. he obeyed the voice of the father.. he spoke out what he heard and then everyone else heard it.
you are the chrsit the son of th eliving god... jesus said flesh and blood didn't reveal it but god has given to you

then keys to unlock spiritual gates of kingdom of world
once you get thought from god and utter it, in face of resistance and ridicule
you qualify to enter the kingdom on this earth.  
not talking about heaven, talking about entering the kingdom
prophesy is about getting people to enter the greatness of what he created them for

revelation says kingdom of this world shall become the kingdoms of our god and of his christ
in response to peters revlation
i will give you the keys of the kingdom, whateve ryou bind on earth bound in heaven, loose on earth.. loosed in heaven
while he was on this earth he had the abilty to lock and unlock
he was given keys
they only way to get into the kingdom of god is by receiving the keys to open the gates
you cannot sotrm the gates with your pathetic pleas and prayers.  
to see the kingdom is to entr the kingdom

to comprehend the kingdom, the domain, the greatness... means you have the power to apprehand, take it by force
thrugought NT we are taught if we practice certain sins we will not enter the kingdom of god.. not talkinga bout going to have.  it is speaking of us entering a domain that was set aside by us by crucifix and resurr of christ long before we were born and can only be seen when we are born again.  hense importance of having prophetic sight and insight

rev 21:7
he who overcomes inherit all things
gal 5 and others if we PRACTICE these sins we will not enter the kingdom we saw... practice means
sin occasionally.. daily.. doesn't qualify you from entering in but removes your ability to see the greatness in yourself and others.  for adam, he saw his nakedness

we do not have a sin consciousness.. then we would see ourselves in sin, condemned.
you are fooling yourself if you think you won't sin
if you overcoe you will inherit all things
not going to be conscious of sin.. sin consciousness causes them to see sin in others
righteous consciousness causes you to see righteousnes sin others

matt 17

nathaniel... prejudice.. what good can come out of nazareth
but jesus immediately speaks into him
when you were under the fig tree, i saw you
nathaniel said you are the son of god

eminence is speaking to eminence, deep unto deep

Jesus brings out the eminance.. the greatness.. in nathaniel
when he does that. nathaniel brings out the greatness in christ

once this flow of perception takes place, it spreads like wildfire

wildfire.. the wildfires in california

this wildfire can be set in the positive.. or in the negative
bringing about unity, or division

matt 17
transfigured.. no crucifixion yet
there is a price to pay to get that enimence/greatness to come out of you, it doesn't just happen

the attack will come, but in your occupational perception you must say i am going to take occurpation
 of this eminence and greatness by going through this attack.. if i can endure this i can inherit all things

moses and elija appear. the whole spirit world unveiling and they begin to discuss his decease..
transfigured = metamorphoo (greek)
meta, the herafter
morphooo to be changed into

to be changed into the hereafter.. now
his face was altered, his robe white as light

kim believes.. you don't see people in their present state
if you only see them in their present state you cannot bring out the greatness inside them
in that time he is altered into his resurrected image... no longer is he standing there as the son of god in our prception -- but in his post-crucified state

the hereafter being shown to them now... 

now they became eyewitness of his resurrected state
when you become an eyewitness .. it is in front of you as a fact

you are a spirit being, and you are taken to that person's future
if you have been taken there and you have witnessed it, nothing will change your mind
you have seen it and you touched it

they saw jesus in his majesty, eminence.. they saw this before he was crucified.

2 peter 1:16-19
we didn't follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power.. we were "eyewitnesses to his majesty"

what is the majestic thing that is part of that person.. bring it out in them

vs 16 - we were not affected by cunningly devised fables
the word follow were affected...
there were stories about him... 

in your life, satan has a cunningly devised fables about you.. and about others

God said this is my son whom i am well pleased  -- not based on performance...

performance based person - 
a purpse driven person is someone who has seen something greater and know they don't need to perform
they are not driven to perform but to bring about the purpose of god

you can do great things and still not know HIM.   when god speaks .. that is when the greatness comes out
he received from god honor and glory.. at that time when god said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased


prophesy - making you aware of what you can do and who you are.

when you get it, you begin to search for more of you.
don't stop searching for more of you.. there is a lot of you, in you.
search for god.. yes.. but search for you.

your search is for who you are in god and in the kingdom. 
if you cannot see the greatest state of existnace in yourself, you cannot see it in others.

i see you through my eyes.  if i have  aproblem, i see the same thing in you.

at the time of john the baptist, jesus had not done one miralce (that had been recorded)
john the baptise sees a normal human being and he perceives his eminence, he begins to speak it out
eveyr human being needs affirmation.. and a propehtic word about the thing hidden in his heart

John brought this out from christ
Jhn 1:29

when john spoke that out, immediately there was a connection with heaven
Jesus was baptised, spirit comes down like a dove, heaven opens and God said this is my son in whom i am well pleased

he hadn't done one thing.. it is not performance based

mount of temptation
god spoke to john the baptist.. the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world
that is his purpose
thent he father says this is my beloves son.. wel please.. aligns what is on earth and in heaven and they meet 
glory and honor then given to Jesus
what is next.. the devil...

pattern that will take place in your life
once word of god on earth align s w/ whats in heaven, chemistry takes place .. energy is given
jesus goes out to fast and pray
and goes in power of spirit
on mount of temptation
luke chapt 4

he said IF you are the son of god.. in other words, prove to me you are the son of god by your perofrmance

divination - an imitation of the divine
divination = meting the want
propheys = meetin g the need

you have wants and needs
after 40 days of fasting.. what did he want..he was hungry.. so food, what did he need ... every word that proceeds from the mouth of god

4 things... 4 desiires.. 4 voices he hears and he has to distinguish voice of god
divination simply tells you what you WANT to hear
when saul came to samuel he wanted his father's donkeys

1) self desire - what you want
misguided desire what your family/friends desire for you
evil desire what your enemy desires for you
pure desire what god desires for you

you yourself may have your own motives
tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help me god

non visual perception.. 
to see things that are not visible but obtain knowledge from this invisible ligth
seeing the unseen, look to things that are unseen

perception 4 Unconscious Perceptions

an event is created in your dreams -- spiritual dreams

young children are wonderfully confident in their own imagination
we lose this as we grow up, we stop dreaming

creativity and intelligence are blood brothers

an even is created in his dreams and that same event is cast in his prophesies
read gen 30:37-39
see what jacob did
rods of trees, peeled white strips in them and set them before the flocks
he was told in a dream to lift up his eyes.. look deeper... 
what you see you will perceive and what you perceive you will receive
this is only a dream... but he was instructed to see it in his dream to see it

your greatest creativity is when you are unconscious.. dreaming

14 minutes in.. william branham
when god shows you an event, he is very specific about the timing and place...
that event has already been set in the spirit

matt 17:9
see that you tell no one this vision till the son of man is resurrected.. there was a time

unconscious.. what you are not conscious of
numbers 12:1
verse 6 says if there is a prophet..i will make myself known to him in a vision and i will speak to him a dream
if there is a prophet i gravitate towards him

dream - a state of abstraction, images, ideas, and emotions during sleep
some dreams take place in a conscious way... while awake.. you become unconscious to the things around you
day dreaming?

vision sudden unusual sight
sudden is very important

in the bible.. quicken.. quickening.. means suddenly. or sensing or awareness 
a sudden or unusual sight... a flash..
an event (experience) very vividly, qucikly, suddenly, under the influence of the divine

have to be interpreted

jacob.. massive dreamer
a ladder from heaven

you can dream your dreams again?
Ge 28:12-15
in the dream god speaks to him

kim says dreams/visions are inferior form of communication

communion.. out of communion, communications comes dominion

in the garden.. God was searching for man
he is constantly coming into our world searching for us
we have an enemy that wants to stop that communication

that is what happened in the garden.. 
he used to speak directly to man, enemy came in to destroy that.

he speaks to the prophet in hidden communication because satan is stupid
paul said.. satan doesn't understand the mystery of god, if he had he wouldn't have crucified the lord on high

tongues.... another way we are given a language of the spirt.. the powers of hell cannot translate the mysteries of god
mystery.. musterion in the greek

musterion:  something that is hidden to be revealed at a certain time
when people start dreaming the same thing you know that is about to happen

in the garden, god communicated with adam directly and out of that communion, dominion was given
when god communicates with you, he opens up your eyes to see more of you... more dominion
he doesn't condemn, judge.. his goodness leads to repentance

satan however comes in to change your view of yourself.
adam saw himself as naked,inferior.. satan can only see you the way you see yourself

when you learn more about yourself you have more dominion, because knowledge is power
satan could not attack adam while adam was standing as a giant in the image and before god
the minute he sinned he saw himself as naked and then that is how satan saw him

31 minutes
Abrahm changed to abraham.. God put his name in him
He... Ya.... to breathe out and not back in.  he needs no one.  

when you are ungodly and not in the kingdom.. you take.. a person like that doesn't know how to give out
but when god takes his name and puts it into your life.. all you want to do is give out and not take back

gen 12:1
go out to a land i will SHOW you
ge 12:7 to your descendants i will give this land

first he spoke to him to tell him to get out of his father's house
the next time,  an appearance means he revealed himself .. he only revealed the land... when he was in the land.
appearing to the eye and to the mind. 

when you get to your land you will be shown
you don't always know when you start our journey
he also placed him in a deep sleep so he coud see

gen 15
came in a vision
i am your shield...  he is revealing himself to him
his heir... that is the big thing
the heir will not come from your house, but your body... 
he has to put him into deep sleep because he is so upset and asking so many questions

various kinds of dreams, 36 minutes in

plane crash could mean something is about to fall
change direction

haste.. running away and cannot get away
wasting time w/ presetn t stuff ... slowing you down, will consume you in he end. time to change your course

pay attention to your emtoion mood
if fearful it is the enemy

isa 14:13-15
i will exalt my throne above the stars of god.. we are the stars of god
lucifer took 1/3 of the stars from heaven
he is jealous of us.. we have want he wanted.. what he died for ..dominion over the earth

5 desires... i will.. of witness
he wants dominion over us but cannot because of christ we have dominion.

isa 14 i will become el el yout - the possessor of heavnn and earth.  when adam fell, satan became the god of this world
the minute Jesus' blood hit the ground the earth was given back to mankind and that is why satan hates you 
he wants what you have

dreams of gold could be faith
snakes, serpent, enemy.. tread on him
sword.. could be warfare

pizza dream.. 

acts 10.. peter a trans.. cornelious a dream..
had to get past Peter's idea of the gentiles

notice, cornelious' revelation could go no further.  he needed saved.  so he had to have someone open his eyes.. peter
just like saul got a revelation but needed ananias to pray for him

god takes you to the future place by the prophetic.. he give you memories of the future
you've been to the future, you've seen it, now you come back and you dream the dreams and it drives you back to the future because you've been there.

before your dreams can come true, you have to have those dreams.

perception 5 Secret Perceptions

all of us have the ability to see in diff dimentions
diff aspects of hte perception

god ha s a secret he wasnt to share wi/ human life

amos 3:7 - surely the lord god does nothing unless he reveals his secrets with the prophets
propehsy is revealing the mystery hidden in in your spirit

it is not going home and necessarily saying "thus says the lord"

mystery = musterion.. something that is covered
w/o revelation knowledge.. reveals or exposes the securet

revelation - something uncovered
greek apokalupto

prophesy is god invading the thought process w/ divine perspective
everyone's thought process is different.  god has to invade the way that they process things.
revelation knowledge is something you receive right there and then, no premeditation, or learning.
it comes suddently

when something comes... the way you uncover is to speak it out.. not to ponder it

propheys is also an exegesis (breakdown of understanding) of existance from a divine perspective

you cannot minister to someone else or to yourself unless you have a divine perspective

god always thinks pure thoughts... he doesn't even think of an evil thing.  his thoughts toward you is not evil.
Jeremia... i know the thoughts i have for you... 
when god spoke to Jeremiah and about Judah, he said.. it never even entered my mind that you would do evil.
god knows of the possibility and potential to sin.. to do evil.. but he doesn't think it
and if he doesn't think it then he doesnt' say it.
So god doesn't speak evil over your life.

He doesn't say.. i have called you to be a business man but because there is greed in you i am not going to give you your breakthrough.
greed is always present when god gives great material wealth.   pride is alway present when god gives you fame and notority.  he doesn't speak it.

with every perception there is going to be an enemy present and hanging on.  what he sees in you and sees in others is what he placed in you before you were born... in the spirit.

isa 45:3
i will give you the treasures of darkness and hte hidden wealth of the secret places so that you will know that it is i 

treasure and secret go together.. in the OT and the NT

you have a secret treasure that is inside of you, but it is currently in darkness... 
people think darkness is sin and that the secret place is a sinful place
in the dark you cannot see. but when light comes it reveals what is already there.
prophesy the psoken word brings light into your world.. it is a place you cannot see...

people say something new was just given to me, but it was there all te time. 

isa 46:10 
i declare the end in your beginning
i show you things that are already accomplished for you, you just have to get there

ecc 3:`1

to everything a season, a time for every purpose under heaven

eccl 3:11 he has made verythig beautiful in its time
no one can find out what god does from beginning to end, but you can find out from END to beginning because he
shows you the end.

he showed joseph the end.. why.. because it drives you to get to that place

secret things have nothing to do with sin, it has to do with things you don't know about
sin is always going to be there and it is always going to be the temptation is alwys going to be there
when he reveals secrets it is not secret sins

13 minutes in
eccl 3:15
that which is.. right now.. has already been since the begnning of your life.. 
and what is to be has already been
and god requires of an account of what is past.. 
he wants to call back on what has happened in the spirit

god waits for a time so that there is an perfect alignment of us at a perfect year, time so that that thing can come to pass through you
you were chosen to be alive at the specific time to do something
when you are perfectly aligned for that moment, god brings it to pass in your life but it has already been present in your life
so god calls back what has already happened

gods nature and character
he revealed his character by what he has written and by what he has done through life... his acts, his deeds

many think finite beings cannot know him.. or what he is
if a person believes that, but believes he exists then who does he believe in
it doesn't matter what god is but who he is.  some of what god is should be in your life

the nature of god becomes our nature
1. god is supreme - he is not just superior
2. god is unique - in prohpheys you are going to reveal god, if there is no uniqueness then you are void of a certain aspect of god's nature within your expression

greek -- mono-genesis.. one of a kind

you and i have received the nature of god.. it means we are unique and supreme in our domain.. in what he has given to us
god gave us the power to control our domain.. family, children, business

3, eternal.. always existed and always will.
you are unique you have a though process and a formula w/in your being that god has to invade to bring forth a prophetic destination and a divine perspective
you have to have that and you must know what his nature is
when he speaks something, it is eternal, it is never going to come back... (my word will not return void)

4.  god is omnisicent - all knowing
5. god is omnipresent - he is everywhere at the same time

i can prophesy now and god can move 10000 miles from here and do something

6. god is self existant.  he was not created by something else.  so he calls the shots.
he gives his servants authority because he is self existant

7.  god is holy.. we should be holy.. perfectly pure and undefiled. (blood of Jesus)
we must attan.. we do as a matter of our will
when god speaks to us it will be of a holy perception

if you walk up to someone and smell cigarette smoke and conclude they are not holy based on that.. then you don't know what holy is
holiness is a condition of the heart.  
holiness is his perception.  god does not see you as evil because he is not evil.  
he knows the potential is there, he sees everyone through his holy nature.
you have to see others through eyes of holiness

8.  god is truine in nature
father, son, oly spirit family
he loves to disburse.. 

song of the lord where god sings to us.. the sone sings about the father the father about the son

9.  god is theistic

describes relationship between god his creation
diestic  - distances itself frm that which he creates and doesn't get involved in the activities.. like an asbsent father
theistic  - prophesy is god gettinginvolved in the smallest aspects of your life

so theistic.. does NOT distance himself from his cration, he is actively involved, he reveals himself

enoch walked with god and was not because god took him
he mingled withhim.. the intercourse that is important

he wants to reveal himself, he has to reveal himself, he is seeking you so that he can reveal himself

revelation knowledge is really god revealing knowledge to you by quickening.. suddenly
the revelation knowledge is only sustained as you give it out
you cannot keep it in.. when you get it out, god reveals more to you

without vision the people perish
perish = para = decay.
smell the stench of decay in religion.. because no vision
go backwards... can't go backwards.. always must look ahead
what does vision mean here.. progressive revelation

if a marriage, a person, a church, a business, doesn't have progressive revelation ... to push you forward.. they begin to decay, repeat themselves, lose uniqueness, holiness, awareness of supremacy

as god reveals himself you remember all these characteristics of god
if you go backwards, you try to reinvent the wheel and make things happen and forget these things of god

another word for progressive revelation.. open vision

in your relationship with god.. 
the only way we are  reminded of nature of god is stydingy the bible and remembering what soemone else told you
or by revelation..
that is the only way to keep his nature in your awareness
very important you have this constant revelation of god coming to you

open vision.. open heaven
what do prophetic people do, they punch open the heavens so god can reveal himself
samuel.. there was no open vision, no open heaven.. no revelation
eli the high priest was lazy.. fat.. overweight... just laying around.. no open vision
when samuel was a little boy. god rejected eli b/c of his sons

i don't only want what they had in the 50s.. or the turn of the century.. i want new
there is something hidden in this beautiful book.. more than they preach in the pulputs.
they are repeating the old stuff over and over

two kinds of truth

truth in the tomb - historical truth.. important but established
truth in the womb - created.. it hasn't been born.. it is in a dark place hasn't come out in the light but it is present.  i can feel the pregnant truth, sense it
i want to be the midwife and get this truth out.. bring this child forth

do not discount created truth.. religion tries to resurrect the past and keep the formulas in existnace
but propehtic people capture the future so that they can bring it into existence
you have a choice, you can keep in existance and never bring anything into existance

prophetic people speak it.. share it.. 
what did you see...
and people start talking about it

you cna't resurrect a time or a season.  
peple try to bring it back, but each generation has its own secret thing
Kim is tired of the world cathing things before we do

i have the key to the new source of energy
i have the key to redundancy in music.. i have found something new in music

you can't hold on to the past it has had its season

tha is why so many revivals are redundant.. it was beautiful in its time.
everything in its time is beautiful, outside of its time it is redundant

paul deals with powerful religious forces by insisting the capture the spirit of the future
37 minues in
phil 3:12 - not that i have already attained, i am not already perfected but i press on that i may lay ahold of that for which christ lay ahold of for me.
jesus lay hold of it for me..

forget those things that are behind and reach for those that are ahead
in the absnence of revelation sin does not have the same status as it does in the presence of revelation.. complete control
sin has to bow when god reveals himself

when there is no revelation  or manifestation of god, you don't see it, feel it, sense it, its redundant, he'snot there
he is not revealing himself.. complete control

people who are bored tend to sin, when you are idle the devil has some power

god revealing himself.. revealing things you don't know and you don't know how to control
after he reveals it and we come to know it, we perfect it.. and write books about it and it becomes a formula and it becomes religious
but... god has more

but in that absense of that, sin has control, power

in the presence of revelation sin has to bow when god reveals himself.

you can preach about sin and tell people they are going to hell and that God is going to judge our country

isa 6:1
you reveal something about god to someone, they will become aware of their sin and try to get rid of it

the angel touched his outh with the fiery coal and cleansed him and he was made clean.. his iniquity gone
not one word of judgement or condemnation.
then isaiah had access to hear the conversation of god.
we have access to hear the conversation of god.

the goodness of god leads a man to repentance

God is transcendant.. god transcends that which he created
he goes beyond that which he created
he is not limited to it our bound by it

in the physical universe 
it is not possible for a being to consist of 3 distinct beings
but god is not limited by physical laws, so he can

god is personal
he smiles, laughs, cries
when he is prophesying he feels god's feelings

god is a spirit

god is immortal

god is separate
from that which he created

when you have a child, that child is separate from you.  you can see yourself in that child, but you are still separate
you don't look at a flower and say that is god.

treasure (secret also means treasure)
treasure in an earthen vessel
2 cor 4:6-10
light shines on the dark places (hidden) in your life
apocolypse.. revelation
you have a revelation.. 

but we have this reasure in earthen vessel so the power may be of god not of us

where is the king<dom>, the secret things of god.. in this earthen vessel and we have a lifetime to get it out
by revelation, by prophetic understanding and secret perception

1 cor 14:23-25
when believers get together and they all prophesy together
how do we bring poeople in to prophesying together... by song
god breathed song.. when everyone sings together they are prophesying together

the secrets of his heart are revealed.

the word secret.. = kryptos == treasure
the treasure of his heart is revealed

i can overcome this problem.. i can be debt free.. 
because the power of god is there
it unlocks the persons secret place

sin consciousness is not the key to freedom, God sconsciousness is

perception 6 absurd Perceptions

absurd = ridiculous, proposterous, wildly unreasonable, illogical, inappropriate
absurd - absurdus = out of tune
a word not in season is in appropriate

when tuning a piano, realized you can tell if it is not in tune if it is not in sync with the harmony note

harmony:  agreement, any simultaneous combination of tones, friendship

you have to be in harmony with heaven to be out of tune with this world
otherwise you are in harmony with the world.. friendship

we are like christ, we are friends TO the world, doesn't mean friends WITH the world

how you can overcome fear.  the fear of man is a snare, the fear of god is wisdom
when you are obedient to god's voice you are actually placing yourself in harms way.. physically and verbally
think of Joseph's dreams.... there are rewards
once you have revelation from god.. someone else around you is going to receive that even if you die
someone will receive what you perceive

you are a radical being when you are in tune with a heavenly sound... you have that extra note
some normal people became very angry


watch out for the religious forces.. those who cling to traditions..
if you tear down idols.. things not sincere

god can speak a word to anyone.. even a non-christian

acts 7. stephen
how can people react (viscious even) when you are not in tune with the way others are thinking

the glory of god is a higher place of existance

he said i see the heavens opened.. they are screaming at him, gnashing their teeth.  and in the presence of this darkness.  because he is filled with the holy spirit. 
that is when you show your true colors.. and god reveals himself in a greater way

whatever is going on in this earth.. economic or crisis.. the exact opposite is taking place in the heavens

not in tune with the world.. news media... structure
the world means the system constructed to control us
i am in tune w/ heaven only
i could care less what hell or the earth is saying.. i want to know what heaven is saying

lay their feet down at saul
after they stoned steven and he cried out .. asking them to notcharge them with this sin...
they laid their clothes down.. there was blood, the blood of steven on their clothes
what stephen perceived.. saul received.  that same jesus stephen saw.. saul also saw.

28 minutes in
perception is reality
what you see is what you belive
what you don't see you struggle to believe

you are never going to know if you will walk on the water until you step out of the boat

(speaking of seeing two kidneapped children and then shortly thereafter had a horrible accidnet that broke his wrists
and finger).  they came against him and he survived.. when that happens, it is over
when you have the power and passion from that pain to seek out that enemy, and fight lik ou have never fougth before.
it is amazing

spoke of his baptism and hearing a voice telling him he is going to be a prophet.

if you want to plunder hell and populate heaven, you will be required to manifest something ordinary.

don't weaken prudence by being embarrassed or put out easily
the sign of a  truepropeht is he is not easily degrated by the inferior acusations of others.  he is magnanimous, and we are. 

we have to be free from petty vindictiveness, you are easy to forgive in insult in order to be able to handle the precious oil of the holy spirit

bad experieonces create bad memories and bad memories cause fear, double mindedness and timidity

we dont see things as they are, we too often see things as we are.
perception is reality
thru our eyes

1 peter 5:8 - our ememy walks about seeking whom he might devour
resist him by being steadfast.. not by shouting
you don't have to use your authority against him by praying against him
calling him down from heaven.. none of these

vigilant:  keenly watchful and aware to detect danger - wide awake and open eyed.

connects to perceptive... perceive something spiritually.. and deal with if evil, embrace if good

awareness - consciousness devoid of ignorance and dualistic (two) fixation
the state of knowingness and wakefulness, cognizant, alert, watchful, vigilant, focused

steadfastness is the key to resistance of your enemy

when you know god said something to you, you stick to it.  your enemy has no power over you whatsoever
steadfastness in faith is the highest level of resistance to your enemy

devil.. greak .. diablo
dia, dual, divided, double, two
blo - breathe, blow, whisper, speak

so the devil is one who speaks to divide
all he has to do to get to you is to divide your loyalties, divide your thinking and make you a double minded person so you are unstable.
once he has that you are finished and he can take over

in the garden he simply spoke and confused adam and eve with suggestions that resulted in duality
duality - the perception that the world is ruled by the antagonistic forces of good and evil
the equivalence of good and evil..   they are equal... once adams and eve's eyes were open to this lie, they literally gave power to the serpenct because their perception was that his force was equal to gods.
b/c evil is so present and pwerful.. if a bad memory is equal or more powerful than a good memory then you willnot be steadfast
someof us have to deleivered from bad memories

good memory.. bad memory
something you did that was good, right
serve you better than something you did that was not good
why do the bad memories seem to be so powerful
because we are conscious of our wrong and our weakness, that is what the enemy wants

awareness and ignorance
if you are ignorant of something, does it have any power over you.. no, but it can over power you because of your ignorance

when you become aware of something you can have power over it

james 1:8 speaks of doublemindedness
steadfastness:  fixed in direction, firm in purpose, resolution, faith and attachment, unwavering and established

you will be attacked when your enemy is aware of your lack of an unablterable fixation of purpose and direction
he has no power over you
 dualistic fixation what your enemy intends accomplishing.  if you are aware of this and you resist are untouchable

how do i fix a bad memory.. create a good one.

churchill said:  history will be kind to me, as i inted on making it

i am going to make good history

how did the men of old know that they were prophets?  their obedience to do something that made no sense.  obey an absurd command.

gen 22:1-8
taking isaac as an offering
there is something about the geography..
mt moriah.. between mt zoion west and mt of olives to east
at summit of it is the site of the temple's holy of holies.. the supreme embodiment of the relationship between god and the people of israel
the ark of the covenant there

god needed someone to go to that place and do something absurd.. to be obedient so that soil would bring forth the glory of the temple and ark of covenant, and the relation between god and his people

when abraham got there he lifted his eyes and speaking to his servants, he prophesied.. because he saw beyond the sacrifice of his son and said..
stay here with the donkey the lad and i will go and worship and we will will come back to you

isaac saw the wood and the fire and asked where the lamb was ..
1000s of years later.. john the baptist says.. here is the lamb
that question was sent out from one son to another son.. knowing he was not going to be the lamb

when we translated we put in the commas.
Abraham did not say "My son, god"... he said (as a prophet) "god the father is saying it to abrahm.. my son god will provide himself the labm as an offering"

God is god.. god was refering to his son.. my son, god, will provide himself as the lamb.. as the offering

he was looking to christ right then

it was not a lamb behind him... it was a RAMMMMMMMMMMM

3 great offices.. anointings
1. priestly - demands sacrifice -- the priest recaptures the past to keep it in existance 
2. prophetic - demands obedience -- the prophet caputres the future to bring it into existance 
3. kingly - demands rulership and warfare -

we have three anointings inside us

a prophet is violated during his life and vindicated by history
for a season the prophet must be a voice crying in the wilderness

the prophet must be an iconoclast - 
icons.. image

one who destroys idols/images , forms and redundant rules

Eikon = image/likelness
klastes = breaker

a propeht can be umpleasant company
unquestionably controversial
rejects ecclesiastical favors
he is forthright and outright and claims no birthright
the villian of today, the hero of tomorrow
the only credentials they posses, is a kind of self authenticating passion and  an unavaoidable moral substance
they fight for the incompreshensive

perception 7 Ecstatic Perceptions

eccessive emotion
he came in pentecostal charismatic word of faith

they say we are only moved by faith not feeling
partly understandable..go by faith and not by feelings but then they switched it to there can be no imagination
no feelings... 

love is a feeling, it is an emotion.  you can't love god only by faith, there has to be feelings

there are feelings you can rely on

emotions; any of the feelings, joy sorrow fear hate love reverence etc.

there are felings yu can rely on that take place when you have a perception and prophetic elvation

increased heartbeat, shaking, crying persperation
a lot of people do this unnecessarily outwardly t try to prove spirituality

often he gets a distinct pin/needle feeling when he gets a word of god.. he doesn't rely on it .. but he feels it.  he feels this is a time to be aware...
he is aware of the fact that there is a presence
he will sense the presence of god or someone.. angel.. demonic
you cannot rely on that but your entire body is a complete form of perception not just your eyes
in prophetic elevation there could be a strong agitation that takes place
an agitation of your feeling that takes place and your body begins to react..
spontaneous rather than conscious
you physical body is one of the keys.. the emotions that take place in your body.. feeling the emotion of the holy spirit
an excatatic (ecstacy) your body will feel it
when i am talking.. and start stuttering.. quote scripture wrong.. i know at that point that i am about to exerience a prophetic elevation
not time to teach or sing... going to have a prophetic moment and will reveal something not revealed before

your physical body is the key
the emotion of the holy spirit
motion - to prompt, actuate, impel to some action

emtion really comes from a motion.. so we have to deal with motion

invisible motion - we have a spirutual world connected to us .   we have eternity, heaven and time and space n this earth.. all in one house
earth and world lower floor
heaven and spirit world upper floor

when spiritual motion takes place you will begin to see it in diff ways.. exciting
think to self... what is this that is happening that could be a sign of a spirutual being
demonic, angel or god

luke 17:20 - 21
pharisees asked.. when will the kingdom of god come..
he said the kingdom of god will not come with observation
motion.. spiritual divine invisible motion that affects your world that you live in that will appear in some way or another

the kingdom of god is within you 
observation - an act of noticing or perceiving, regarding watching attentively and praying
the bible talks about watching and praying.. being perceptive while you pray

when jesus prayed something happened.
there was motion.. but what he spoke of was a negative observation.. 
its inside of you.
1) passive observation..
2) spiritual - regarding attetntively wathcing praying
but no manifestation when you just stand around
more to it than that

er-komahee -- when jesus prayed... your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heave
it was praying that would cause activity... call for th ekingdom to come
er-komahee -- motion . it is being invited, moving from over there to here
invisible motion

2 sam 5:24
wen you expect it.. sometimes things happn
you are not going to walk arond looking for a tree to shake.. or maybe a squireel
when you have th ekingdom inside of you and you are praying kingdom come.. it means kingdom move, appear, perform
you causing things around you to begin to act or react

u r the church, and you carry the kingdom.. start moving mountains.. how.. KINGDOM APPEAR

david and the phillistines had been fighting for a number of reasons and one is because he has been crowned as king

2 sam 5:17 - 
when you hear the sound of motion onthe top of the mulberry trees.. when you shall go out quiicly
a spiritual motion was taking place in the spiritual world.  it was affecting an actual tree.  
there is a time for evertything.  a time to advance, to wait
but even in waiting there is motion... there must be spiritual activity
you could actually miss the sign god sends if you are spirutuall stagnent
there will always be a sign to indicate what time it is

there are signs of god's motion which should in turn move us to action
the spirit of god blows where he pleaseas and if we are sensitve to it we will hear it
trouble is most people don't expect it and are not watching out for it 
we now have the ability and awareness.we are ging to be watching for it
it was just a simple breeze, but that breeeze was the sign

he often feels invisible motion and when that happens he nows ther eis a motion if the spirit and it will manifest in our natural
world accompanies by certain physiological changes
sensations cannot be ignored

we allow sensation when we hear a good opera but not a movement of god?
sensations can work on elecrical power in meetings

matt crouch.. does movies, tv, etc
he was going to go w/ kim somehwere. but kim warned him that computer often crashes when he gets there

when you are raound someone stirring things bc of the kingdom that is appearing thru their lives often
these things happen

movies.. movies will suddenly stop and they cannot continue the show
manifestionation of stuff happening all the time bc invivisble motion around a person caught up with this

often on calm day there will be unexpected, sudden wind blow.  he becomes aware and ponder
motion is the cause of all life
the waters must move...
and so it is in the spirit itself
you stop prayig and you become motionless
the elements on earth are diff from those in heavens
we have earth, air, water, fire
the particle of matter in heavens is weightless and incorruptible
but we as spirit beings made alive have the strange ability to not only see th eincorruptibel but to cause it to mingle wiht the corruptible or earth elements,  thereby causing havoc around us.   
noticed a few strange things around you??  you don't look for it it is just hapeening
these are signs and that is where discerning of spirits -- corinthians in pauls writings  -- comes in to play
thing of christ, storms that came around him  and became subdued at his comand
invisible motion manifest in elements where he was
walking on water.. happened because of his command and the kingdom being inside of him

in the upper room, invisible motion of spirit descending on them was accompanied by the sound of mighty rushing wind and tongues of fire resting on their heads causing them to speak in other tongues.
it was the incorruptible force that mingles with a corruptible being 
caused out of ordinary display of divine articulation

acts 2:1-2
when day of pentecost had fully come.. day was complete... they were in one accord in a place

remember your entire being experiences your perception

ecstatic - Ekstatikos (greek)
excessive emotion, delightful beyond measure

kingdavid said my heart is overflowing.. you don't have to take a drug to get this
ecstasy is what god gave us.. but the church is not experiencing it

transported.. a sense of being moved out of ones normal state and entering a state of dissociation from everything except one single overpowering feeling

you hear nothing else
you are not bothered by anything else, you got your mind on that one thing
intense joy or raputre with assoc w/ prophetic exaltation

prophetic exaltation
exaltation - a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion

memories from the future... extactic perception will not only grant you a memory from the future but allow you to carry it in your body and your entire being

luke 9:28 - transfiguration
as he prayed the appearance of his face changed
a physical manifestation of an invisible motion
it affected his body , his whole face changed

he promises you even greater works

whatever happened to christ can happen to you

his clothing became white and glistening
people notice from kim his eyes shining, his skin

i happened to moses too

luke 9:30 moses and elijah spoke with him

they saw his glory and the two men w/ him
glory - his highest state of existance

you and i have a highest state of existance
we don't have to die and go to heave n to have this
we just have to have an excatatic revelation

they saw his glory and 2 men w/ him 
peter suggesting houses.. tents..
whenever god's glory appears and they see jesus in a diff way, then they begin to contruct
lets put this in a book and .. clean it up ..
3 tabernacles. build a building...
a cloud came and overshadowed them... the cloud came on to them
invisible motion brining about somthing w/ elements on earth
feelings:  they were fearful as they entered the cloud a voice came out
god will always send a clear word when there is excttic perception

god put moses in cleft of rock, he was transported in time to the upper room
into eternit and back out and there he was standing w/ james, peter and john
his face is glowing w/ the glory of christ he had seen on the mountain
moses carried the memor

y on his skin
you ou cand't 

transcendance - surpassing the ordinary, exceptional, beyond the range of normal physical human experience, not subject to limitations of the material universe

godliness is actually god-likeness.. to be like or assoc w/ god
it doesn't mean don't drink or smoke.. 

something spoken and something activated have to do with god
god said light be and light was
he spoke it and it was activated
there was not only words but action

so being godly is a combonation of words/actions
godliness is action not abstinence
explanation verses manifestation

excasy is the persception of a presence

propesy is the encounter of a person
during a prophetic moment you might expericne both

during an excstatic moment, a theophony takes place, the person becomes one with the divine
a day should not go by when you don't experience some invisible motion that affects you and a mingling between you and god takes place

the idea that god is god and man is man and that the two may meet and never merge, but there is a fellowship but not fusion is untrue and contrary to holy scripture.
man and god can meet and merge
man an dgod can have fellowing and fusion

a theophany is a visible manifestion of god to human beings

being in your element will continually caise ecstatis perception
get into your element, findout what it is
what is it that makes you operate your best
the things you love to do and are good at.

david would sing so much because he was in his element

when you find your passion wyou will have an exstatic demeanor and your disposition will ooze w/ zoe life and strong passion
ecstatic perception blinds your eyes so you can see your vision

bonus teaching..

a major component of being in your element is connecting wi/ others who share your passion
find your tribe
you can't share w/ someone who doesn't understand the passion you are feeling

there were 12 tribes in israel

perception 8 casting the mantle

the promise
prohpesy is a promise god gives you.  his promises are yes and amen
isa says his word goes out and is not allowed to return void.. empty
it has to bear fruit 

yur responsibilty is for you to provide a promise that was given you.. to someone else 
you are a witness to an event you can share witho someone else
Jesus had to sarcrifice his own life to give a future to everyone else
there is always a sacrifice.. our bodies a living sacrifice

you die.. but you continue living

voice whispered.. you are providing a future for someone else by sharing a promise i gave to you personally
if a promise is givien by god and not received, it remains.
it remains avaible for someone else to receive
it takes two to tango.. god to give the promise, you to receive it
somteimts gods promises do not come to pass
possibilit of prophesy not come to pass because receiverwas reluctant and things stopped them from entering the promise

god gave saul kingdom... and then changed his mind, took it away
Samuel was sad about it.. morning it.
God told samuel stop morning 
samuel had a reputation that not one of his prophesies hit the ground
but then god chnged his mind... so one of samuel's prophesies wasn't going to come to pass
god's intentions may not always end up being his actions

the person involved turned away the promise and never entered the promise

hebrews you can receive a promise and sometimes you can lose a promise
when things go wrong and don't work out it is not always your fault

hebrews chpter 3:7

today if you hear his voice do not harden your heart...
they always go astray in their heart and THEY HAVE NOT KNOWN MY WAYS
so i decleared an oath in my anger they shall never enter my rest
see to it brothers none have unbelief which can cause you to depart from your promise

rest means to have rest form all of your enemies.
god said you will enter the land.. they did but they didn't enter the rest
you can enter your inhertiance but not rest
god intends when you enter your promise you also enter rest

1. do not harden your heart - you can harden your heart and things not work out the way you thought they would
2. god's ways... you cannot operate only according to gods acts
gods ways vs gods acts

some people wait for gods acts and they praise him
some peole wait for god to do something before they are filled w/ faith
some epoeple wait for god to show himself on their behalf, and then only are they happy with him

but moses knew god according to his ways
the children of god knew him according to his acts

if he wasn't doing something great, they lost faith.. 
if he wasn't provideing.. they said they wanted to go back to egypt

faith says god you haven't been raound for a while, i haven't heard from you or seen you do anythng but i will stil praise you and enjoy you
job said though he slay me, i will praise him

so many wait for god to act, not prophets. they know he is there even if he doesn't see him for 3 1/2 years
he had a promise inside of him
an abundance of rain.. the prmise inside isah

david said lord show me your ways
so did moses
that i may know you

ways in the original is next course of events
i know you are working even if i don't sense you close to me
show me what you have planned in the next few years
i love it whwen you act and show and provide but i want you to show me your ways
i want to know where the nation or my famly or my ministry is going.. or my finances

this makes you stable..
3.  unbelief.. you don't receive one
4. disobedience
god swore they would never rceive his rest .. those that disobeyed.

hebrews 3:19 couldn't enter the promise bc unbelief

elijah given a promise he applied to his personal life during drought

you have a personal promise and it cannot be justfor yourself

elijah receive a promise no rain or dew until he opened his mouth... 
that same prophet has to loose what he has bound

god sends a word to laura.. she receives it.  god watches over his seed (his word).  he is watching over the word (promise) he put inside ofyou
he protects you because of his promise
he had to take care of elijah... elijah had the word and the promise
god protects his word his promise you have inside of you

christ si the word, the seed inside.. he also give us word

if gods promise is inside of you, it expects all of you.. spirit, soul, body.. mind.. keep you young to fulfill it
god said the flood won't come until a certain time

enoch - said the flood would not come until he died... the flood would not come
caleb.. had a promise from god that they were going to take the mountian, the giants... 
10 came back w/ bad report.. joshua and caleb said we are able... to take the giants
10 saw the giants .. two saw the promise
10 saw the enemy.. two saw the grapes.. 

because of those 10 they had to wait for 40 years
45 years later caleb came to joshua and said i am just as strong.  the prmise he gave me 40 years ago.... 
h had been kept young because of the word.. now give me this mountain
the one filled with giants..

elija behenfitedd he was enjoying water, meals, extended sabatical
ravens bringing food, brook that had water that would never dry up.  he was experiencing the promise but now the promise had to go to the nation
the word of the lord will first come to pass in your life, then you qualify to give it to somone else.  if you don't you will rot and die
jeremiah said i will nver speak his word again.
the word that was in him.. hte promise, because to consume him.  you can't hold it inside.. it has to come out
he said the word was like  a fire.. consuming him

if the drought would have continued, the entire country would have perished, and the spiritual ones with them
when the time came, the brook dried up and the ravens refused to land to bring him food anymore
he was sent to a little town where he would find a woman and her son, who were about to die because of starvation
he takes this promise from god and gives it to her
her bin of flour or oil should nto dry up until the lord sends rain on the earth
then he went to the mountain and decleared the rain to come.. the promise was released from him and the entire nation received it
you carry the future inside you
the greatest responsibility you have is to possess your promise.. and release it someone else and provide a fture to someone else
to take what you have receivd, enjoyed and give it to someone else

if you don't give it to somone else youj will get nothing more
in giving it out you receive more

5 phases (steps)

2 king 2:1-6, 9-14

1. elisha found elijah in abel-meholah.. field of rejoiciing... the attitude of gratitute.. you can never leave until you are in a place of rejoicing
2. gilgal - a circle (wheel) of standing stones.. to go around in a circle.. you will go around in circles even though it seems you are going no where you are gaining momentum and will be launched.. may seem you are stagnant.  as long as there is motion, practice, rehearsing, prayer reciting things god told you.. continue spiritually... moutnainous region..elevated...
3. bethel - house of god.. also the place where god is worshipped.. worship is a vital part of progressing.  out of your sorship god will speak.  Jacob.. bethel.. dream.. heaven opened up.   used to be called Luz.   canaanite city.  he had dreams and visiona and god spoke to him and said .. you are great nation.  you have to get to a place where heavens opened up and worship taking place. 
4. jericho - a place of fragrance. spiritual richness.. doesn't mean there won't be problems, there will be.  but fragrance comes out of these .  it was th emost imporatnt city in the jordan valley.  and the strongest fortrsss in all of cainan.  maturity.  start to do remakrable things and take possession of your promise.
5. jordan.. final place - the descender.. to go down and to die.  place of crossing over and transcendance or tranformation.  death to ones self or old life.. mannerisms and a whole new life. 
-- die to something but out of death comes a resurrection

when they crossed over the jordan elijah said what can i do for you
elisha said let me inherit a double portion of your spirit

people ask Kim to pray for them to release his anointing in them
but he cannot just pray for you and give you what he has worked for, there has to be something in you
you also have to labor and journey too
these are the 5 places you go

elijah says if you see me when they take me you will
in otherword you are going to ahve to stay

chariots of fire separated them
elisha tore his own clothese. i am finished with this life and ready for the new life and picked up the mantle and stood on the bank of the jordan

you can impart upon someone the anointing that is already in them

where is the lord god of elija.. i don't want elijah back i want the lord of elijah
the water split

perception 9 bonus lesson

 there is the dynamic and the demonic
you can also find something dynamic in the demonic and turn it around
because it forces you into a position where you have to do somthing, and under that kind of pressure is when you do something inredible

how to find your tribe
a major component of being in your element is connecting with  others that share the same passion
diff blessings given to different tribes.

and moses did it and jacob did it
they were prophetic blessing
each ones name had a meaning

expressive in praise and arts - judah not simeon
travel joiurney, gad not benjimen
intercession and spiritual warphar.. naphatali not asher
entreprenteru - asher 

if someone pulls you down and belittles your vision or achievements.. count it as nothing.. you don't need to be in their companay

12 diff expressions in god.. that is your strength..
you can have more than one of these traits

rebuen.. to see... let rebuen live and not die nor let his men be few
simeon - to hear .. faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god
a lot of peole listen but don't hear, look but dont see

levi - to be attcched, joined to, prestly service/anoionting
his blessing.. the keeper of covents

judah to praise... arts.. hear lord the voice of judah (kim is this)
the blessing was god heards the voice of praise.. praising constantly...

dan - judge - a judge of his people
govt, judicial, law.. 

napthali - spiritual warefare.. it means wrestlying
satisfied only w/ favor, possess the west possess the south

gad - troop.. the invader, the athlete, moves all the time
the troop shall tramp upon him but he shall triumph at last

asher - happy, a blessing, 
bread frm asher shall be rich and he shall... ... dip his foot in oil   (asher in israel has its foot dipped in oil)

spreak of people who are blessing to others.. finance the church

isaachar - man of hire, to earn wages.. to serve

zebulun - dwelling home, stability, shepherding , pastoring

joseph - increaser - political prophet
set aside to be a martyr.. people when they don't understand things, they want to kill it and destroy it

you cannot stop him from prospering.. he will increase regardless of where he is

don't try to be of another tribe when it is not your bloodline. if god put you there, that is where you are supposed to be

benjamin. son of the right hand, hunter
in the morning he shall devor the prey and at night he shall divide spoil
not take it for yourself but give it to others


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