Kim Clement - Optical Alliance

fusion of sight

rev 3

the word fglory in the bible has bee interpreted by goodbumps and shakings
but it means good...
when god made man he sid it was good, not perfect because good can always get better

glory is connected to the word good
moses prayed a prayer to see his glory

he saw the power of god and his goodness
and god said his presence will go with him

god said you cannot see my face and live but i will show you my back
deeper research
the word face means before time began and the word back means the year after of time
it said that they spoke face to face as man speaks to his friend.. so he didn't mean his face
when you are dealing with the glory of god you are referring to the year after time
so glory means state of existance.. from glory to glory.. from one state of existance to another in this life and this continues
to the year after... when you die you go to another state of existance

moses was saying.. i want to see the greatest stte of existance 
i am unsatisfied with what i have right now and if i don't see it i can't be it
if i don't get a glimpse of it how can i change into it , i have to see that image, as in a mirror so i can be changed into the glory of the lord

moses also said show me your ways.. this meant the next course of events
someone else has to share what you see in order for it to work on this earth

vertical vison.. optical fusion that is vertical.. gods  eye and your eye together
you have to see what god sees and god has to see what you see.  when he sees what you see, he knows what measurement your sight is
that is why he said where are you.. in the garden w/ adam

optical fusion is the combining of two images to make one percept

Hurricane Katrina..
he needed someone in the region w/ authority, he shared it with them
then the optical fusion also took place on the horizontal level... to double it or triple it
if you have someone that doesn't share your vision, you have a divided  optical, or fusion
moses prayed show me your next course of events.. then he says you have shown me your event, show me the course
to the event
that is our biggest struggle because we want to know how..
god says i am going to give you a million dollars, we say HOW
we need to get the HOW out of here.. because the how doesn't matter.  the how is up to god, the what is up to us
what do i have to do, what am i going to face

the power of presupposition enters your mind and when he does it outside of it, you get mad
like naaman the syrian who came to elijah to clean himself of leprosy, but the syrian was insulted.  did it anyway.. was healed
we have worked out the how he is going to do it and when it does't work, we get mad

sometimes the method requires a fight or a little bit of energy..
he said to jacob, you are israel.   but 20 years later he is still jacob.   when crossing the jabok. he wants blessed by god
he begins to wrestle with god.. all night long... now he is wrestling to get his israel

there is no easy way out... people realize it is going to be hard.  part of the problem is we have to fight self prejudice.
god acts in reference to your future, not your past.  So he knows what you have done... but that is not what he worries about
god knows when you sin you get blinded.. 

when god looks at you he speaks in reference to the future.. when he deals with you it is in reference to the future
we are so consumed with our present failure -- we don't think god has a future for us
god has a future for everyone
god had to deliver words for everyone... muhamed ali, hillary clinton, 50 cent,
muhammed ali's daughter will be one of the greatest evangelists on the earth

when god spoke to jacob.. he was speaking to the israel of the future
start acting in reference to the future and victory will overtake your life

if you ask god for the course.. he wont' do it.  he will give you the method.
he told kim to give his car.
the principle of our prosperity is already an established truth .. to make the truth a fact you have to apply the method god gives you which will then bring the truth, principle in your life to work

dr valerie saxion (SHE)...  knows the medical reasons things happen 

the bible says you will prosper as your soul prospers
people say it doesn't matter what i drink, eat, it will all be well
the method has to be applied 

there is the logical we have to deal with
already established truth is healing.

the river jordan is my method
we need to find out the method that god has for us to get prosperity, healing or restoration
many say the bible gives you the method, but it actually gives you the principle, it tells you what has already been established
the bible gives you methods other people used. god doesnt' need to do the same thing twice, he is too creative for that.
for each person there is a different method to apply the principle

don't let a prophet tell you what the method is.   some propehets will say when you sew into my ministry you will be blessed. (my example) kims example was that you need to give me your car so that you can get rich.

you are to be led by the spirit not by the prophet.
a prophet can come along and open the heavens and tell you what god has for you. 
but in the final analysis you are going to be led by god to do what you have to do otherwise control sets in

kim:  "i want to hear from god and then somebody.. .somebody who has prayed for me"

so when god said to moses you can't see my face.

when i look at someones face, i look behind.. god says i am not going to show you before time began i am going to show you after time
so instead of seeing behind.. i am seeing ahead

imagine... looking at someone face to face.. when you look atthem you also see behind them.
but if you turn them around.. when you look at them you are seeing ahead of them

see face-to-face.jpg
see looking-forward.jpg

god doesn't want you to look before.. he wants you to look after... the hereafter

35 minutes in

people come to kim and tell him god told them to tell him to do something.. some women said god said they were going to marry him.. he is married

he doesn't want to hear from anyone.. we are led by the spirit. we need only to hear from the spirit.

the past is the past...
memory reminds us..
what is depositted is eternal. god has placed eternity in the hearts of men
hearts = DNA
he will never be satified unless he connects w/ something eternal
that is why some of these religions will never satify.. they are not eternal
christ is eternal

when you have an eternal thing inside of you it is the past/present/future all in one
there is an eternal thing that was in the past that no longer stays in the past
when abraham offered his son.. even though it was a memory and was over a day was before time began... in other words you are in time right now.. it became an eternal thing.  bc you did this thing abraham in that you didn't w/hold your son.  in multiplying .. i will multiply.   bc that will not stay in the past it will go from generation to generation to generation.  your past act became an eterna thing it is not something hidden in th epast, it is going to be in your children's children's children

the bad side
side cannot be an eternal ting
it is washed away by the blood

eternal things in the past, present, future
everything that is temporary must be buried and destroyed totally it must not have an effect on your present/future.. that is the problem. we remember our failures, it controls our present and future.  so what we do is take our failure, yesterday's attempt to do right, where they fell miserably to the ground, and we remember them and we forget about the eternal thing we did that still exists today that can drive you do something greater.

satan is crafty to try to get you to forget the good eternal tings, and get you to remembe the temporary

hezekiah, king .. isaih prophet told to go to the king and give him a word of the lord
it is a strange thing.. how the word of the lord can change
get your things in order for you will surely die.  he had a disease .  he left.   
it has to come to pass or he is a false propeht.  
hezekiah cries and weeps.. he reminded god of his eternal past.. don't forget the tnings i did.
he is not saying look how good i am now.  

eli the corrut priest and samuel lay in the tent.  god sent a prophet to eli and said i did choose you and your children to be a priest forever, but now i say to you that i cut you off
he loves to give man a chance to proove him right

there are two words here, recovery and healing
isaiah goes back... 3 days frm now go to the temple and you will be healed.
take a fig and make a mixture to apply to boil that was killing him
but hezekiah doubted he would make it 3 days.  so isaiah applied a natural thing to get his healing... that is the recovery period.
the mixture.. you may be in a recovery process to get your helaing in time and space
there is a certain moment for this to manifest.. in the mean time do right, eat right..
you are preserved until you are able to get to the temple

revelation 3:20
behold i stand at the door and knock
the door.. john on the isle of patmos, jesus speaking to him
it was applicable to john even though it applies to us
if anyone hears my voice... there is the key
there are many that look (observer) but do not see.. 
observation is self ish self centered obsession. i observed what i like.   you don't care what they look like, wearing, the color of skin
you are comprehending something much more than observation
jesus said the kingdom doesn't come by observation

to listen and to hear are two diff things
i am listening to you but are you hearing.
i can lisen and not hear, i can observer and not see

to see or not to see that is the question
if any one hears my voice.. and opens the door... i will come in 

Rev 4
this begins to happen w/ john

after these things i looked and behold a door standing open in heaven
(not rapture)
to each person...connect rev 3 and rev 4
if you hear my voice the door will be opened for you to go to a higher place to double your vision so you can see things that will take place after this.
he has to hear the voice so the door can be opened in the hevenlies to a higher place so you can see further

multiplied vision.. 
if you hear my voice.. gotta hear.  
after these things in 4:1 i looked and a door stood open in hearven
you open the door in the heavenlies to go higher when you hear his voice

the first voice... beyond this state of existance is our voices.. the voice of god.. in this glory we have god's voice coming to us various times.  now a door open, a higher set of existnace and the first voice i heard.. come up here and if you do.. i will show you things which much take place after this.

daniel, david.. they were not nourished by the spirot of culture or bbylong or whatere was around them.  but they were nourished by the spirit of destiny.  they struggled and battled because they knew the end.   when god reveals the event the course is easy.  it will dificult but its easy.  
i am going to show you your end.. you start with a perfect finish... 
imagine starting a race knowing you were going to win
as oposed to present power, act in reference to future.. like god does.  he ignores your stupidity
lets speak to the israel in jacob look beyond the deciver in jacob..

immediately i was in the spirit
its a whole new exciting world, dangerous.   radical.  

like joseph.. you gotta practice while you are in prison

hosea 12:10

the greatest challenge jesus had is that the disciples had ben with them so long and yet they still don't see (undrstand

horizontal sharing of vision.. fusion... god never gives you more than a word... not a sentence.. paragraph.. why
because he was a fusion with you.
i will lead you with my eye
my perception will lead you

god wants you to write the book with him.. he doesnt' want you to write it seeing all these bad things.
god already wrote chapter 5 but given you the honor to writ with him
he has word out weath for you bc he knows you want to do it for the kingdom.. not only for yourself..its okay to take something fo ryourself, but bc your heart is to do it for the kingdom... and extend it so people will hear
and young men will hear that god is able to raise them from the gutter and gutter mentality.

kim was reading his mail.. what he wrote.. what his spirit had written.  his soul and his mind might say negative stuff because that is what the enemy does.  but your spirit has the conclusion.  now he has a problem, he has a bunch of peole who are not going to see what god sees and he sees.  now we deal iwth the horizontal and it is a HORRORZONTAL.  we deal with someone else so we can multiply vision
it is god's vision that was given to mark that he could distribute.  there is a benefit to sharing vsion

he shared vision with jim roberts, pastor jimmy krumpton and mike hayes.  he was a servant to him.  shared his vision, rejoiced when he got his building.  today they have a building in hollywood.  

we are not just servants to others.. we are sharing the vision of god and making it a double and tripel until everyone has the same
there will be a day when you will need an investment and god willr emember the eternal things you did.. as a service... 

hosea 12:10
i have also spoken by the propehet and bc of that i have multiplied visions
it means i have given you multiplication of vision.. double vision, you can see further
your insight and foresight is going to extend further.. it comes into your now and you begin to act in reference to the future

david acted like a king while in a cave, he was acting in reference to his future
this is what god wants you to do

god said to the agnels shall we tell abraham what we are going t do.. meaning i am speaking to abraham not on his present faith but on his future/his destiny

they don't even have a son yet but god was speaking to him as a nation
but then abram acts and becomes a friend.  the ultimate thing with god was friendship.
in the beginning god created man to talk to bc god wanted to talk to himself in you

friends see the same things
jesus said no longer do i call you servant, i call you friend
filios.. filogos.. someone to talk to

the formula must be applied... could be medicine.. but could be many other things..
recovery period.  if you know what it is for you, you are on your way
pray in reference to the future donot cry to him with all my needs.. i remind him of what he said.
i remind him that this has to be taken care of because of that that i am reminding him of


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